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trump: cyrus, christian or con?

several years back evangelicals weren't comfortable at all saying trump was a christian. before and during trump's campaign conservative evangelicals were all over the map on where they stood concerning his faith:
in 2015 dobson said,'I am very wary of Donald Trump,” Dobson said in his email, citing Trump’s business in gambling. “I would never vote for a king pin within that enterprise. Trump’s tendency to shoot from the hip and attack those with whom he disagrees would be an embarrassment to the nation if he should become our Chief Executive. I don’t really believe Trump is a conservative. Finally, I would never under any circumstance vote for Hillary Clinton'. in 2016, and to this day, dobson says on his 'family institute' website, 'If anything, this man is a baby Christian who doesn’t have a clue about how believers think, talk and act.'
in 2011 franklin graham told christianity today: ' “No question, the guy’s got a lot of baggage. He owns casinos. He’s had multiple marriages. I did not endorse him.” when trump evangelical bouncer, robert jeffress, defended trump on fox news, regarding stormy daniels' announcement she had a sexual encounter with Trump and was paid to keep quiet before the election, Jeffress explained [to] Juan Williams that evangelicals 'knew they weren’t voting for an altar boy.' eric metaxas in responding to the hollywood access video of trump, [in] an email to 'RNS [... said he] rejected the characterization that he has strongly backed Trump, saying his support “has always been tepid and tremendously qualified." [...] in addition, 'James MacDonald, pastor of the Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel and a member of Trump’s evangelical advisory board, also withdrew his support after the video aired, calling the candidate “letcherous and worthless.' in 2016 mike huckabee tweeted: 'Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in the right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway'. the family research council president, tony perkins, put his support this way: 'You know what? Nations are built on calculated risk. Yeah. You could say we’re taking a calculated risk, but we’re at a point where we have to as a nation because what we have seen in the last seven and a half years has put the nation fiscally and culturally on the edge.'
of course, we can't forget jerry falwell's endorsement as early as january of 2016: [...] “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment,” he said. “He cannot be bought, he's not a puppet on a string like many other candidates ... who have wealthy donors as their puppet masters,” he said. “And that is a key reason why so many voters are attracted to him.” at this time there's no direct evidence, nor cohen's testimony that there was a quid pro quo for falwell's endorsement. the falwell's and trump's have been friends since 2012 when trump spoke at liberty univ. it was falwell's endorsement that opened up the evangelical base to trump and ultimately cut ted cruz out of the race. but it can't go without saying that knowing the past 4 or 5 years of both trump and the falwell's lives, the entanglement is very deep, as you will see.
so, given the lack of evangelical consensus, the lack of a solid biblical argument, and the life of trump, the location of where to put him, while retaining some evangelical dignity and avoiding hypocrisy, a charismatic evangelical named lance wallnau enters the story with his best selling book, 'God's Chaos Candidate' on oct of 2016, as well as his piece in 'charisma news', 'Why I Believe Trump Is the Prophesied President'. wallnau argued trump 'is a “modern-day Cyrus,” an ancient Persian king chosen by God to “navigate in chaos.' he even added a little numerology: trump's the 45th prez and cyrus is god's anointed in isaiah 45, so trump's anointed. makes sense right? anyway, aside from us living in a democracy, the idea grew, even to the point of netanyahu comparing him to cyrus. now many evangelicals are compare him to king cyrus.
two years have now passed and it was a month before the 2018 midterms and a movie came out called, 'the trump prophecy.' the film was a partnership between 'reelworksstudios' and (-wait for it-) liberty univ's arts program, where it attempted to make the comparison of cyrus and trump. popularity grew when fox news' jeanine pirro touted the film, along with many other radio and tv hosts . while the idea of the cyrus-trump connection is still being floated it doesn't make sense now. why? due to trump openly stating he's changed his faith. more specifically, when trump himself, a couple weeks ago became a non denominationalist, it closed the personal distance between him and jesus, it, theoretically, should bring him closer to jesus, which negated the cyrus typology, which gave him distance from jesus; that's the point of changing one's faith isn't it, to get closer to god. as that distance is now gone, as cyrus was a pagan, and trump is claiming he's a reflective christian -a genius-, having deepened his faith, how can he still be compared to a pagan king? -especially with being surrounded by evangelicals for 4 years.
over the past 40 years non denominationalists have grown over 400%, and a 1/3 of all evangelicals are nondens.. who are the nondens? they're basically the largest protestant denomination, and made up many southern baptists, with provisos.. it's unusual for a very stable genius billionaire, to self identify with nondens, but paula white has a 6,000 sq ft home, former trump faith advisor in the 1950s (check out 'the family' on netfix). so, perhaps trump is an eisenhower type, having changed his faith for political profit? if he did, one thing is certain; he can't use the cyrus connection any longer, for attempting to now makes him a public con.
trump has stated, 'i'm the chosen one.' he was joking, somewhat, but like so many of his supposed jokes, they usually appear two-sided; they're like a reverse irony found under a bulimic joke, like: “Suburban women, will you please like me? - Please. Please,” he said in PA last week. his other "jokes" we have to wait several hours or a day later to discover if it really was a joke: “When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases,” Trump said. “So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’. again, '"And then I see the disinfectant, that knocks it out in a minute.. and is there a way you can do something like, by injection, inside, or almost to clean... It sounds interesting to me.' and again, 'russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30k emails that are missing.'. these dormant jokes a day or so later are fairly common and have created lots of confusion. i bring this up 'cause trump uses religious language more than any other past presidents in a 100 years, more than twice as eisenhower, and figuring out what he's really saying regarding faith, in politics, isn't any better than his policy discussions, and some might say it's worse -- as he weaponizes/attacks it, too:
of course, trump's not the only person to weaponize god-talk. pastor paula white does it as well: christians will 'stand before god if they vote against trump'. of course, she's known as the most adamant evangelical that says trump is a christian. sadly, she's had her run-ins with heresy regarding the trinity, is a prosperity gospel preacher, gone off the rails publicly more than once, has been investigated by the senate, published a book in oct of 2019, that 'christiantiy today' called, disturbing, depressing, narcissistic, dishonest, materialistic, lacking self-awareness, shallow, and trumpesque. so, she's really something -- and of course she's probably trump's top spiritual adviser that works in the white house. the same failure of christian virtues can be said of jerry falwell jr, the president of one of the nation's largest christian colleges, but truly, his narrative doesn't need repeating, except the new sage of he and his wife's game of 'would you rather'.. the same also goes for pastor franklin graham, who is a xenophobe and weaponized 'opposition to President Donald Trump to “almost a demonic power”, metaxis agreed, although he didn't like the 'almost'. finally, to end our sampling, there's pastor robert jeffress statements that anti-trump 'evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons, and they cannot admit that they were wrong.' [...] “We cannot afford to be like German Christians who, in the rise of the evil reign of Adolf Hitler, just remained neutered. They remained silent. And you saw what happened there,” Jeffress said. “I think there’s a similar wave of godlessness that is rising in our country right now, and we must push back against that tide.'
this is not an argument of guilt by association, these individuals have shown evidence of a failure to abide with the teachings of jesus and the church. their miscarriage is aligned with trump's, and perhaps more so, as they for decades have studied christianity. yet, they aren't running the country and lying daily about the covid virus as thousands die weekly; they aren't constantly attacking and damaging the usps,, mail in ballots,, the press, race, climate science, fauci, the fbi, even saying doctors are profiting off of covid deaths and inflating the dead numbers, attacking impeachment accusers, his sexual misconduct accusers, gold star families ...the list of trump attacks are almost found everywhere and everyday now.
therefore, if he's not cyrus, not a christian, is he a con? i think the evidence is abundantly clear. for much of the attacks and weaponizing of people, institutions, and things, the gop has also been silent. they are silent on race, the media, even their own institutions. i'd be something if they came out and supported him in numbers, but they don't. paul states in 1 cor: 11: Do as I do, for I am doing as Christ did. i don't see that happening much in the gop or trump's staff or trump himself, given he's the most religiously rhetorical president in over a 100 years, and that the nondens are the true believers; in fact, the evidence appears to indicate the opposite conclusion. donald trump is a con of the highest order, a chronic liar, a cheat, and devious. therefore, evangelicals should ask themselves ‘what would jesus do about this?' the answer would be, 'don't vote for trump.’
submitted by wonderingsocrates to Christianity [link] [comments]

For Two Years a Former University Student Has Set-Up Unusual Protest Demonstrations in Buffalo, New York - No One Is Still Quite Sure What He’s Protesting

Myra Kindle is an independent investigative reporter.
Her other reports:

Ström in a Storm

When Simon Ström locked himself out of his dormitory at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo in 2016, he thought it a minor inconvenience.
It didn’t dawn on him that with nearly the entire campus away for Thanksgiving break and a fast approaching storm incoming, in the next six hours he would freeze, his heart would stop, and he would be considered dead by the EMTs that found him.
There’s a remarkable story in Buffalo, New York about Simon Ström and his unlikely recovery from that event. It’s a story of the remote chances of success doctors faced when they wrapped Simon’s body in heating pads, slowly raising his core temperature from 64 to 98 degrees. It would detail the doctor’s astonishment when Simon recovered, and their amazement when he suffered no brain damage. It would cheer at the miracle that Simon was released from Mercy Hospital only two days after EMTs thought he had died, and it would reflect on the new university rules put in place to avoid such an accident from happening again.
That story, while incredible, is not entirely unique, and it is not this story.
This is the story of how a former SUNY Buffalo student has startled administrators and disturbed students with his unusual, unique, and often horrifying one-man campus protests.
Based on interviews with Mr. Ström, students, teachers, and officials at SUNY Buffalo, and supported with documentation and email correspondence, independent investigative reporter Myra Kindle, for the first time, tells the tale of how an unassuming student nearly brought Buffalo administrators to their knees, and how he has alarmed hundreds of students in the process.

Fed Up

Once known for his near-death frozen experience, Simon Ström is now known around campus for his disturbed antics. Students have adapted in their own way, ignoring him, avoiding him -- some even say they spend less time on campus because of him. With such a disturbance, the university decided they needed to step in.
This past January, Buffalo took the drastic step of expelling Simon from school. The SUNY Buffalo administration says that this action was not taken to deter Simon from protesting on campus, with one official saying, “The school can’t stop Mr. Ström from protesting in public space. However now that he is no longer a student, he will not be allowed entry into most buildings. He was expelled because of misusing the university facilities -- this is an appropriate response.”
Simon understands the university’s position. He even understand the idea that Buffalo wants to expel him for what he’s done. His issue, he says, is the university had another reason to expel him -- to leverage Simon’s immigration status against him.
The university adamantly denies this, and also believes the extent to which Mr. Ström’s demonstrations are bothersome to campus has been overblown.
“SUNY Buffalo did not take the choice to expel Mr. Ström lightly,” says Debra Wheeler, a State University of New York spokeswoman. “We understand how students visas work -- we know how serious an issue it is to be expelled and what that does to someone’s immigration status. In Mr. Ström’s case, it was the only solution to a very serious behavioral issue that just couldn’t be handled appropriately by law enforcement. Considering his behavior, I would’ve recommended this action in 2018 or earlier. In regards to student reaction, we’re glad that students at Buffalo have taken the demonstrations in stride. I know of no incidence of a student refusing to come to school simply because of Mr. Ström’s protests.”
The administration says they are not trying to use Mr. Ström’s immigration status against him, and that student life has been largely unaffected by Simon’s protests. On both points, there is notable evidence to the contrary.
Records show that, while the university may have expelled Simon for behavioral reasons, calls made to police about his continued protests regularly ask officers to check his immigration status -- something only the university could know about, claims Mr. Ström.
In addition, on the record interviews demonstrate that dozens of students, if not more, have been bothered or troubled by Mr. Ström’s behavior.
One student, commenting anonymously, said: “When he was regularly going to campus, I tried not to study at the library. I was too afraid I would run into one of his art exhibits, or worse, actually see him when he was doing one of his protests.”
In many accounts of Simon’s behavior on campus, students describe living-art performances that include elements of disgust or danger. In regards to his exhibits, students say many were murals dedicated to torture.
Alex Turner, a junior, said of Simon’s exhibits: “They were really messed up. They weren’t like album covers -- they were like legit detailed depictions of suffering. There was one time he dropped a twelve foot skinny poster from the second floor library-window. It was a picture of a woman burning at the stake, but super detailed and showed her body already mostly burnt, the flesh falling off. It was really not cool.”
Consistent in the opinions of students who have witnessed Mr. Ström’s demonstrations or seen his exhibits, is the notion that no one is quite sure what he’s demonstrating against, for, or trying to raise awareness around.
Commenting on the issue, Alex Turner echoes a common sentiment: “I really don’t understand what he was doing with the exhibits and the protests. Everything dealt with torture and depictions of hell, and he mentions the Davis building sometimes in person. It’s a shame --I heard Simon used to be this really smart kid, like a genius, but whatever he’s doing now -- he’s totally lost it because it makes no sense.”

School Strategy

Simon Ström is 22. He wears an old “Coachella” t-shirt from high school, has medium size gauges in his ears, and ‘vapes’, incessantly.
Simon is also an undocumented immigrant. Originally from Sweden, until this past January he held an F1 student visa provided to him by SUNY Buffalo. Now that he has been expelled, he needs to return home or faces possible arrest or deportation.
Simon has complicated feelings on the issue. He believes that the administration may have been right to expel him -- he admits his behavior is bothersome -- but he says that now that he is an undocumented immigrant, university officials have been using that as a tactic to stop him from protesting.
“They always called the cops on me,” says Simon. “But now when the cops come, they sometimes ask about my citizenship. That never used to happen before, and no one knows I’m not a US citizen other than the school.”
In response to Mr. Ström’s claim, university president Satish K. Tripathi provided the following statement: “The State University of New York at Buffalo would never inform local police departments about the immigration status of one of our students. We believe that mixing legal status issues with other disturbances or minor crimes would be an abuse of power.”
While the school is adamant officials would never use Simon’s legal status against him, interviews and records show that Simon’s immigration status is regularly mentioned in police reports and emergency service transcripts identifying complaints about Simon.
In one transcript, a 911 caller repeatedly mentions that officers should look at Simon's immigration status when they arrive on the scene:
Operator: And what is he doing?
Caller: He lit [inaudible] on fire. Shouldn't [inaudible] …check his passport.
Operator: What was that, ‘mam?’
Caller: I think he’s here illegally. Check his [inaudible] visa.
Simon asserts that phone calls like this are being made by the administration, and that regardless of their reason for expelling him in the first place, using his immigration status as leverage to stop him from coming to campus is wholly inappropriate.
“I’m a tall, red-haired, white guy,” says Simon. “I went to high school in the United States. I speak perfect english, have an American accent -- the only reason you’d suspect I’m here illegally was if you already knew, and only the school knows.”
This is confirmed by several current and former friends of Simon who spoke to me for this story.
“I just assumed he was from Upstate New York,” said one, who agreed to comment anonymously. “Like when he told us his parents lived in Sweden? We got a big kick out of that. We had no idea he wasn’t from the US. Not to sound weird, but he just looks and sounds like everybody else.”
Asserting that a public university is attempting to deport him because of behavior originating in free speech protest is a serious accusation, but Simon stands by his position that it’s the school who is making the phone calls.
Of course, far more than just the administration is upset with Simon, and he himself admits this. When asked if, irrespective of knowledge of his legal status, anyone would possibly want to get him in trouble, Simon responds: “Yes, definitely. I’ve done a lot of things to get attention on campus, and a lot of it really disturbs people.”
Regardless of his legal status, Simon says that for now, he is determined to stay.
When pressed on why, he responds, “I know my demonstrations and exhibits are weird. I know the students and most of the school don’t understand what I’m doing. I understand all that -- but for now, I want to stay, at least until I can get more updates on what’s going on in the Davis building.”

Disturbing Behavior

For two years Simon Ström has conducted demonstrations and built exhibits on Buffalo’s north campus, and for two years students have noticed.
From the dozens of students I’ve interviewed about various incidences and scenes, I find that many are perturbed or frightened by Mr. Ström, and that nearly every student has their own horrifying or troubling demonstration that they were most bothered by.
“I hated the glass suit the most,” says Sarah Hickenlooper, a sophomore. “The guy [Simon] came to campus with shards of a mirror just taped to his body -- like sharp fucking pieces of glass all over. He looked weird, creepy, but I was also just worried him or someone else would get cut. Really, if you approached him in this suit or rubbed your elbow across him, you would come out bleeding. Now imagine, he’s walking down crowded hallways like that -- what are you supposed to do?”
“I still can’t get out of my head the chicken thing,” says Sarah Banks, also a sophomore. “Simon was walking around the south tunnel, and he had a live chicken with him, right? And then you could see he’s feeding the chicken something, and you’re like, ‘ok, weird, but maybe cute.’ But then you get closer and you realize he’s feeding the chicken, chicken-nuggets from McDonalds. The idea an animal would eat itself is super fucked up, but then the chickens just wouldn’t stop eating -- they just kept going and going.”
“How are people not talking about when he lit himself on fire?” says Daryl Jackson, a senior. “He literally lit himself on fire in front of the whole campus right after midterms ended last year. My girlfriend was in hysterics when he did it -- he was only on fire for a few seconds, but it came out of nowhere and obviously really fucked everybody up. I thought it was a terrorist attack or something.”
In terms of causing a disturbance, the incidences are damning, but Simon looks at it another way.
“The glass -- that was a reflection of who we are. The chicken… that was about how accepting we can be of horrible truths if they taste good. The fire -- that was what we’re doing to ourselves,” says Simon.
Elaborating on the fire, he adds, “That was a complicated one. I wore a fireproof suit under my normal clothes, covered myself in gasoline, and then lit myself on fire. I didn't have the mask on so I took a dive in a snow after a few seconds, but there was a good fire on me before I did.
While his protests might seem both extreme and somewhat aimless (at least from the view that you want someone to understand your message), Simon actually presents a much more cognizant case for his actions when you ask:
“Look, I understand someone isn’t going to see my protests and internalize the message behind them -- I get that’s not going to happen. What I’m hoping for is just that maybe someone wants to talk to me afterword, you know? Maybe they ask me what I was protesting about and what it means, and then maybe that starts a conversation.”
When asked if the methods of his protests are possibly disturbing to other students, Mr. Ström says, “Of course it’s disturbing to other students. Of course. But what I have to tell them is fundamentally disturbing -- maybe less so if you’re religious, but if you're an atheist, it’s a big deal. My protest methods only show the seriousness of the issue -- that’s it.”

The Issue

It’s understandable that Simon Ström is something of a social outcast on campus nowadays. He’s no longer a student, but Simon attended SUNY Buffalo for three and a half years. In that time he met people, friends, teachers, and now they want nothing to do with him.
It’s that loss of connection to a school that he nearly graduated from, and the risk he now faces of being arrested or deported, that I think it’s important to preface Mr. Ström’s message with this -- he’s lost his friends, his education, and risked his future, all in advocacy of an idea.
I preface what he says so strongly to emphasize what he’s lost over it, but also for another reason -- I don’t quite understand it.
“My reasons for this doing this are complicated,” he says. “I’m an atheist. I have been an atheist since probably before I was 12. I think a lot of people find atheism young nowadays. I think it’s the internet -- It’s hard to believe in something so dated like religion when the internet just tears that stuff apart for a lot of kids.”
“But then,” he continues, “growing up, I started to have a different take on atheism. Sometimes I’d almost be jealous of my religious friends cause I would think their beliefs gave them a sort of afterlife security that I lacked. Like, be jealous that a friend could go to heaven, or think he was. Meanwhile I’d think, ‘What am I looking forward to... some void?’”
“Even as a kid, I believed so strongly there was no god, that I thought, well, what I am looking forward to when I die then? But as got older, I started not to see it that way. I started to think about a void or nothingness in death as better than being judged by some god I didn’t understand. Maybe other atheists go through that same sort of transition from atheism, to jealousy of religious conviction, and then a rejoice in their atheism. At least, I mean I think atheists must feel the way I did.”
“Well,” Simon continues, “I guess I have good news and bad news about that for atheists. We’re right there’s no god, I mean there’s no dispute after what I saw. But that other part, about how there’s no afterlife? Yea, that’s wrong. There’s someone judging you. There’s going to be someone who is going to determine if you go into eternal bliss or eternal torment -- that’ll happen, atheist or not, god or no god. What's worse? We have no idea of what we're being judged on.”
As I look for an explanation from Mr. Ström, he goes on to tell me his belief is rooted in his experience in 2016 when he nearly died.
“When I took a taxi back to the dorm from the city,” he starts, “that was when I learned about this. I was standing outside the dormitory, trying to get in, realizing I didn’t have my card key with me. I pulled out my phone and it was dead. I was thinking maybe I should start trying to walk somewhere, maybe to a guard station or to the closest gas station, but I see this storm coming, so I stay put. Soon, and I mean like in a few hours, things start to get pretty scary.”
“After a while, I’m standing outside the dorm and I’m thinking, ‘Fuck, if I don't’ see an RA soon, it’s dark, I can't start walking now,’ and I realized I kind of had to stay where I was. So I stay put, waiting to see someone, but no one comes. When it starts to happen, it happens fast. I start to feel a little woozy, not long after, I pass out. Then, something weird happened. I saw something I wasn't supposed to see, and I saw it because I was between life and death."
Mr. Ström describes the space between life and death as a ‘bug’. One that, "gave me a doorway to a truth that religion tries their best to tell, but fails miserably to do so.”
“When I died, when my brain activity was so insignificant that I couldn't be thought of as alive. When you couldn’t feel my pulse and I was cold to the touch, I saw it.” Simon says. “I saw the fabric. I saw the system of it at work. I may not have recognized if it hadn’t been for the research at the Davis building, but I’m telling you, I know what it is, and I saw it."
‘It’, as Mr. Ström describes, is an elaborate sorting system. In fits and starts he can mutter what is said to be a black space, devoid of everything, light, feeling, and meaning. He says in his near death experience he could see the Earth below this void, and from it he saw bodies, countless thousands of bodies. As they rose from the Earth and to the void he was motionless. He could see the people being put into boxes, three of a kind.
In one, Mr. Ström describes children falling into a box. He can’t make out the ages but he describes them as toddlers. The shape of the box, he says, “indescribable in size and distorted in perception.” In the two other boxes he sees men and women of all types falling into one box or the other. “In one, they fall into a scream. In the other, they fall into laughter,” he says.
“There is heaven and there is a hell. There is even an undecided space for children," says Simon. "These places exist but god didn't make them. I saw it because I was between life and death, and I understood them because of my own work."
In reply to how he knows what the boxes are for, 'heaven' and 'hell' as he describes, he says: “Back when I was someone, when I was respected at this school, I designed something just like it. It’s why I've stayed in Buffalo so long -- I hope they know what they’re doing.”

Expert Opinion

It’s clear that to understand Simon Ström and his nearly indecipherable message -- one that, as he says, is of extra importance to atheist’s like him -- I must first learn what he was working on in the Davis building.
There, at the Davis Engineering and Applied Sciences building, in the large well funded state research lab, I’m surprised. When I ask about Simon Ström, I don't hear horror stories about broken glass or feeding a chicken -- I hear legitimate praise and a deep sadness for a respected researcher now gone.
Dr. Alice Han, the lead working on a project Simon contributed to his freshman year, said: “He is deeply missed by everyone. I have very few undergrads working on my team -- it’s one of our most complicated projects. He was a really great help -- a legitimate genius at his age. It’s a shame he could only work with me those first few months of the Fall of 2016. Even in that short time, he built so many fundamental systems necessary to our project. I really don’t think we could’ve even imagined their implementation without him."
In response to if she had heard about Mr. Ström’s unusual protests on campus, Dr. Han says, “Yes, I know. It’s a terrible thing. He’s clearly going through something. I don’t know for sure, and maybe I shouldn’t be saying this because he was once a student -- but around his near death experience, he just couldn’t do the work anymore.”
Dr. Han says the project that Simon and herself were working on is currently ongoing, and that it is one of the most prestigious and well funded at the 30,000 student university.
In response to what the project is, Dr. Han describes it as: “Do you remember that movie, I guess it’s old now, the Matrix? We’re building a simulated world, sort of like that. It’s really cool research, bleeding edge.”
I’m curious and ask Alice what the purpose of making such a city is.
She responds, “Oh, well so many! If we could make the people in the simulation real enough, as in indistinguishable from human and not unknowing they’re in a simulation, we could run all types of experiments that would be impossible to conduct in the real world.”
In one example, she says, “Suppose you want to know what would happen to humans if Earth’s gravity was different. Here, on Earth, we can’t test that. But in a digital world, you could. We could change gravity in our simulated world and see what happens over generations to our digital citizens. We can see if they’d get taller, shorter, or how their bone density is affected.”
Dr. Han proceeds to tell me several additional examples of experiments you could run with a digital world, but I stop her when one example sticks out.
“One idea,” she starts, “and this is one Simon actually helped work on -- to create an afterlife in a simulated world, and then test if the digital people in that world have religions that mimic the afterlife we create."
I inquire further and ask how Simon contributed to the project.
“The experiment on religion wouldn't be possible without Simon’s contributions, actually. He developed the complicated process that moves the conscious minds of these digital people when they die to a digital heaven, hell, or purgatory that we made. Simon figured out a tunneling system -- essentially it lets you move them from the ‘alive’ space to the ‘dead’ space without the digital people ever knowing. Even if they have great scientific discoveries in their digital world, as long as dead is dead and alive is alive, they’ll never become aware of the digital afterlife we made. This is fundamental to test if there's any other way that information can permeate between the afterlife and the living in the digital world.”
A final question for Dr. Han; I briefly describe the three boxes that Simon described people falling into -- I ask her if there's an explanation for where Simon could have come up with his experience.
She says, “Simon actually made a system just like that. He created the three dividing spaces of heaven, hell, and no judgment -- a nicer version of purgatory. Originally it was just going to be a good afterlife and a bad afterlife in our design, but he didn’t feel comfortable having our ‘god algorithm’ making good/bad determinations on children the same way it does on adults. I told him they’re just fake people in a fake world, but he was adamant we build a third space where children wouldn't be judged.”
I inform Dr. Han of what Simon has said to me in interviews about his near death experience. I show her the transcript, and I relay this message because I think I see a connection between what Simon was working on and his near death experience. Dr. Han sees it too.
“Oh my god,” she says. “I never realized how he combined our legitimate research with his near death experience. He must've have dreamed up the whole thing when he was freezing to death, confusing it with what we’ve worked on in the lab.”
I tell her it’s an explanation that is certainly more plausible than Simon’s story.


After speaking to Dr. Han, I sought another interview with Simon Ström.
I believed that, if I could speak with him again and force him to look at the similarities between the vision he saw in his near death experience and the research he was working on at the time, that he would come to the reasonable conclusion that he imagined his experience.
Unfortunately, I could not have that conversion. Simon Ström has already departed Buffalo for his home in Jakobsberg, Sweden.
He does not agree to a phone interview, and instead emails that since he has returned home, he does not want to test his parents by continuing to speak with me for this story.
“They’re already furious,” he writes. “People here learned about the protests I was staging and it’s been a huge embarrassment for me and my family. For right now, I just want to move on.”
When asked why he returned to Sweden, Mr. Ström writes, "It was my decision, my parents encouraged it, but I decided I needed to go back. I finally was able to discover what’s going on in the Davis lab. In short, it doesn't look like they’re going to stop doing what they’re doing, so I have no reason to stay in the States.”
Through email we continue to converse enough that I am able to point out that Dr. Alice Han and him were working on a project with striking similarities to his vision. Bluntly, I tell him I believe he did not witness a godless sorting system of humans in the void he describes, but rather that he was mixing in details from the project that he was working on at the time.
Through email, he responds: “I know that possibility Myra. I’ve definitely considered that my subconscious slipped in details of the project I was working on with Dr. Han. I thought long and hard that maybe what I saw was just my imagination. I know the details are similar in terms of the three boxes. I also pondered that maybe the bodies I saw floating to the sky was what my mind imagined the transition program looked like -- the one I built to move digital bodies from life to death in Han's simulated world.”
“But I reject all that,” he continues. “I believe my vision is real, even if that means I'm saying we live in a simulated world. I know that that's crazy. I know that's unlikely, but I believe it.”
In our last email correspondence, I ask Mr. Ström to confirm that he believes the vision he saw means we, now, live in a digital world. I also ask if he has proof beyond the account of his vision when he nearly froze.
He writes back, “It's a simulation. I don’t have proof exactly, but I have an argument. For all the men and women that have ever lived on Earth -- that might just be around 100 billion. The simulated worlds Dr. Han and I are working on, each one might hold 10 billion people, and we’ll run that experiment tens of thousands of times. Over time, more conscious human beings will eventually live through a simulated world than will ever have lived in a physical one. Well if I'm just another conscious mind, one of many that have lived and died, by all odds, I’m in a simulation. And as an atheist, that scares me. There might not be a god, but if this world is simulated, who knows what programmers have cooked up for after we die? Who knows by what parameters of good or bad or some other experiment we'll be judged?”
Still in Buffalo, I head back to the Davis building one more time to see Dr. Han. What Simon wrote to me has struck something of a chord. I know we’re not in a simulation built by him and Dr. Han, but the idea that one day humans will wake up in those boxes is frightening.
At Davis engineering, I ask Dr. Han about what Simon wrote about, and asked what she’s working on.
She’s silent after I relay Simon’s fear about the probabilistic odds that he is a conscious mind living in a machine.
“It’s a bit silly, but I suppose it’s true,” she says. “First though, to assume there is any chance we’re in a simulated world, you have to know that one could actually be built. But yes, after you know it's possible to build one, it makes sense that over time more and more people would live through a digital existence than a real one. Simply put, more people will eventually have lived in one of these boxes than will have ever lived on Earth."
She continues, “But these emails… they also confirms something else. His demonstrations and exhibits are definitely a poor attempt at a visceral demonstration against what we’re researching.”
She’s standing next to a centerpiece of the research lab, a prototype of their first digital city.
“Simon is worried we’ll be cruel to the people in this world,” she says, staring at the prototype. “I think he’s worried we’ll put them some in a real hell when they die in their digital world.”
I inquire on whether the prototype works.
She says, “Yes, it works. Right now there are 8 billion people living in this box, simulated minds going about their daily lives.”
I ask what the experiment is and if the prototype world does indeed have a heaven and hell.
Dr. Han responds, “Yes, actually. This one is running the experiment that Simon helped work on. Funny, I’m an atheist myself, but in this little box, I guess they really do have to worry about a god to judge them.”
Driving back from Buffalo, a thought runs through my mind. I know that we do not live in the box in Dr. Han's lab, but I wonder, is it possible we could be living in one like it?
If it's the case that by poor probability you are a conscious mind in a simulation, an afterlife wouldn't be made by an all knowing god to punish or reward. It would be made by programmers and designers with intentions unknown, and I think, perhaps the whims of a programmer is scarier than any religion I know.
Myra Kindle is an independent investigative reporter. She covers tech, law, politics, and other stories that would be impossible to write about in more traditional outlets.
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Thoughts, Quotes, Randoms and Summaries of Movies

The Prestige:
The prestige is about two stage magicians and their journey from partners to rivals. In this Christopher Nolan masterpiece these two men find themselves at odds following a catalytic tragedy. A usual stage trick of theirs involved Julia, Robert Angier’s (played by Hugh Jackman) wife, being tied and locked up then lowered into a locked glass cage filled with water, which she then would escape from. Starting off all as friends, things were going peachily until Alfred Borden (played by Christian Bale) decided to change up the act and use a different and more difficult knot for the trick. This was against the wishes of Angier but Borden still wanted to go through with it. That night on the stage Julia wasn’t able to get out. In one of the most frustrating scenes I can think of in cinematic history, Borden and Angier (Batman and Wolverine) watch idly by in horror as Cutter (played by Michael Caine, or more famously known as Alfred) is trying to break the glass detaining Julia. Because Borden made the change without Angier knowing beforehand this caused a rivalry that continued to spiral end escalate throughout the years. As competing magicians they continually and tirelessly worked to disclose each other’s new tricks and sabotage their acts. The actions of sabotage eventually lead them to extremes which result in tragic consequences. It starts with tricks such as catching a bullet. Once Angier discovers the trick he sabotages Borden, ultimately leading to Borden losing a finger. The final magic tricks from each involves cloning, prison, and murder? A star studded cast of Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson and many more, this is one movie that deserves to be watched by all.
Thor Ragnarok:
Thor Ragnarok in my opinion is the greatest of all 23 currently released marvel movies. Taika Waititi is a creative genius and was allowed to use those skills in his adaptation for this movie. The aesthetic makeup of this movie is bold, vibrant and quite simply childish, exactly something you would anticipate the inner workings of Taika’s mind to be like. What makes this film different from all the rest is the lightheartedness and quality humor that percolates throughout the entirety of this theatric masterpiece. Snide humor such as Thor and Hulk’s reunion in the arena of Sakar when Thor says “we’re friends from work” to the spectators. This line was a from a Make-A-Wish child who suggested it for the scene when he visited the set. Nearly every scene with Korg is an instant favorite, filled with one-liners made even better by the New Zealand accent. To top Korg off he is played by none other than director Taika Waititi. One thing that I did find irksome however was highlighted when watching “how it should have ended”. In the film Thor is easily incapacitated by a shocking device that is planted on him by Valkyrie. It makes you question how, if the device works so effectively on Thor then why wouldn’t they use it on Hela? The biggest change in this movie from the others, for Thor’s character perspective at least (pre endgame), was when Stan Lee hacked off his luscious locks. It seemed to completely change my image of the character but for the better. Originally, I hated that they would do such a thing. However, I like the new look and once he went back to long hair I found myself almost longing for the short haired version. When people who are against Marvel/ Superhero movies for some reason this is the film to suggest. It isn’t like all the others which cause you to feel almost comatose because the atmosphere, storyline, or whatever is not the same. Instead of responding to the question of “how was the movie” with “it was a typical superhero flick” Thor Ragnarok warrants a better response, a positive response, one that doesn’t group it with all the other superhero movies.
The Patriot:
Mel Freaking Gibson. This film is a journey and a half of the American Revolutionary war. Here’s the storyline given on IMDB
“It is 1776 in colonial South Carolina. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." When South Carolina decides to join the rebellion against England, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But when Colonel William Tavington, British dragoon, infamous for his brutal tactics, comes and burns the Martin Plantation to the ground, tragedy strikes. Benjamin quickly finds himself torn between protecting his family and seeking revenge along with being a part of the birth of a new, young, and ambitious nation.”
One of the greatest cinematic antagonists Col. William Tavington is the catalyzing factor for all sorts of emotional highs. Being the cause for the deaths of Benjamin Martin’s children at the onset of the movie, you find yourself cringing each time he makes an appearance. If you’re familiar with the Game of Thrones T.V. series then you will understand well when I say he gives the same emotional trauma as King Joffrey did. It’s not only because he killed Eddard Stark but the way he did it that caused you to despise him, among other things, that draws remarkable contrast to the emotional “attachment” you feel towards Colonel Tavington. It doesn’t help that one of the son’s he kills is portrayed by the late Heath Ledger. Two fun facts about Heath Ledger in relation to this film are such:
· “He didn’t work for a year because he only got offers for teen heartthrob roles. He was about to quit acting, and return to Australia, when he was cast in the film.” (And thank goodness because he is an incredible actor and we would have missed out on the greatest villain portrayal of all time in the Joker had he not remained in the acting world)
· “Heath Ledger said researching the American Revolutionary War for the film answered his question of why Americans “wave their flag so high.” “It’s because they went to hell and back to build their country.”
Being an American this film promotes ample feelings of patriotism and pride. Despite the fictional aspects it is always a great addition to any movie when applicable. Something about being reminded that the United States of America is the greatest and most skilled, powerful and dangerous militaristic forces can’t be undersold (some other great movie examples are Lone Survivor, 13 Hours and American Sniper)
Crying can be defined as: “to utter inarticulate sounds, especially of lamentation, grief, or suffering, usually with tears.” This emotion is not an unusual one to experience when watching your typical rom-com or drama, even a pixar or dreamworks animation can cause the waterworks to start flowing. Maybe there is something wrong with me but I have never been brought to the point of tears while watching a movie. Not when they put down Marley in Marley and Me, nor when Iron Man died at the end of Endgame, not even when Mufasa was killed by Scar in the Lion King (and we all know that that is at least in the top 3 of the saddest cinematic scenes of all time). So, how is it that the closest I got to crying was in a movie whose storyline is:
“Two brothers face the fight of a lifetime - and the wreckage of their broken family - within the brutal, high-stakes world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting in Lionsgate's action/drama, WARRIOR. A former Marine, haunted by a tragic past, Tommy Riordan returns to his hometown of Pittsburgh and enlists his father, a recovered alcoholic and his former coach, to train him for an MMA tournament awarding the biggest purse in the history of the sport. As Tommy blazes a violent path towards the title prize, his brother, Brendan, a former MMA fighter unable to make ends meet as a public school teacher, returns to the amateur ring to provide for his family. Even though years have passed, recriminations and past betrayals keep Brendan bitterly estranged from both Tommy and his father. But when Brendan's unlikely rise as an underdog sets him on a collision course with Tommy, the two brothers must finally confront the forces that tore them apart, all the while waging the most intense, winner-takes-all battle of their lives.“
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is not the most emotionally stimulating category but yet this movie was able to bring me nigh unto tears, twice. The first was a scene involving Tommy Conlon (portrayed by the talented Tom Hardy) and his father Paddy Conlon (played by Nick Nolte). Throughout the film you feel bad for Paddy as he is just trying to make amends for the terrible father figure he was, on his journey to find his way back into either of his sons polar opposite lives. It climaxes for him when he is at the casino and is emotionally destroyed by his son. You next see him in his hotel suite listening to a tape recorder and drunk (which destroyed his sobriety that he had been working so hard on so he could be allowed back into Brendan Conlon’s life). Tommy takes over and helps his father get into bed then comforts him as he sobs himself to sleep in his son’s arms. The second scene is the finale. Brothers Tommy and Brendan fight their way through a major tournament to ultimately meet each other in the championship. Here’s the script of the final scene:
“Brendan climbs into the cage as the house LIGHTS DIM. The
crowd is going bonkers. And they EXPLODE when Tommy appears
at the end of the tunnel with his hoodie up and begins his
march toward the cage.
The Marines shower him with cheers and "Hoo-ahs." The girls
scream. The rest of the audience stamps their feet and chants
his name. But he acknowledges no one, and the hard look on
his face never wavers.
Fenroy and the crew on the edge of their seats, all staring
at the big screen.
A nervous Paddy sits in the back of the cab as the DRIVER
navigates through holiday traffic.
And here it is. The two brothers face to face in the middle
of the ring, staring each other down. Tommy with his usual
controlled fire, Brendan intense, searching his brother's
eyes for some flicker of recognition.
Gentlemen, this is the final. Five
rounds. I expect a clean fight.
Obey my commands at all times.
Defend yourselves at all times.
Touch gloves, go back, let's do
As Rosenthal finishes his instructions, Brendan peers into
Tommy's empty corner.
Where's Pop?
Tommy turns without answering. All business. Brendan returns
to his corner. Looks at Tess. So much emotion on her face.
Gentlemen, are you ready? Are you
ready? Let's go to war!
Tommy comes right after his brother. Just like with his
previous three opponents. A natural wrecking machine. Frank
screams at Brendan to stay calm, but Tommy is all over him,
POUNDING on him with savage intensity. As bad as the other
fights were for Brendan, this one is worse.
The crowd is tense and subdued. It's not going well.
Fenroy and company thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Tommy continues to batter Brendan, then he swoops in, picks
him up, and SLAMS his big brother into the ground. Then he
does it again. And again. And again.
Brendan, the wind knocked out of him, is on his back, trying
to protect himself from Tommy, who mounts him and starts
blasting away with a BLUR of lefts and rights. The only thing
that saves Brendan is the HORN. Which Tommy ignores, blasting
his brother with a brutal CHEAP SHOT to the jaw well after
the round had ended.
What was that!
C'mon, Josh!
Brendan lays on the ground as Josh Rosenthal pulls Tommy off
him and admonishes him for the cheap shot. Tommy stares at
Brendan. You want more?
Frank runs into the cage with the stool and Brendan limps
over to him and sits down. Brendan stares at Tommy, who paces
in his corner like a caged animal.
Sit down. Look at me. Look at me,
Brendan! Let it go! Breathe.
Beethoven. He's coming hard, just
like we planned. I want you to
angle out, hit, and move.
Angle out, hit, and move.
Good. Breathe. Relax. He's not your
brother, right? He's just a guy
who's in the way.
Josh Rosenthal claps his hands. It's time. Frank glares at
him as he picks up the stool.
I'm taking a little more time for
the cheap shot! Do your job, Josh!
Tess sits uncomfortably in her chair. Her husband's face is a
mess. In front of her, Callen and Sheridan commiserate. J.J.,
the TapouT crew, and Colt Boyd look on. The electricity in
the crowd is greater than ever. They want a champion.
Very quiet at the Drive-In. It's tough for everyone to watch
what's happening to Brendan.
The Marines in the crowd are all on their feet, screaming for
Tommy to end it. The chant starts up again. 15,000 strong.
"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" Frank tries to instruct Brendan, but
he can't hear him, and he's too overwhelmed.
Tommy presses Brendan against the cage and does the same
thing Koba did. He lifts him off the ground, carries him on a
dead run, and body SLAMS him so hard the cage shakes. Then
Tommy mounts him and starts pounding away again.
The HORN sounds ending the round, but this time it's Brendan
who pops up and pushes Tommy. Tommy shoves him back.
Rosenthal has to separate them as the crowd roars its
Here we go, Mom! Time to lock up
your china, the boys are at it
Fenroy and company watching the big screen.
Again, Tommy is on top of Brendan, trying to ground and pound
him into submission. Frank, leaning on the apron nearby,
screams at Brendan.
Switch! Switch!
Tommy tries to pound Brendan out, but Brendan latches on to
Tommy's arm, wraps his legs around him, and REVERSES
position, just as he did with Midnight, the Dane, and Koba.
Tommy is in deep trouble. Brendan pushes him face down on the
canvas and cranks his shoulder. There's no escape.
Oh my God, that's a deep omoplata!
He's doing it again! Conlon's doing
it again! This is going to be over!
Brendan applies intense pressure. Tommy's shoulder is
contorted, WRENCHED backwards, and his face is a mask of
pain. Tommy's in agony, but he won't give in.
Tap, Tommy!
Tommy SHRIEKS like an animal, but still won't quit. In fact,
he elbows Brendan in the face in defiance. Brendan in turn
cranks the shoulder even more. It's at the breaking point.
The shoulder twists. Twists. And then, audible only to Tommy
and Brendan, CRACK. Dislocated. Then the HORN ending the
Brendan, worried he hurt his brother, leans over to see if
Tommy's alright, but Tommy, like a wounded animal, leaps up
and grabs Brendan around the throat with his one good arm. He
shoves him all the way across the cage and into the fence,
and it takes Rosenthal and Frank to separate them.
The crowd fired up by Brendan's comeback, and mesmerized by
what's taking place in the cage between the brothers. It's
complete and utter chaos in there.
Sheer amazement that Tommy didn't submit.
Tommy, flap down, tears of pain pouring down his face, stands
defiantly in his corner. In the other corner, Frank attends
Brendan. In the crowd, Tess covers her mouth. She can't
believe what Tommy allowed to happen to him.
Frank puts the stool down and gives Brendan some water.
Brendan's face is wracked with guilt and concern over his
I popped his shoulder.
Relax, breathe.
I heard it tear.
You popped his shoulder? Good. I
want you to pop his other shoulder.
This is not what Brendan wants to hear. He looks over to Josh
Frank snaps. Grabs Brendan by the face.
Hey! Hey! No Josh! Look at me! You
got two rounds left! You need both
rounds! Go in there, kick him in
the head, take him down, and finish
Rosenthal claps his hands. Frank exits the cage. The wounded
Tommy stands in his corner, his ruined left arm hanging low.
Brendan makes eye contact with him.
Tommy! What are you doing?
Shut up! C'mon.
What are you that crazy?
Let's go to war!
The BELL sounds. Round Four begins. Tommy throws useless
right jabs. He's one handed and has no chance. Brendan stays
away from him, not wanting to hurt his brother.
What are you doing? It's over!
Frank screams at Brendan from cageside to take the wounded
Tommy out, but Brendan is reluctant.
It's over, Tommy. C'mon. We don't
have to do this.
Tommy and Brendan circle each other. Tommy throwing rights
and wincing in agony at any movement. Brendan stares at him.
Everything about him says "Quit, Tommy." But Tommy won't.
Paddy runs up the tunnel, his All Access pass around his
neck, and enters the arena. Sees Brendan and Tommy in the
cage. Quickly figures out what the situation is.
Zito and the kids staring at the screen, imploring Brendan to
take the helpless Tommy out and win the championship.
Brendan continues to circle and not engage. Frank is livid.
He knows he'll lose the fight on the judges' scorecards if he
doesn't do something.
Finish him! You finish him!
Tommy keeps throwing defiant right jabs at Brendan. Finally,
with no choice, Brendan fires back. He batters the
defenseless Tommy up against the cage and POUNDS away at him,
blasting his left shoulder with punches that make Tommy wince
in pain. It's anyone's guess how he can take it.
Brendan presses his brother up against the cage. Begging him
to quit. But Tommy merely responds by elbowing Brendan in the
face again. This sets the older brother off, and he resumes
pounding on Tommy until the HORN sounds and Rosenthal pulls
Brendan away.
Break! Break!
Brendan heads back to his stool as Tommy leans against the
cage in agony. The Marines scream for him, but his eyes are
glazed over. It's unthinkable that he hasn't broken yet.
From near cageside, Paddy looks to the corner and makes eye
contact with Brendan. They exchange a small look of
understanding. A NOD. They both know what needs to be done.
The crowd wants a victory. Tito and the boys start the "Mis-
ter C!" chant again.
Tommy and Brendan stand for Round Five. Tommy's face is
battered after Round Four and Brendan's face is ruined.
In the crowd, the "Tommy" CHANT begins in earnest. In fact,
it may be louder than ever. Having done the impossible and
carried on with one arm, Tommy is more superhuman and heroic
than ever before. But his face tells another story. Soaked in
pain and anguish. All his stoic walls crumbling down.
All eyes riveted to the screen, where the brothers circle
each other as in the fourth round.
Brendan SLAMS Tommy to the ground. His face is contorted in
merciless pain. Brendan slips his forearm under Tommy's neck
and squeezes. Tommy struggles, but he's got one arm and
there's NO ESCAPE. His face getting red from lack of oxygen.
As an anguished Tess and a shaken Paddy look on, Brendan
CHOKES his brother. As he does, he pleads with him.
I'm sorry, Tommy! I'm sorry!
Tommy continues to struggle.
Tap, Tommy! Tap!
Tears pour down Tommy's face. Brendan is crushing his wind
pipe. Tommy's eyes bulge.
I love you, Tommy! I love you!
Tommy, about to pass out, no more air to breathe, slowly
opens his left hand, looks at Brendan, and TAPS his shoulder
on the Conlon family crest. Finally submitting.
While most of the crowd erupts in celebration and the kids
leap into each other's arms, Joe Zito stares at the screen.
Frank makes eye contact with the jubilant Tess. Indicates she
should meet them in the locker room. Meanwhile, people pour
into the cage. Frank pushes them aside, keeping them away
from Brendan and Tommy, who remain on the ground, exhausted.
Tommy to begins to WEEP.
Silence at Colt's. Everyone spent from what they've seen.
Tommy buries his head in Brendan's chest. A torrent of
sobbing gushes from him, years of pain pouring out in heavy
bursts. From the crowd, Paddy stares into the cage and
watches as Brendan comforts his little brother, then helps
him to his feet.
Callen, Sheridan, and J.J. Riley make their way inside for
the post-fight interview, cameras trailing behind them. With
Frank continuing to run interference, Brendan pushes through
the crush of people, arm around Tommy, and exits the cage.
The crowd parts for Tommy and Brendan. Paddy watches them, a
tear in his eye. He's overwhelmed by the sight of his two
boys together again.
As the noise from the arena fades, the brothers walk through
the wild crowd and continue on through the tunnel, arm in
For me, the part the just punched me right through the gut was when Brandon started talking to Tommy, “I’m sorry, Tommy! I’m sorry!... Tap, Tommy! Tap!... I Love you, Tommy! I love you!”. As soon as this is all over Today by The National begins to play and it just causes you to melt inside. Warrior Is A Cinematic Masterpiece! And, if it can almost make me cry then it has my respect.
Batman Trilogy:
Batman Begins
The Beginning of one of the greatest trilogies out there. Christian Bale accepted the mantle of portraying the caped crusader and brought us one of the finest live action superhero movies. In a reversed dogmatism, the first film of the series was the worst of the three. Were I to make any changes to batman in general, in all the adaptations out there, the “batman voice” is one of my least favorite things. Why in the world does he need to talk like that? If people aren’t able to piece together who he is then changing his voice is more so just an awkward attempt to add another aspect to the film. Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors in Hollywood and Batman is no exception. Liam Neeson is a legend and making him the main villain, Ra’s Al Ghul,, made me happy.
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight is the best of the three, and that is because of Heath Ledger and his genius take as the Joker. Chalk full of one-liners his performance was so great that he won an academy award.
- “Do you wanna know how I got these scars?”
- “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
- “How about a magic trick? I’m gonna make this pencil disappear. Ta-daa! It’s… it’s gone.”
He showed off more talents than with just his acting. He directed both homemade videos that The Joker sends to GCN. As Christian Bale takes this journey of toeing the line with one of the greatest villains you’re constantly on edge, as is typical of a Christopher Nolan movie, wondering how close Batman is really going to get to breaking his one rule of killing someone. One dislike or complaint that I had for the movie was the casting choice for Rachael. Although she is Jake Gyllenhalls sister, I don’t have much care for her as an actress and feel like they could have, and should have, cast someone else in the role, especially since she does play an important part in not just The Dark Knight, but through into the next movie as well.
The Dark Knight Rises
The voice of Bane is a heavy favorite among people. Plenty of memes have been created using Tom Hardy’s portrayal of him. Despite being just 5 foot 9 inches and Christian Bale 6 foot, the camera work makes it seem as though bane is a behemoth of a man compared to him. He was too big (tone wise) from his role in Warrior so in the dark knight they made him put on a little bit more of mass to make him look like he did in the movie. I remember the scene where he picked up batman and broke his back and his dialogue “I was wondering what would break first, your spirit, or your body”. The scene sent chills throughout my body and now every time the movie is on, no matter where I am or who I am with, there is without fail at least one person who will say the line along with him. When I first heard that Anne Hathaway was going to be playing catwoman I was a little upset. However, she did an incredible job and I ended up really liking her performance and my mind was changed. In this concluding film of the trilogy I was left at the end hoping that they were going to make another film with Robin since they teased him but unfortunately that never came to fruition.
Peanut Butter Falcon:
Top 3 movies of all time. Peanut Butter Falcon is the story of three people, Zak (Zack Gottsagen), Eleanor (Dakota Johnson) and Tyler (Shia LaBeouf). Let’s start with Zak. Zak is a down-syndrome kid who is confined to a nursing home because he has no family. He loves wrestling and wants to attend his favorite wrestler’s (Salt Water Redneck) wrestling school. One night with the help of his roomie, Carl, he covers himself up with lotion and slips through the bars that were put on his window since he tried to escape just a few days prior. As he is hiding out in a boat, in just his whitey tighties, the boat is suddenly boarded and takes off through the marshes. Eleanor. Sweet Eleanor, a nursing home employee is responsible for Zak. Upon his runaway she is commanded essentially by her boss to find him before he has to report it to the authorities and government. Tyler. The getaway boat driver is the main character. He lost it all essentially when his older brother died in a car crash. In an act of retaliation he burns down a fishers equipment and jumps on his boat to escape from them. This boat had a stowaway hiding in the back who almost got him caught, that stowaway was Zak. Initially Tyler is trying to get rid of Zak as soon as they get to some civilization but since Zak is determined to get to the wrestling school Tyler agrees to help him get there (after a few unfortunate events that sort of force him into it.) So Zak and Tyler, Shia LaBeouf and a down syndrome kid, brodies, set out on their journey with Eleanor trying desperately to find Zak. Tyler and Zak develop a very special and close bond with each other as they are trekking to their destination. Eventually Eleanor catches up to them and is livid at Tyler since she ran into him a few days before and he lied about knowing anything about Zak. Zak forces Eleanor’s hand into coming with them on their journey as he throws her keys into the water. The three of them set out and become a makeshift ragtag family. This is just one of those movies that you can watch multiple times a year and not get sick of. Additionally, it is because of this film that Shia LaBeouf has started to make a resurgence into the film industry and recreated himself. If you watch an emotional video you can see how much Zak changed Shia’s life and it only adds to the connection you feel to them and their characters as you embrace this heart warming adventure tale
submitted by Clafa7 to u/Clafa7 [link] [comments]

Underground Poker in the south

I like seeing all of these stories about 2000's underground poker. I wrote about my time in the 2000's running an underground poker ring in Charleston South Carolina.
Here is what was going on in South Carolina during that time. This was a real cat and mouse game with the police that turned into a poker game all on its own.
Chapter 1
Every other morning as I iron my shirt for work I am reminded of the secret life that I had lived for nearly two years. See, an eight foot by four foot felt poker table with a four inch raised padded rail, automatic card shuffler, and chip drop-slot makes for a great ironing board. In a pinch it also serves many other, equally as important purposes. I name them off in my head as I flatten the collar of my favorite blue shirt; a large desk for history homework, a hard table for an impromptu interrogation, a soft platform for sweaty sex, and of course a poker table for making money. I put on my shirt, still hot from the iron and I roll up my sleeves as I walk down the stairs from the third story of my townhouse. The October air in Charleston is cool and feels good against the heat on the back of my neck. I slide into my shiny red BMW, nearly two years old now, but paid for. The smell of raw leather still lingers in the interior, and seems stronger on mornings like these. I instinctively push the button on the center console to lock the doors before I grab the gear shift and put the car into reverse. I don’t know why BMW doesn’t make them lock automatically. I pull out onto the highway and spin the tires, listening to the 330 horsepower wake up the car. I’m not in a hurry or anything, in fact I haven’t been in a hurry for quite some time. It’s just that it is sometimes important to make it look like you are in a rush, and sometimes it is just because it feels damn good to go fast.
“Folks don’t get wealthy by being in a hurry.” I remember lecturing to Kevin in one of the first months of our two year, million dollar endeavor. He was always in a hurry. I still stand by my saying, though I should have replaced “wealthy” with “anything they want.” Folks don’t get anything they want by being in a hurry. Oprah Winfrey did not get rich by rushing into having a talk show with a book club, and presidents don’t get into the White House by throwing their name on the ticket the minute the idea pops into their head. No. Oprah started by landing a co-anchor position on the local nightly news. And Ronald Reagan started as a B-list actor before becoming president of the Screen Actors Guild, Governor of California, and finally President of the United States. People don’t get married by flying to Vegas minutes after meeting each other, or after a one night stand. Well, maybe they do, but this is why it doesn’t work. They slow down and date for years, are engaged for another and then they get married, in a church, surrounded by their families and are then taken off in a horse drawn carriage to their honeymoon. That’s how you fucking do it.
It is an uneventful two hour drive on highway 17 going north. Myrtle Beach isn’t really busy this time of year, but the traffic is still just as bad. It’s a good thing that I am not in a hurry. I pull into my VIP spot with almost an hour to spare, the parking lot is empty except for a few cars spattered in the first two rows. An old minivan with curtains on the windows, a Ford Escort with a spare tire rusting on the rear axle, and an old Chevy truck with a child’s car seat in the passenger side, just to name a few. The owners of which are probably already claiming their lucky seats. Fucking suckers. They all probably rushed to get here too and onto the boat. I stay in my car for another 15 minutes and wait, listening to the ‘pumped’ playlist on my iPod, my car’s premium speakers matching perfectly to the acoustics of the interior space. I think just for a second about pulling out of my space and driving further up the coast to Atlantic City. I would probably be too exhausted from the drive by the time I got there and would sleep in the hotel until late at night. That is when the real whales come out. Here on the 11 am Myrtle Beach casino boat the closest thing to a whale is the 350 pound mother of five glued to a stool in front of the “Wheel of Fortune” slot machine. I don’t leave, instead I open my glove box and stuff six 100 dollar bills into my pants pocket, any more or any less would be unnecessary, at least on a Wednesday. I walk slowly up to the path and say hi to Dave as I pass up onto the ramp. I don’t need to show any ID to board.
“Good Morning, Ryan.” Dave says as he straightens his back and pulls the daily newspaper from his stand, handing it to me. They all know me by name; I know most of theirs too, but not them. Which is alright, that makes us even. I pass through the halls and by the sad looking, unlit slot machines. Some people have already claimed their seat with a jacket and their lucky bucket. I go up to the tallest portion of the ship, the poker room, and head out onto the deck. No one else is out here, probably due to the two flights of stairs and the fact that there is a free buffet on the floor below. I sit down in one of the cushioned white chairs and pull the first cigar of the day out of my shirt pocket. I light it with my silver Zippo that is etched with a royal flush and blow out the puff of smoke as I put my feet up on the metal rail. It’s going to be another half hour before we undock and another half hour after that while we float out into international waters. I know from experience that this cigar will last exactly one hour, paired with two Grey Goose and Red Bulls it is truly the breakfast of champions. At this time most people in the eastern half of the United States are sipping on their second cup of coffee while sitting on their uncomfortable office chairs in their grey or brown cubicles. I think about this just as land disappears from sight over my polished black Italian shoes. That could be me, making 40k a year in an unhappy office; only looking forward to the weekends for freedom. My college degree is somewhere in a box already. I graduated in May, majoring in business management with a 4.0 GPA. My parents were thrilled; their little boy had accomplished something great. They didn’t know. Their little boy hadn’t been a little boy in a long time, and he had already accomplished something so great that he couldn’t even tell them. Fuck a degree, fuck a 4.0. The only reason I had even stayed in school for my last year was because I had nothing better to do, not because I wanted a fucking job. My parents think that I have submitted my application to nearly every business in Charleston. “Sorry mom, this economy just isn’t a good one for a freshly graduated 23 year old. They want someone with more experience.” I’m not sure how true this is, because I haven’t even made my resume, let alone actually gave it to a company. I was too scared of getting hired. So I don’t travel back to Ohio to visit them that often. I couldn’t lie to my mother right to her face. I could lie to nine strangers around a piece of felt, and they would believe me, but to my mom, no. I sometimes think that if she knew the basics of poker, she could beat me.
My coworkers are all already around the table when the signal is called for the first hand to be dealt. I take the last good drag off of my cigar and tossed it over the two decks below into the water and grab my Vodka Red Bull and headed inside. The scene has changed dramatically from an hour ago. I slowly walk to the open chair on the right end of the table in seat three and pull 400 dollars out as I sit down. I surveyed the table while walking up. Most people have 200 dollars; one guy has about 350 dollars with his wallet next to his stack on the table. Sometimes it’s good to be the last to sit. I know exactly how much to put down to top everyone yet not be too robust and scare everyone off when I am in a hand. Mr. Wallet is not afraid to lose every bit of that 350, and I have to have that covered. The locals know me – and my play. They know exactly what I am doing – they think they know exactly what I am doing, I’m not worried about them. The good thing about casinos is the vacationers; rotating money. None of them know me or how I play, but I know all of them and exactly how they play. Well, at least the 90 percent of them that play the same damn way. This is especially true of the ones with dark sunglasses, or earphones, or their lucky card covers. They watch too much T.V. The dealer knows me by name and after taking my frequent player card he slides over my stacks of chips. Mostly white-one dollar and red-five dollar chips, but a few are green-twenty five dollar chips. “There you go, Ryan. Good luck” He says, tapping the top of the largest stack. Luck? I don’t know what it is about tapping and poker. I look around the table and catch a glimpse of a sunglassed teenager tapping the rail with a green chip, a fat man with an iPod tapping his knee along with the beat of his music and then the dealer tapping my white chips. And of course the tapping that every player does when they say “check”. I swear if I could block everything else out but the tapping it would sound like some sort of long lonely song. I grabbed my chips and pulled them close to the rail. The sound of chips clanking together is a sound that every poker player knows. It is especially prevalent during the first ten minutes of any game. Most people have been waiting, impatiently, to get those chips, and now they want to feel them in their hands. They want to show off their talent of chip-shuffling, and chip-bouncing, or other hand tricks. I have seen them all. Chip tricks are cheap tricks, who do these fuckers think they are? I can’t resist. I take a stack of three red chips and three white chips and put them side by side. I shuffle them once with perfect form, and then I cut the stack of six into two stacks of three again and shuffle once more. I again put them in two stacks of three and shuffle one last time. When I split them again they are in two perfect stacks of three reds and three whites. I amuse myself by doing this a few more times. No one is watching. They are all busy doing the exact same thing; killing the two minutes while the dealer shuffles the brand new deck of cards. Before I know it I have two cards in front of me and I take a quick peak. 4d9c. Rags, I have a 32 percent chance of catching a pair, and that wouldn’t even help. I probably have less than a 5 percent chance of winning this hand.. “Fold.” I say, tossing my cards into the middle of the table as I slump back into my chair. I’m in no rush.
submitted by 12Paces to poker [link] [comments]

There's something stalking the plains of West Texas

I inherited a five hundred acre ranch along with two hundred and fifty head of cattle out in West Texas from my great grandfather who passed it down the line until it eventually ended up in my hands, it was his pride an joy.
Growing up he told stories of the cowboys who rode out west settling land and setting up homes for their families, I was always awestruck at the surreal descriptions of their day to day lives and how the rugged cow pokes and the horses they rode upon were able to keep towns fed and their eventual start of rodeos and riding competitions that are still held today.
Originally my father was left with it after my grand father had passed, he moved us into it when I was still young along with my mother and my sisters, Allison and Angela. It was your typical ranch lifestyle growing up, My father would walk into my room at 4:30 in the morning waking me up to go help him feed the cattle and chickens along with the other animals we had at the time, My two younger sisters eventually were brought into the loop when they were a little bit older but were always treated like princesses but when I failed a simple task like cleaning out the barn there would be severe repercussions ranging from a beating with the belt to not getting dinner but my sisters would always sneak me some food and my mother would always try to justify why I would be the only one receiving the harsh punishments, I guess looking back on it now I understand why he was so hard on me.
We had a few extra ranch hands that helped keep everything running, I remember one of my favorite people to work with was this older gray haired guy called Pete, he had a thick handle bar mustache and looked like your typical cowboy. He'd always always have a cigarette between his lips and told stories about the natives that lived here long before us and the spirits that supposedly haunted the land, My father however didn't like it due to the fact I'd have nightmares after but the stories were what I always looked forward to when I got out of school and done with my chores.
I never really experienced any "Paranormal" events, the only thing that I had witnessed that truly left me in complete awe was when My father and I found a mutilated heifer that was torn completely in half strung up in one of the trees out in the pasture, it wasn't uncommon to find a dead cow or two but the way it was strung up in the tree defied all logical explanation.
My father was prepping me to run the ranch as a grew older but teenage me had different plans at the time. I had enlisted in the military my senior year of high school, this had pissed my father off so bad that he told me not to bother coming back once I had graduated boot camp, they were harsh words but I was used to it. When writing home I'd always get letters back from my mother who would give every detail on what happened that day or what was going on in town it always kept me in high spirits.
Before the sad events of 9/11 nothing to serious or crazy was going on in the world and the unit I was in cleaned rifles and parking lots for the majority of the time. I remember receiving a phone call from my father the day it happened, "Son, you stay safe and come back in one piece.", that was the only call I received from him for the next couple of years.
I had done a few tours over in the middle east and Afghanistan before I decided to get out, In that period of time I got married to my lovely wife Kate and had two kids of my own, two daughters, Madison and Kimberly they grew up with their mother for the most part. It was a strained relationship thanks to the constant moving and the fact I'd be gone for six months at a time, she was left to care for them while I was gone but we managed to make it work.
She was ecstatic about the news that I was leaving the military, it was around that time I was told about my father who was fighting stage 3 lung cancer. I packed the family up leaving North Carolina and headed down to Texas. We spent the remaining hours of my fathers life by his side. We talked about the crazy experiences we'd been through and how being a parent was one of the most hardest things in life.
when I was the last one in the room with him he told me something that I didn't completely understand until now. "Son, the ranch is a huge responsibility and everything you have experienced in life has lead up to you taking care of it. What ever you do, don't leave it no matter what happens Chris. Promise me that." He spoke as tears swelled in his eyes "I promise." I held his hand. His grip was weak it was no longer the hard and calloused strong hands he'd worked hard with, he eventually passed leaving behind the ranch in his will.
The will stated the ranch and it's assets would go to the eldest child of the family, that happened to be me. My younger sisters didn't care much, they had moved to different states and had families of their own and were doing quite well. Everyone came down to the ranch after my fathers funeral.
It was a typical Texan wake, there was tons of alcohol and barbecue passed around that night in honor of the hard man that was my father before leaving back to their homes. My sisters were the last to leave, they said their goodbyes leaving my family alone on the five hundred acres of open Texas plains. That was twelve years ago.
The ranch itself consisted of a two story house and a small living area for a few ranch hands on the eastern side of the property as well as a large barn and a few chicken coops and a horse stable on the south side of the house, the rest was just open arid planes filled with plenty of wildlife.
I spent most of the day tending to the livestock and helping out with the repairs to the horse stable, something had torn a few of the thick metal bars on one of the stalls from it's housing, one of the ranch hands said it was some kind of dog that had done but I just brushed it off as some wise ass telling ghost stories to the new guys or one of the hands were baked when doing the rounds and had slammed into it with something. "Take care boss!" One of the ranch hands gave me a quick wave as he headed towards a beat up ford with the rest of the ranch hands, "I'll see you all in the morning, eat a large breakfast we have a lot to do!" I yelled towards the group, they had just gotten paid and were probably going to go spend their allowance at a bar or some casino up in Oklahoma.
My two dogs, Maxim, a tan lab mix and Zeus, a spotted border collie ran around trying to round up a few cattle that had strayed to far from their herd as I took off my worn work gloves setting them on the hood of my old truck, Maxim, Zeus load up!" the two dogs came running over jumping into the bed of the truck. After a few minutes of driving I pulled up to the house.
After putting the dogs up I headed inside the house, Kate was making supper to a country tune "How's work?" She asked dancing over to me "Good, had to fix up the horse stable." She spun back around dancing back to the stove "where are the kids?" I asked noticing the lack of complaints about not having good cell service "They're still cleaning out the barn and chicken coops.".
"Honey wake up, there's something in the barn." My wife shook me violently waking me from a deep sleep "Wha... What?" I blinked a few times trying to wake up, Her red hair was a mess "There's something in the barn!" She hissed clutching my wrist with a death grip.
I quickly got dressed pulling on a jacket and my old pair of work boots. I walked over to the closet grabbing my father's lever action 30-30 along with a flashlight "I'll go check it out, stay inside." My watch showed it was 3:26 a.m. as I made my way down the hall, " Dad what was that." Madison stuck her head out of her room with a pair of head phones dangling from her neck "Go back in your room." I replied just as Kimberly exited her room "I'm scared." her voice trembled as she walked out into the hallway "Go into your mother's room." I responded quickly, they both ran into the room talking in hushed tones as I continued down the hallway towards the stairs.
Maxim and Zeus were going berserk, they were barking and straining hard against their chains trying to get to the barn, the animals we had near the house were also in a panicked state, I clicked on the flashlight it's dull orange glow illuminated the dirt path leading towards the barn. What little remains from a few dead chickens lay in front of the the barn feathers and blood were soaking into the ground, something had pulled the door open breaking the latch securing it shut.
I raised my rifle slowly entering the doorway, inside were stalls lining each side of the walls running to the back of the barn, inside were a few dairy cows I had bought a few weeks earlier. Their distraught cries filled the barn as I made my way towards the back, as I got closer I noticed a blood trail leading to one of the stalls. With a steady hand I pulled the stall door open revealing a wounded dairy cow, she had a large gash running from her hind quarter to the middle of her sternum, her entrails hung out as she lay breathing heavily in great distress as blood began to pool around her body.
I knelt down beside her resting my rifle on the stall wall placing my hand on her head "What did this to you girl?" I spoke quietly, something slammed the door shut behind me causing me to damn near jump, I scooped up my rifle and aimed it at the door "If you're out their make yourself known or you're going to get shot!" I yelled trying to keep my composure.
There was no response, I flipped the latch and swung the door open sweeping the area for any potential threats but only found a set of foot prints in the dirt covered floor leading back to the entrance, they looked K-9 in nature but were too large to be any dog or coyote that I've ever seen.
I ran back into the house slamming the door shut and locking it, "Honey, call the sheriff!" I quickly made my way back to the bedroom, Kate had her phone in hand and was talking to a dispatcher "Something broke into our barn, yes, yes please send a deputy out as soon as possible.".
I grabbed my truck keys and cellphone "I'll be back, don't let anyone inside." I grabbed the Glock-19 that I kept on the night stand and handed it to her "What's this for?" She asked confused "Honey, something got one of the dairy cows and I think it's going to get more." they were really scared now "Don't leave!" Kimberly cried "Listen, You shoot anyone that's not me or the sheriff.", "Don't leave the house, lock all the doors and windows." I gave Kate a quick kiss and headed back to the living room.
I took Maxim and Zeus off their chains and lead them to my truck opening the passenger door letting them in the cab. I slid into the driver seat and started the truck, it's large V8 engine shook the cab as it idled in the cold December air. I put the truck in drive and headed out towards the pasture to check on the live stock closest to the farmstead. After driving for a few minutes my phone rang, it was Kate "The sheriff is on his way over, what do you want me to tell him when he gets here?" Her voice was tense, I thought for a moment before answering "Tell him to meet me near the fishing pond we drink at, it's the one on the western side of the pasture, he knows what I'm talking about.", there was a small moment of silence "Alright, please be careful." she hung up the phone.
The only sounds in the truck now were coming the two panting dogs and the low hum from the radio. After a few more minutes of driving I arrived at the fishing pond a large cluster of oak trees were lined near the bank on the opposite side, the head lights from my truck illuminated a small herd of cattle bunched up near the bank of the pond, they were all letting out distressed calls as they began to move towards my direction.
The hackles on Zeus and Maxim's necks were sticking up, both of them were emitting deep guttural growls, their eyes were focused on something off in the distance, I followed their gaze but I couldn't see what they were seeing. I exited the truck leaving the dogs inside with the windows cracked cautiously making my way towards the bank. The herd was walking around me when I spotted it, two large yellow eyes piercing through the darkness at me. I glanced at one of the cattle hurrying by for a split second, it had a large chunk missing from it's right flank and a large jagged claw mark running down its rib cage. The dogs were barking wildly in the truck now as the cattle began to run in a panic, I could hear the sound of heavy foot steps getting closer and closer as I began to backpedal towards the truck.
I could barely make the outline of it as it closed the distance on all fours, adrenaline was burning through my veins as I raised the rifle and started firing at it, time seemed to speed up as I cranked the lever feeding in a new round after every shot "Why the fuck did I bring a lever action rifle?" I cursed to myself for not bringing my AR as I ripped the driver side door open trying to get in, before I was able to get a foot in the door Zeus and Maxim jumped out hitting the ground running at full speed towards the creature, "Get back here!" I yelled to no effect as they circled the monster. It was in full view now it's figure illuminated by the headlights of my trucks, it looked like a massive humanoid dog on two feet with large sharp claws.
The creature swung at Maxim and Zeus trying to get them to back off, huge plumes of smoke came from it's mouth and nostrils with each swing but they didn't budge. Zeus latched onto its hind leg causing it to let out deep cry, it swung back it Zeus sending him tumbling off into the brush this pissed off Maxim.
Maxim latched onto it's left biceps shaking his head like a deadly game of tug o' war, I continued firing into the creature's chest before he swung Maxim into my lane of fire, I immediately stopped firing fearing I'd shoot my dog. That's when I saw the flashing red and blue neon lights from a sheriff's vehicle bouncing off of the tree tops. The creature swung at Maxim hitting him on the side, this caused Maxim to yelp and release the creatures arm.
"What in gods name..." the sheriff said awe struck by the scene "Fucking shoot it!" I began firing again, one of my rounds hit it in the eye causing to stumble backwards. The sheriff began firing on it now but it seemed to make little difference as the creature got down on all fours and ran back into the darkness, "When I got called out here I wasn't expecting this." he let out a breath.
A few hours later a black SUV pulled up and two men wearing black suits asked me a series of questions regarding the event "Are you sure it wasn't a coyote?", "Have you been drinking this evening?", "Are you sure it wasn't a pack of feral hogs?" I had the same response to all of their questions, "No." they went on for another two hours before they finally questioned my wife and kids along with the sheriff, they took the only copy of the dash cam footage from the sheriff's truck and eventually left, A helicopter flew over the house out towards the pasture with a huge spot light on it circling the area for a few minutes before leaving. We sat at the dinning room table near the kitchen talking about what had transpired in the past few hours, none of us could believe it. "I've never seen anything like that before in my life." the sheriff exhaled as he took his cowboy hat off placing it on the table "Neither have I, whatever that thing was it's still out there." I responded, looking out the window towards the the moon lit pastures.
In case you were wondering Zeus and Maxim are doing fine, they were a little banged up but after a few days they were back on the job rounding up cattle like nothing happened, I hired a few more ranch hands to do nightly inspections around the pasture to make sure the cattle were not being harmed, so far it has been working. The guys were also telling me about seeing strange lights hovering over the property, I don't even want to think about what that could entail.
submitted by SireBoone to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

CreateYoureReality NFL Analysis and Picks Week 11 (Sunday Games)

CreateYoureReality NFL Analysis and Picks Week 11 (Sunday Games)
Thursday Night Recap
Singles: 2-2 (-0.02u) Soooo close! Personally I think the OBJ conspiracy was real. He had 10 targets (the most) and almost scored the first TD on their first drive. Not only did his TD get reviewed and overturned but soon after, Juju was taken out of the game. On to the next one!
Parlay: 0-0 (0u) None
BBDLS: 0-0 (0u) Nothing of note here. We put in a free bet and it is still live, but there are much harder games to clear on this one. Lets ride the wave!
SBBDLS: 0-0 (0u) None
Teasers: 0-0 (0u) None

Sunday Games

Dallas @ Detroit (-7): This weeks games opens up with a 1pm slate of games that are dooseys. Almost every one of these games feels like the favorite should win but they all have a reasonable percentage of underdog upsets. With Stafford playing the algo predicts this one 27-24 Dallas. But with no Stafford this game is going to rely on the Lions D and their backup QB. The Lions run d allows 4.6 ypc (22nd) and 130 ypg (26th). While their pass D averages giving up 272 ypg (27th) and a 100 passer rating (23rd). The Cowboys passing offense is 3rd in ypg, 4th in ypc, and 1st in ypa 1st. Last week Zeek had a horrible game vs min going 20 rushes for only 47 yards at 2.4 ypc... but he is still top 10 in rush yards with 78 per game. Some interesting stats to go with the Dallas run game:
  • Dallas has just five losses since Ezekiel Elliott entered the NFL three years ago in games in which Zeke rushes for at least 100 yards. The Cowboys are 4-1 this year when the former Ohio State star reaches triple-digits on the ground.
  • The Cowboys have covered 10 of their past 14 games after totaling fewer than 90 yards rushing in their previous game.
As for important injuries: Just three teams have allowed more passes of 20-plus yards this season than the Lions. Darius Slay should draw the assignment on Cooper, but the Lions are severely short-handed at safety with Tracy Walker out and Will Harris questionable with a groin injury. Backup right tackle Tyrell Crosby will be starting for the Lions and they may be without one of their best run defenders, Da’Shawn Han. In terms of props the model is looking at JD Mckissic receptions. Last game with Driskle starting he had 7 targets and 6 receptions. It appears Driskle likes to check down to him for safety.

New Orleans at Tampa Bay (+5): Just as the Dallas game, this game looks like it should be a win for the favorite just based upon the offense for the favorite vs the defense of the dog. However, there are definitely scenarios that have Tampa Bay coming away with an upset. The algo has this one as NO -2. Curiously it look-ahead around -7 and has moved down to settle in around 5. This is probably due to the fact the Saints were embarrassed last week by the Falcons. They came out of the bye with 0 energy and the Falcons took advantage. TB was able to pull through last week despite losing the turnover battle and trailing in the fourth. Tampa Bay's ability to protect the ball on offense and force a turnover on defense will be the key for a victory. "They’re 2-12 in games with 0 takeaways. When they force a takeaway, they’re 22-27. When they record exactly one takeaway, they’re 5-16. When they record exactly two, they’re 5-10. Three, as it turns out, is the magic number. When they record at least three, they’re 12-1. Unfortunately for Tampa Bay, New Orleans almost never commits three turnovers in a game. In fact, the Saints haven’t done so since 2017, and they haven’t committed two in any game this season." Uncharacteristically, Brees was sacked 6 times last week. Now he is going against Shaquile Barret this week who has 11.5 sacks (1st). The Saints do have Kamara back, but the TB rush D is tops allowing only 78 ypg (1st) and 3.4 ypc (3rd). Brees will likely look to the air as Thomas is on fire, averaging over 100 ypg, and the Tampa Bay pass D ranks bottom of the league giving up an average 299 ypg (league worst) and an average 100 passer rating (24th). In terms of injuries, almost everyone is a go. The only notable injury is Saints Marshon Lattimore. He has been ruled out and this should really add to the TB abuse of the deep ball. The algo does favor the Saints to win, but I don't think I can lay the points on this one.
Fun Fact: NFC South foes Tampa Bay and New Orleans have split their annual series every season since Jameis Winston entered the NFL. NO won the first meeting.

Atlanta at Carolina (-5): My algo has this coming out at Carolina -7. I understand the movement as Atlanta got a huge upset last Sunday and Carolina lost by 2 inches. Before we jump into the stats, I think the most important information for this game is Carolina’s starting tackles, Dennis Daley and Greg Little are both questionable for the game. If they play, I see Kyle Allen having time to throw, CMC having holes to run through, and little resistance from an ATL secondary that ranks near the bottom in everything. However, if those tackles are out, ATL may be able to repeat last weeks performance (6 sacks and 11 QB hits) and give themselves opportunity at another big divisional upset. Other injuries to note: The Falcons will be without tight end Austin Hooper, their receptions (56) and receiving touchdown (six) leader who is out with an MCL sprain. The Panthers will be without defensive back Ross Cockrell (quad), who has played a big role in a variety of positions in the secondary. But, for the Panthers, cornerback James Bradberry back. I am leaning towards Carolina here and while the focus will be on CMC, I think the edge can be found with the WR's in this one.

Jacksonville at Indianapolis (-2.5): Whoa. Two completely different QBs than the previous week for both teams. It looks as if Brissett is back for the Colts, and after 9 weeks with no BDN, Nick Foals returns. My algo has this game at 22-22 with some HFA to be added in for Indy. This looks like what Vegas got too because they made the spread -3 (hfa on a pk) and the total around 44. Looks like they don't know how to handle the QB change and decided to let the market dictate the price. The Jags are coming off a bye and see the return of wide receiver Dede Westbrook (neck), cornerback D.J. Hayden (neck) and linebacker Quincy Williams (hamstring). Both teams have rush defenses that rank in the bottom of the league, but on the flip side, both teams have rushing offenses that are pretty good. With Jax having the clear edge here. A key stat to note for the Jax rush defense is they are 4-0 when holding opponents under 100 yards rushing...but they are 0-5 when they dont. Without TY Hilton again this week to help stretch the field, I feel like JAX will be able to stack the box and keep the rush yards for IND to a minimum.

Denver at Minnesota (-10): This is another game where I dont think Vegas knows how to cap it. My algo came out with 15-25 MIN. They Vegas spread is -10 with a total of 40. It seems they know the public will like MIN just seeing them come off a win on prime time. As you have probably guessed, my gut leans DEN as I took them on Thursday in my BBDLS parlay. Let's look into the game to see what else is going on. First, we see Denver coming off a bye. Yet another QB named with the last name Allen hopped into the NFL, replacing the injured Joe Flacco and he was 12-of-20 passing for 193 yards and two touchdowns while beating the Cleveland Browns in his first career start. Then, he went into a bye week, giving him double time to get in sync with the plays and the receivers. You know what, there are stats that say the Vikings offense is legit, and the Broncos D is legit. They both have decent running games and run defenses. I'd say the key here is if Min can pressure the young QB. If they can...its a wrap. If they can't? I see Denver with an easy cover and possibly an upset.
NY Jets at Washington (-2.5) This is a curious coin flip of two bottom of the barrel teams this year. The Jets are coming of a win and the Redskins are coming off a bye. This feels like an under game. My algo has this at 20-20 but there is no adjustment for Haskins yet. He has had an extra week to prepare, but the Redskins tend to rely on AP to generate some running game. He will be going against a Jets run D that is L.E.G.I.T. giving up only 3ypc (best in the league) and 82 ypg (2nd). The Redskins run game will an added boost in Guice who will be returning. Honestly, all the numbers lean Jets favor. However... everywhere I look 70-75% of the bets are on the Jets...and the number keeps pushing in their favor. This is usually a big red flag to take the opposite of the majority!

Buffalo at Miami (+6.5): My algo has this 22-20 Buffalo. This is an interesting rematch of a divisional battle. This time though Frank Gore will be returning home to battle his old team in front of his family. Also Jordan Phillips, Bills defensive tackle is returning to where he was originally drafted. He is having a monster year, so watch out! Looking at the Bills offense, it has been pretty mediocre. However, it will be facing a Dolphins defense that ranks bottom in almost everything. ( 31st in points allowed, 29th in total yards, and 30th in sacks per attempt ) Im sure the Bills would like to see their RBs get it going in this match up, but the MIA run d hasn't been that bad. If you take out the games against Baltimore and Dallas (they gave up 500 rush yards in those two combined) then they only averaging giving up 116 per game. If they can hold Buffalo under 100 yards, the potential for an upset exists. The Bills have only ONE win in the 14 games where they failed to rush for at least 100 yards since Sean McDermott took over as coach. They had only 84 last week in Cleveland.

Houston at Baltimore (-4.5): Oooo, this is probably going to be my favorite game of the 1pms. I rarely watch the games, but I am excited to see these teams match up. My algo has this game Bal -4.5. Lining right up with the Vegas spread. Will Fuller has been ruled out for HOU. I dont have analysis for this because Baltimore should be leading in most if not all categories. But I am going to give my gut play here and its ride with the Texans. No analysis, just gut.

Arizona at San Fransico (-9.5) Another divisional rematch. This one is interesting because it has seen a pretty big line movement. It opened in most places as high as -14. But has moved to settle around 9.5/10. My algo actually has this as SF -12.5, however that doesn't account for any injuries...of which the 49ers seem to have in spades. The Niners will be without running back Matt Breida, Joe Staley, and kicker Robbie Gould. Linebacker Azeez Al-Shaair has been ruled out as he has not cleared the concussion protocol. Defensive lineman D.J. Jones has a groin injury that will sideline him this week. Emmanuel Sanders is hurt but looks to play and Kittle is listed as doubtful but who knows, we saw him dominate the last game vs AZ after his knee got reversed. Honestly, almost every article I read said the same thing. 49ers are mad injured, played 5 quarters on Monday and lost, and now play a divisional opponent on a short week that they only beat by 3 points just 2 weeks ago, bet the Cards to cover and possibly upset. That was my original train of thought too. Then I looked at the public betting percentages. Everywhere you look, 2 out of 3 spread tickets are on the Cards with some places over 70%. Yet the line has had a ton of trouble breaking 10 and with all that love for AZ you'd think it would drop to 7.5/8.5. Because of this, it appears the edge may actually be with the home team to win a blowout. Should be interesting to see what happens!

New England @ Philadelphia (+4.5): An interesting match up here. My algo has this 24-21 NE. Both teams are coming off a bye with limited injuries. The Pats will be without safety Chung, and the Eagles will be without darren sproles, alshon jeffery and deshean jackson. Jordan Mathews is questionable, but Ajayi was signed his week to help with RB depth. What makes this pick really hard is even with all these injuries to the Eagles and Bellichek's after a bye win percentage, AND 80% of the picks being on NE...the line has only moved a point, a point and a half a most. How big are the bets on the Eagles right now to keep the line from ballooning? The Eagles run d is legit, but their secondary is still crap. The Pats D was exposed last week but that was vs an MVP caliber QB lead offense. How has this line not moved?! I want to bet the Pats so bad, but there is this thread pulling at me to take the Eagles. Choose with care here boys.

Cincinatti @ Oakland (-11.5): There isn't much to say here. Cincy is winless and starting a backup QB that was destroyed last week. Oakland has some energy. They fought through a grueling road schedule and now get some rest at home. But, 11.5 points for an OAK team this year just seems like too much. And 11.5 for a cincy team with a back up QB on the road when he just lost by 40 at home...cant do it. The algo has this 24-18 OAK but thats not adjusted for the new QB. Honestly I dont have an adjustment for him because I dont know who he is! I am riding OAK to win in some parlays but points are tough. Knock on wood if you're with me. :D

Chicago @ LA Rams(-6): Last game of the day. Prime time NFC match up. While both of these teams are technically still live for a wild card spot, I don't think either will realistically make it. The Rams have a shot if they can win here AND win vs Dallas and Seattle but honestly I dont see that happening this year. Crazy enough, my algo has this game 21-20 Bears... I think if Montgomery is a go for CHI this game is much tighter. But if he sits, I dont see the offense for the Bears having as much rhythm.

Monday Night

Kansas City vs LA Chargers (+4): I dont normally add the Monday game into these write ups, but since I will have this team in my parlays and teasers, I decided to add it. I am betting this for only one piece of info I heard. (My algo actually likes the opposite side here) This game is in Mexico City. The elevation there is higher than Denver. The Chargers spent all week practicing in Denver to get their bodies acclimated to the elevation. Kansas City has stayed home. With as bad as the KC defense is, the elevation factor, and 4 points...I will be siding with old man Rivers to 2nd half comeback and cover. (and possibly win!)

Note: We have approx 17u in Bonus money from Refer-A-Friend Bonus. Also, Borgata Sportsbook emailed me this week and offered me 10u in free bets just because I made an account there a year ago and never played. Unlike alllll the other sites in NJ, it does have a rollover. It is 6x, so I will use these free bets on only parlays that way if I hit one, I will have extra funds to hit the rollover without playing it for many weeks.
Going really basic this week. Mostly spreads.
Singles 73-72-2 (+26.78u)
  • DAL -7 (1.15u to win 1u)
  • TB +5 (1.1u to win 1u)
  • JAX +2.5 (1.06u to win 1u)
  • DEN +10.5 (1.1u to win 1u)
  • Hou ml (1.3u to win 2.5u)
  • SF -10 ( (1.1u to win 1u)
  • Josh Jacobs +125 Rush yards (0u to win 4u)
  • CHI +6 Both Chi and LAC I will wait till closer to game time. I feel like both spreads might get the extra half point at some point throughout the day.
  • LAC +4
Parlays: 4-8 (+40.45u)
  • JAX +3.5, Dal -2.5, SF -2.5 OAK -2, LAC +4 (0u to win 35.7u)
Big Boy Daddy Long Shot 0-7 (-6.47u)
  • CLE ml, JAX ml, DEN ml, CAR ml, MIA ml, OAK ml, LAC ml, CHI ml (0u to win 2077u) OOOO baby, what are we thinking here? :D
  • DAL ml, NO ml, DEN +10.5, HOU +4.5, JAX +2.5, SF ml, OAK ml, CHI +6.5, LAC +4.5 (0u to win 160u)
  • DAL ml, WAS ml, DEN +10.5, HOU +4.5, TB +5.5, JAX +2.5, SF ml, OAK ml, CHI +6.5, LAC +4.5 (0u to win 376.6u)
  • Jax +3.5, Den +10.5, NYJ +2.5, HOU +4.5, NO -5.5, DAL -6.5, SF -11.5, PHL +3.5, CIN +10.5, CHI +6.5, LA +4.5 (0u to win 1046.3u)
  • DEN +4.5, BUF -12.5, JAX -5.5, DAL -14.5, CHI -2.5 (0u to win 348.9u)
  • CAR ml, JAX ml, MIA ml, DEN ml, NYJ ml, HOU ml, DAL -6.5, PHL ml, OAK ml, CHI ml, LAC ml (0u to win 14185u)
Super Big Boy Daddy Long Shot: 0-6 (-3u)
  • Its 11 am now, Im going to go to the Ocean Casino @ 12 and put one of these in. As usual, if it make it past the early games, I will post a pic for the sweat!
Teasers: 6-15 (-21.3u)
  • Its 11 am now, Im going to go to the Ocean Casino @ 12 and put one of these in. As usual, if it make it past the early games, I will post a pic for the sweat!
  • NE, GB, CLE, NYG all to win their Division (0u to win 257.8u) This is a Free bet (last one for DK, it was close to expiring)
submitted by CreateYoureReality to CreateYoureReality [link] [comments]

LOC, 2017 season, Week 6 power rankings.

By, Hunter DuBois aka Packers
  1. Chargers (5-0) - The chargers dreams of being repeat super bowl champions got off too a bad start when Super Bowl MVP Johnny Manziel crashed the team bus in the championship parade and received a DUI. Thankfully for bolts fans, the team hasn't lost a step on the field, earning a 5-0 record with the #1 offense and #2 defense in the league. Manziel addressed the press for the first time this season and gave an eye grabbing quote, "At this point, our only goal is history."
  2. Saints (5-0) - The saints were the team that every casino owner hated after the divisional round of last years playoffs. Coming in as one of the top teams in the league they were bounced after one game. The team has responded with vengeance this season as newly acquired franchise QB Paxton Lynch has thrown a insane 15 TDs threw 5 games and has the saints out to a undefeated start.
  3. Eagles (4-1) - The "rookie renaissance" has given this team new life. After a midseason collapse in 2016, new faces and star rookies Shakim Ivy and Tevin Briscoe, leaders of the offense and defense respectively, have flown the eagles to new heights in 2017. They've dominated opponents this season and have everybody wondering if the week 2 loss to the broncos was a fluke or signs of another collapse to come.
  4. Buccaneers (4-0) - After a offseason of major roster turnover, this team came into 2017 with a ton of hype and so far has delivered on it. Veteran QB Aaron Rodgers is off too a MVP caliber season leading the buccaneers to an undefeated start behind his 7 TDs passes. The one knock the critics have on the Bucs is that they lack a marquee victory this season, but they have an opportunity to change all that when they take on the Bears in solder field this week.
  5. Jaguars (4-1) - The biggest surprise of the 2016 season was the jaguars elevating themselves from being a perennial bottom-feeder to a championship caliber team. Possibly the team with the most young talent in the NFL, Vegas gave them the second best odds to win the title this season and they have kept pace nicely. With four solid victories, including one in Seattle, and a very close loss to the super bowl champions, this team looks to contend again this year.
  6. Bears (3-1) - The Bears were one of the most dominant teams in the NFL last year so it came a surprise to most when the team experienced so much roster turnover in the offseason. While Matt Jones has remained the leader of the team, it's been the "Alcatraz" defense that has been its backbone. After a heartbreaking loss to the packers in week 4, the bears will have an opportunity for retribution in their upcoming matchup with the undefeated buccaneers.
  7. Seahawks (4-1) - Last years defensive juggernauts have become a liability on that end in recent weeks, giving up 30+ points in three straight weeks. Thankfully QB Russell Wilson has elevated his game to an elite level, throwing 7 TDs and just 2 interceptions over that span. With a tough test coming next week against the Saints, this defense will get a chance to prove if it is championship caliber.
  8. Steelers (4-1) - After a shocking loss to the Browns week 1 that killed people's survivor pool hopes everywhere, the Black and Gold bandits have rebounded nicely. With solid divisional victories over playoff hopefuls such as the ravens and the bengals, this team looks on the right track to the playoffs again. Steelers fans everywhere are hoping that Big Ben can come back to playing at an elite level in the coming weeks as rumors of him retiring following the season have been circulating the airwaves.
  9. Packers (3-1) - Following a 8-8 season, Cheeseheads everywhere we're calling for major change in the team makeup. Management obliged, among many moves they shipped QB Aaron Rodgers out of town and brought in former Heisman trophy winner Jameis Winston to be the signal caller. After a disappointing season opening loss to the bengals, the pack have rebounded well with three victories including a marquee triumph in solder field over their bitter rival the Bears.
  10. Raiders (4-1) - Most sports writers penciled in the raiders as one of the most mediocre teams in the league coming into the season, making this years fast start that much sweeter in Oakland. The thing that has given this team life is there heart, as they have scraped and clawed for every single yard in there four victories. With three tough test coming after there week 6 bye, the raiders will have chances in San Diego, Philadelphia, and Dallas to carve out an identity for their team and prove there a legitimate contender.
  11. Cowboys (3-2) - America's team opened the season with one of the toughest schedules in the league but it hasn't broken them. After getting slaughtered by the Chargers and losing a heartbreaking game to the Bears, the boys have won two strait to give them momentum coming into their week 6 bye. With a game against the high flying eagles on the horizon, the Boys have a chance to claw their way back on top of the NFC east.
  12. Titans (3-2) - This team has picked up were it left off last year. Right on the bubble of good and great. With one of top developing rosters in the league the Titans have took care of the games they should win but have struggled to capitalize and earn a marque victory. The last two weeks they have faced two of the top teams in the league and both games were in there grasp till the end. The reason they lost? Turnovers. Specifically 2 ints in the Seattle game and 4 vs the Steelers. If this team wants to take the next step, they must protect the ball.
  13. Broncos (3-2) - When a team brings in a lot of new faces, you really never know what to expect. The broncos have shown glimpses of greatness this season. With a victory over the angels and two close games against the raiders and cowboys, mile high is on the bubble of becoming a title contender again, unfortunately QB Andrew luck will be out for a few weeks with a foot fracture. If the broncos can stay afloat while luck is recovering, this team could be everyone's favorite dark horse in the playoffs.
  14. Dolphins (3-2) - Football in south beach has been a laughingstock for over a decade now, and last season didn't do anything to change that perception. Coming into this season everyone had written the fins off and this was considered a lame duck year for coach Marshall Atkins. After starting the season 1-2 everything seemed normal, but now in week 5 the fins appear to be the clear front runner in the AFC east. The Dolphins defense has been absolutely dominant the last two weeks only letting up six points, we will see if they keep momentum vs the Texans this week.
  15. Bengals (3-2) - Football is a sport where inconsistency can kill you. The bengals have been an epitome of this principle, after opening the season with two decisive victories over the packers and lions they have lost two divisional games and are searching for answers. After shipping QB Andy dalton to the quarterback graveyard that is Cleveland, they have struggled to find a replacement, as rookie QB Jawan Ricard has hit a wall. The bengals have been shipping out their players left and right and the coming weeks will us whether we should be saying #WhoDat or #TrustTheProcess
  16. Ravens (3-2) - Nothing puts more fire under a coaches seat than cutting a former super bowl champion QB. When Coach Kinchen moved on from Joe Flacco and brought Matt Ryan to Baltimore he knew he was going out on a limb. After the first two weeks of the season, fans were furious and calling for a termination of Coach Kinchen's contract immediately. Despite all this pressure the ravens have rebounded nicely, rattling off three straight victories including a nice road win against the divisional opponent Cincinnati. Despite these victories, an area of concern for this team is the defense and they have given up 3+ TDs in three straight games. If the ravens correct the use mistakes they could be looking at a playoff berth.
  17. Colts (2-2) - Coming into this season, the fans that fill Lucas Oils stadium were anticipating a full rebuilding year because of the departure of veteran players such as Andrew Luck and T.Y. Hilton. In a weird way, this year has been unfortunate cuz the team is stuck in that dreaded middle ground. There not bad enough to get a top pick yet there nowhere near good enough to secure a playoff spot. With three picks in the first two rounds, the calls for the team to start playing more young players will begin to get louder.
  18. Panthers (2-3) - "Clusterf*** - A disastrously mishandled situation or undertaking" Carolina has been in clusterf*** mode since the end of the 2016 season. After a spectacular 2016 season, Coach Antwan left Carolina for NE amid rumors of a toxic front office culture. 4 weeks into the season first year head Coach Bondor resigned amid more reports of about the front office and now the reigns of the franchise rest in the hands of Coach Go Cowboys (wtf?) who started things off with a victory over the Vikings. Despite the chaos of the franchise, Carolina has a very talented team on both sides of the ball.
  19. Jets (2-3) - Entering the season In the rebuilding process is always a hard thing as a coach. You have to keep the players motivated, keep the fan base spending money, all while making sure you lose enough games to get a good draft slot and keep your GM happy. Coach Todd Bowles has done a marvelous job and 1st round pick and hopeful franchise QB Hayden Skelton has been getting better every week. In a down year for the AFC east, the jets are somewhat poised to make a run, but the smart bet for the franchise would be to continue to develop the young players and stockpile talent.
  20. Rams (2-3) - Having a good young developing franchise QB is always something to look forward to as a NFL fan. Thankfully for Ram nation, former No 1 overall pick Jared Goff looks like the real deal. Unfortunately for the Rams, being stuck in a division with a powerhouse like the saints means a wildcard berth is the best case scenario, but because of the competitiveness of the NFC this year looks like a rebuilding year for LA. While most teams in their position would start full on tanking, it may be a good idea for the Rams to win as many games as possible so they can keep a competitive culture alive for there young players to develop in.
  21. Chiefs (2-3) - Kansas City entered the year with a energized fanbase due to the acquisition of QB Brett Hundley from Green Bay. This year was thought to be the year we're arrowhead could possibly be the host of a playoff game. Sadly, things haven't went that way. While they have secured two decisive victories over the Redskins and Giants, they have been absolutely demolished by any teams with relevancy losing to the Dolphins and Eagles by a combined score of 69(lol)-6. If things don't turn around in KC, there front office could be looking at a major shakeup.
  22. Texans (2-3) - Starting the season out is always a good thing. After two nail biting victories, the Texans were looking down on their division with pity, almost certain to claim a playoff berth... but things have went south quick. Following three straight losses, calls for Coach Zucchini to be fired have been heard all over the stadium. QB jay cutler, the biggest offseason acquisition, threw 8 picks in the Texans last game, setting an NFL record. Things are looking grim in Houston and change appears to be on the horizon.
  23. Lions (2-3) - Most teams in this section of the power rankings are laughing-stocks and disappointments, but for the lions this rings hollow. Viewed by many as one of the best young teams in the NFL due to their stockpile of talent acquired in the 2016 NFL Draft, the lions are building. While they sit 1-3 coming out of there week 5 bye week, things are looking bright for the franchise. Two of the teams losses this seals have been by less than a score to good teams in the bengals and Bucs, and the lions took care of business with the falcons. While some fans are disappointed, most people understand the lions positions and are hopeful for the future.
  24. Bills (2-3) - The team from upper New York has been nothing short of a disappointment this season. Coming off a great year where they won the AFC east in what felt like a century, the Buffalo bills have hit a wall. And when I say hit a wall I mean it's bad, their three losses this season have been by a combined score of 3-71. While most analyst believe that Coach Cory should keep his job, if he refuses to fire his Offensive Coordinator he could facing the axe himself. Because of the mediocre state of the AFC east, the bills have a shot at making a run but the pulse of this team is barely beating right now and could use a jumpstart.
  25. Browns (1-3) - between the Indians and the Cavaliers, Cleveland had a hell of a year last year. People thought that maybe the magic was back, maybe the browns are back? After a week 1 victory over the Steelers, one of the biggest regular season upsets in recent memory, fans were believing in the browns again, fans were crying coming out of the stadium and hope was in the air. Since then...... they've been the browns. Three straight losses going into the bye week has Cleveland fans on the brink.
  26. Patriots (1-4) - When Billy B and Tom Brady retired following last seasons disappointment, fans were dismayed but regained hope when Coach Antwan left Carolina for New England. Sadly, the team has came up short quite a bit this season. After suffering three losses this season by less than one score, fans are left feeling like there is something there with this team but it needs more talent. The smart move for the pats would be to trust in Coach Antwan to develop the young players on this team and start to rebuild the franchise going into the offseason.
  27. Redskins (0-4) - The RedDawgs of 2017 look a lot like the RedDawgs of 2016. A lot of close losses have demoralized the team. The talent is there, the Heart is there, but the team continues to come up short with all of there losses this season coming by less than two scores. The Redskins have been stockpiling draft picks and auctioning off veteran players left and right. Washington is looking at a rebuilding project this year and it's up in the air if Coach Woat's contract will be renewed next season.
  28. Giants(1-4) - The Giants had quite a turbulent offseason after last years playoff berth, swapping out future HOF QBs by cutting Eli manning and signing drew Brees. Three weeks into the season Coach Ben Mccadoo resigned citing personal reason. The team has gone off the Rails and Coach SG has quite a rebuilding project on his hands. The best bet for the Giants would be to cut there losses on some of there aging veteran players and build around the young core of the team.
  29. Cardinals (0-5) - Arizona is one of the Hottest states in the USA and Coach Jones feels it every time he sits down. The Cardinals went from mediocre last year to pitiful this year. The team doesn't have a victory on the season after Coach Jones took the first 5 weeks off to go get married, a unique situation in the NFL. The cardinals have one of the oldest teams in the NFL, and if this continues Coach Jones will almost certainly looking for new work.
  30. Falcons (0-4) - The offseason for Atlanta was a clean sweep, with most of the longtime veteran players being moved. Coming into this season the Falcons were expected to be bad but are actually somewhat better than expected. They've been blown out by the lions and panthers but have had two close games with NFC powerhouse New Orleans. Despite their lackluster record, Atlanta looks like a team on the rise and could piece together some victories following the acquisition of QB Ryan Tannehill.
  31. Vikings (0-5) - Minnesota was the Laughingstock of the league last year, and most people were surprised that Coach Satan kept his job. Coach Satan guaranteed a victory in the Vikings game against the packers after starting the season 0-1. Packers Coach Biggie Smalls responded by saying "Bow down and kiss the ring b****." After the loss Vikings fans showed up to the next game wearing ring-pops in protest of their head coach. It's safe to say Coach Satan's job is in trouble.
  32. 49ers (0-5) - Unlike the bengals, we actually know the the 9ers are in #TrustTheProcess mode. After selecting once in a generation QB prospect Adam West with the #1 pick, the future looked bright. Unfortunately after throwing 20 INTs through 5 games, West is already drawing Ryan Leaf comparisons. This is a building team, everyone knows it, but if they don't start protecting the ball this franchise could face another year of full on rebuilding.
submitted by hunterdubzz to MaddenLoC [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: SandersForPresident top posts from 2019-04-30 to 2019-05-30 04:01 PDT

Period: 29.70 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 24295
Rate (per day) 33.67 791.73
Unique Redditors 325 6318
Combined Score 435526 181426

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 37764 points, 26 submissions: Cadet-Bone-Spurs
    1. Bernie Sanders: If I'm elected president, we'll create a national minimum that must be spent per-pupil to educate our kids. No matter where you live, whether your community’s property values are high or low, your kids' schools will be guaranteed a certain minimum level of education funding. (13539 points, 546 comments)
    2. 38 Years Ago, Bernie Marching for Womens Rights (5227 points, 148 comments)
    3. Bernie Sanders' divisive proposal to give all prisoners voting rights is already a reality in countries like Canada and Israel (5128 points, 355 comments)
    4. Bernie: “The workers in the fossil fuel industry aren’t our enemies. They are working to feed their families. And that is why we will provide a just transition in the Green New Deal.” (5035 points, 145 comments)
    5. Bernie Sanders: The truth is that our country has had a long and shameful history of voter suppression. This should not devolve into a debate about whether certain people are “good enough” to have the right to vote. Voting is not a privilege. It is a right. (4308 points, 169 comments)
    6. Bernie: Betsy DeVos is the worst Secretary of Education in the modern history of our country. We need an Education Secretary who is a fierce advocate for public education and working class children and works to integrate our schools—not who is doing everything she can to undermine them. (796 points, 24 comments)
    7. Bernie Sanders didn't need to evolve or be told which side to be on. He's been a staunch defender of women's autonomy 100% of his adult life. (505 points, 24 comments)
    8. Bernie Sanders: When Harry Truman first proposed guaranteeing health care to seniors the idea was billed as radical, “un-American” and an attack on basic freedom. Medicare is now one of the most popular government programs. We can make health care a right to all if we have the political will. (372 points, 1 comment)
    9. Bernie: Did you know that from 1911-1967, Americans could bank at their local post office? At one point our postal banks serviced 4 million customers. We must ensure all Americans can access basic financial services by allowing every post office to offer basic banking services again. (331 points, 16 comments)
    10. Bernie Sanders currently has the largest twitter following of any declared presidential candidate besides Donald Trump (281 points, 12 comments)
  2. 33655 points, 36 submissions: puppuli
    1. Bernie: I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one. (24414 points, 909 comments)
    2. GOP Officials Publicly Denounce Bernie Sanders’ Obamacare Expansion, Quietly Request Funding - Fascinating story from 2015 on how Sanders’ political savvy substantially improved the ACA & directly saved lives (1351 points, 17 comments)
    3. Bernie's rally attendance cross 100,000 🔥🔥 (825 points, 32 comments)
    4. Sanders argued in a CNN town hall that a major sign of inequality can be seen in how much people pay for housing. He was correct (817 points, 15 comments)
    5. Bernie Sanders wrote to Margaret Thatcher demanding an end to the British government's abuse of Irish republican prisoners on hunger strike in the 1980s (742 points, 32 comments)
    6. Iowa Caucus Poll (15-19 May, Change Research): Sanders 24%, Biden 24%, Buttigieg 14%, Warren 12%, Harris 10%, O'Rourke 5%, Klobuchar 2%, Yang 2% (578 points, 121 comments)
    7. Bernie: I understand President Trump is blocking a resolution at the WHO that would require drug companies to disclose actual R&D costs for pharmaceutical drugs. Nobody should believe Mr. Trump when he talks about taking on Big Pharma. (565 points, 4 comments)
    8. Bernie Sanders explains his plan to cut military spending (486 points, 26 comments)
    9. Bernie Sanders Had His Own TV Show. We Found the Archives (427 points, 24 comments)
    10. 24 Million With 'Good' Insurance Are Struggling With Medical Bills (318 points, 15 comments)
  3. 30269 points, 149 submissions: cmplxgal
    1. Glenn Greenwald: Bernie Sanders is 77 years old, grew up with immigrant parents in working-class Brooklyn, spent his entire adult life earning a modest salary as an elected official, and now the media is turning him into a gluttonous, oligarchical mogul because he wrote a book when he was 75. (5741 points, 239 comments)
    2. Bernie: McConnell said he’d fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 after blocking hearings for Merrick Garland. What a hypocrite. Make no mistake about it, McConnell's goal has always been the same: lifetime appointments for extreme rightwing judges by any means. (2386 points, 68 comments)
    3. Bernie: "If we are a nation that can pay baseball players hundreds of millions of dollars, don't tell me we can't afford to pay teachers the salaries they deserve." (2223 points, 181 comments)
    4. Glenn Greenwald: "One of Sanders' best 2016 moments was when he replied to Hillary's boasting of her friendship with Henry Kissinger by proclaiming how proud he was that Kissinger is not his friend. His refusal now to feign respect for murderous neocons & their wars is even better. Very promising." (935 points, 25 comments)
    5. Bernie now has six events this weekend in Iowa! (620 points, 31 comments)
    6. NEW: Bernie Sanders will march tonight w/ abortion rights activists in Birmingham. He will go to the march directly after his rally there this afternoon. (492 points, 15 comments)
    7. "If you’re ever sad, just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as Bernie Sanders." (483 points, 24 comments)
    8. "There are 612,000 people locked in local jails across this country and 462,000 haven’t even been convicted of a crime. In America, you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, not jailed until you make bail. Criminal justice reform must include ending cash bail." (472 points, 17 comments)
    9. Bernie: "Instead of recognizing and addressing the concerns of workers, American Airlines has moved to sue @MachinistsUnion. Machinists keep passengers safe and on time. My message to American Airlines is simple: Stop the intimidation and bullying!" (472 points, 7 comments)
    10. CNN reporter: In Concord, @berniesanders was asked if he would federally recognize a third gender. “The answer is yes.” Sanders added, “Everything that I’m talking about is trying to create a non-discriminatory society.“ (448 points, 67 comments)
  4. 21192 points, 11 submissions: kaffmoo
    1. Bernie Sanders on Joe Biden saying he's most progressive: "Joe voted for the war in Iraq. I led the effort against it… Joe voted for the deregulation of Wall Street, I voted against that… I don't think there's much question about who's more progressive" (10211 points, 576 comments)
    2. Hindsight is 2020 (9978 points, 653 comments)
    3. Bernie Sanders “Our Revolution is about reaching out and bringing new people into politics.” (222 points, 4 comments)
    4. Ady Barkan a dying Man with ALS Explains to Congress.“In this Country, the wealthiest in history, we do not have an effective or fair or rational system for delivering that care.High costs, bad outcomes, mind-boggling bureaucracy, racial disparities, geographic inequities, and obscene profiteering.” (205 points, 8 comments)
    5. How to keep wages low and working conditions poor (144 points, 13 comments)
    6. How A Plan To Cap Credit Interest Rates Would Affect Your Wallet | Better | NBC News (93 points, 0 comments)
    7. Bernie 2020 Town Hall in Londonderry, New Hampshire. A honest debate with locals about Major Issues. (86 points, 1 comment)
    8. Senator Bernie Sanders: I Can ‘Absolutely’ Swipe Donald Trump’s Base Back (76 points, 4 comments)
    9. The casualties of war we often forget: Veteran victims of overdose and suicide deserve special attention on Memorial Day and year-round (67 points, 0 comments)
    10. Tuition or Dinner? Nearly Half of College Students Surveyed in a New Report Are Going Hungry (56 points, 2 comments)
  5. 14438 points, 4 submissions: relevantlife
    1. Bernie Sanders says all teachers salaries should start at $60,000 (13255 points, 1056 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders: "Billionaire Robert F. Smith's gift to forgive the student debts of the graduating class of Morehouse College was extremely generous. But the student crisis will not be solved by charity. It must be addressed by governmental action." (598 points, 19 comments)
    3. Bernie Sanders to demand Walmart workers get a board seat at annual shareholders meeting. “Walmart workers are sick and tired of being paid poverty wages, while the Walton family is worth over $170 billion." (550 points, 4 comments)
    4. This Memorial Day, I am reminded why I am voting for Bernie. As of this year, we will have been sending our men and women to Afghanistan to die for OVER HALF of my life. Bernie understands that endless war for two decades is unsustainable. Today, let’s make a commitment to BRING OUR SOLDIERS HOME. (35 points, 0 comments)
  6. 14182 points, 18 submissions: lrlOurPresident
    1. Bernie responds to Biden: "There is no 'middle ground' when it comes to climate policy. If we don't commit to fully transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels, we will doom future generations. Fighting climate change must be our priority, whether fossil fuel billionaires like it or not." (4362 points, 111 comments)
    2. In the mid 1980s, Joe Biden was publicly praising a segregationist at the same time Bernie Sanders was fighting for justice alongside Jesse Jackson’s rainbow coalition. (3810 points, 152 comments)
    3. Yesterday, Bernie marched for abortion rights, just as he did 33 years ago. Issue by issue, unlike many other politicians, you don't have to wonder if Bernie has been on the right side of history. (1079 points, 18 comments)
    4. Bernie Sanders: "Uber says it can't pay its drivers more money, but rewarded its CEO with nearly $50 million last year. People who work for multibillion-dollar companies should not have to work 70 or 80 hours a week to get by. I stand with the Uber and Lyft drivers going on strike on May 8." (1006 points, 20 comments)
    5. Bernie Sanders just announced that if elected president, he will use executive action to block cuts to workers' promised retirement benefits, and will push his own legislation to permanently block future cuts (583 points, 13 comments)
    6. Bernie Sanders: “One out of every three senior citizens in America relies on Social Security for virtually ALL of their income. I don't think the wealthiest country in history should have seniors living in poverty. Trump wants to slash Social Security. I believe we must expand it.” (486 points, 2 comments)
    7. Bernie Sanders: "Walmart workers are sick and tired of being paid poverty wages, while the Walton family is worth over $170 billion. I’m honored to have been invited by Walmart workers to demand they have a seat on the company’s board." (457 points, 2 comments)
    8. Average annual interest rates on payday loans: Delaware 521%, Idaho 652%, Nevada 652%, Texas 661%, Utah 652%, Wisconsin 574%. It's time to end exploitative lending that keeps Americans trapped in debt. We will cap interest rates on consumer loans and credit cards at 15%. (341 points, 12 comments)
    9. Bernie Sanders vows to end cash bail nationally (316 points, 11 comments)
    10. Bernie Sanders: "This is shameful. A fourth child has died after being detained by Border Patrol since December. Our job is to provide protection and due process to those fleeing violence and persecution—not to threaten the safety of families and children at the border and tear families apart." (284 points, 10 comments)
  7. 11630 points, 38 submissions: amplify-twenty20
    1. J. Cole didn't vote, but he has an interesting perspective (3654 points, 443 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders will fight the total abortion ban in states such as Alabama (652 points, 6 comments)
    3. Private prisons are a failed experiment (612 points, 14 comments)
    4. Bernie Sanders is a strong criminal justice reform candidate (541 points, 7 comments)
    5. Bernie Sanders wants a responsible foreign policy (530 points, 11 comments)
    6. End cash bail nationwide (512 points, 16 comments)
    7. Legalize marijuana (472 points, 7 comments)
    8. How terrible! (445 points, 6 comments)
    9. Bernie Sanders thinks a high-quality public education should be a right (390 points, 5 comments)
    10. Bernie Sanders wants to root out institutional racism (381 points, 17 comments)
  8. 11109 points, 2 submissions: SherSinghz
    1. Bernie Sanders refutes Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz as she attacks Socialism. (10120 points, 499 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "This is the richest country on Earth and our people don't have clean water. That's an international disgrace. Our solution: the WATER Act, which would create more than a million jobs to overhaul our nation's water infrastructure. (989 points, 12 comments)
  9. 8764 points, 21 submissions: sonofspy
    1. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders call for investigation into TurboTax and H&R Block for allegedly steering customers away from free tax filing (6302 points, 158 comments)
    2. A 10-year-old girl’s $67,957 snake bite is the exact reason we need Medicare for All (589 points, 24 comments)
    3. Bernie Video: GM got a $514 million tax break from Trump. It pays nothing in federal income taxes. Its CEO made $22 million last year. (387 points, 9 comments)
    4. During 2020 Bid, Sanders Looks To Convince Young Voters To Turn Out In Record Numbers (295 points, 37 comments)
    5. Sanders pushes back against Biden's claim he's the 'most progressive' candidate in the Democratic field (287 points, 20 comments)
    6. Pointing to Disastrous History of US Intervention, Sanders Warns Against Military Action in Venezuela (96 points, 18 comments)
    7. Bernie Sanders slams Joe Biden for downplaying China's economic threat to the US (82 points, 14 comments)
    8. 'Tired of Getting Ripped Off,' Key Swing District Voters Want Candidates Willing to Take on Big Pharma: Poll (79 points, 0 comments)
    9. Daniel Desnoyers died after he couldn’t afford his mental health meds. (78 points, 1 comment)
    10. Bernie Sanders announces a farmers' right-to-repair and antitrust proposal similar to Elizabeth Warren's (66 points, 1 comment)
  10. 7805 points, 2 submissions: WhiskeyInferno
    1. 2020 election poll: Joe Biden's lead shrinks to zero against Bernie Sanders in critical Iowa (7225 points, 410 comments)
    2. Shaun King: Joe Biden is the father of modern mass incarceration (580 points, 30 comments)
  11. 7651 points, 12 submissions: roku44
    1. Bernie Sanders Decides to Play Rough This Time. The senator is playing to win, drawing sharp contrasts with his opponents far more quickly and aggressively than he did four years ago. (4835 points, 193 comments)
    2. Pollster Frank Luntz Predicts Bernie Sanders Will Be The 2020 Democratic Nominee. Ironically, some of the same fears that helped Trump win in 2016 could deliver the Democratic nomination to the Vermont senator, the GOP pollster says. (1434 points, 175 comments)
    3. Bernie-Biden Is a War for the Future of the Democratic Party (322 points, 57 comments)
    4. Are centrist candidates really the most "electable"? It may be the opposite. Despite the mainstream media's centrism fetish, voters want someone inspirational, not just "nicer than Trump" (212 points, 32 comments)
    5. Fox News viewers are more likely to support Bernie Sanders than people who watch MSNBC (184 points, 16 comments)
    6. 'Let's Expand Employee Ownership': Bernie Sanders Backs Plan to Give Workers Power Over Corporate Decisions. "We can move to an economy where workers feel that they're not just a cog in the machine—one where they have power over their jobs and can make decisions." (156 points, 1 comment)
    7. NBC News| Meet The Press| "We're going to create the kind of excitement that we need to bring out the large voter turnout," Sanders said. "The truth is that our campaign, I think, can generate that excitement." (126 points, 2 comments)
    8. 'Caravan' of Americans Crossing Canadian Border for Affordable Medical Care. A group of Minnesotans with diabetes said they were traveling five hours north to buy insulin for a tenth of what it costs in the U.S. (111 points, 13 comments)
    9. Sanders Calls on 2020 Candidates to Pledge Opposition to 'Unfair' Trade Deals That Put Corporate Interests Ahead of US Workers. "What we have seen over the last many years is one disastrous trade policy after another... It has led to a race to the bottom." (76 points, 1 comment)
    10. Bernie Sanders Speech Iran War (72 points, 2 comments)
  12. 7282 points, 7 submissions: bourgeoisfunctionary
    1. Bernie Sanders appears to be the favorite to secure Ocasio-Cortez’s prized endorsement in the Democratic presidential primary (6102 points, 408 comments)
    2. THREAD: It’s almost as if @JoeBiden & @BernieSanders are literally opposites. So the question is: which side are you on? Scroll through this thread (704 points, 102 comments)
    3. Young voter turnout increased by 79 percent in 2018 midterms (184 points, 13 comments)
    4. Indiana: Biden 33, Sanders 23, Buttigieg 20 (105 points, 90 comments)
    5. A plurality of Democratic voters (46%) support giving felons the right to vote (89 points, 14 comments)
    6. NATIONAL PRIMARY POLL (May 17-18, 2019, The Hill/Harris X): Biden 33 (-13), Sanders 14 (0), Warren 8 (+1), Buttigieg 6 (-2), Harris 6 (0), O'Rourke 5 (+2) (58 points, 23 comments)
    7. Morning Consult: Biden 39, Sanders 19, Warren 8, Harris 8, Buttigieg 6 (40 points, 11 comments)
  13. 7184 points, 12 submissions: MightyMane6
    1. Sanders to join Ocasio-Cortez at rally as climate fight heats up (5811 points, 199 comments)
    2. Tomorrow I will be out Canvassing in Downtown Tampa and I brought hundreds of Bernie business cards to give out! I challenge everyone to go out and Canvass! Sign up for a Canvassing event near you at: (323 points, 17 comments)
    3. We NEED to aggressively begin distinguishing Bernie and Warren!! (281 points, 95 comments)
    4. Bernie is asking for our help! We need to reach 20,000 individual donations by midnight tomorrow! We are already at 3,000! Let's crush this goal!! (206 points, 81 comments)
    5. Yesterday the Sanders Campaign sent out an email setting a donation goal before the next FEC Deadline. The goal is set at 20,000 Individual donations by midnight tonight! (115 points, 24 comments)
    6. Paula Jean and Amy Vilela from Knock Down the House are fully endorsing Bernie! 🔥 (86 points, 13 comments)
    7. The Crowd in Birmingham AL (86 points, 36 comments)
    8. NEW Hear the Bern Episode is out | Bernie back in the day with David Sirota, Jeff Weaver, and Chuck Rocha. (69 points, 1 comment)
    9. Road to a Green New Deal - ft. Bernie & AOC | LIVE (68 points, 4 comments)
    10. Sen. Bernie Sanders visits River Region | 27 Photos (54 points, 0 comments)
  14. 6988 points, 43 submissions: axiomsofdominion
    1. For those counting at home, @BernieSanders has now been accused of being in the pocket of Big Poor, Big Human Rights and Big Elementary School (2091 points, 34 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders says the U.S. should be like Iceland and legally enforce equal pay (831 points, 74 comments)
    3. “Nevada's powerful teachers unions are applauding Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' new education plan, which would put a moratorium on charter schools and end funding for for-profit charter schools nationwide.” (301 points, 18 comments)
    4. Bernie Sanders is making 2 stops in South Carolina this weekend. Here’s where you can see him (248 points, 1 comment)
    5. BREAKING: Common Defense surveyed our 125,000 members to see how politically engaged progressive military veterans are feeling about the 2020 primary. Here’s what we found: 1) @BernieSanders 29.1% (up 5.1% from Jan) 2) @ewarren 20.7% (up 10.7% !!) 3) @JoeBiden 18.2% (up 0.2%) (234 points, 28 comments)
    6. Bernie rolls out New Hampshire endorsements: Alderman at-Large Brandon Laws, City of Nashua, Representative Josh Adjutant, (Ashland) Grafton, Representative Mark King, (Nashua) Hillsborough, Representative Skip Cleaver, (Nashua) Hillsborough, Representative Tim Smith, (Manchester) Hillsborough, etc. (174 points, 9 comments)
    7. Shaun King: "In 1989 @BernieSanders gave the strongest speech in Congress opposing the @JoeBiden Crime Bill. Bernie then fought against it for 5 years. This speech, which I think may be the best Bernie ever gave in Congress, was in April of 1994 opposing the Crime Bill once again." (172 points, 23 comments)
    8. Amazing Bernie Video: "The first thing Bernie says when he meets you: 'What can I do for you?' And then...he delivers." (171 points, 5 comments)
    9. "Just listened into the Bernie Sanders rally in Montpelier, Vermont and the speaker is boasting about how Bernie came to a farm to milk a cow and didn't leave until all 130 cows had been milked. Among Democratic presidential candidates in history, can even Jimmy Carter claim that?" (168 points, 7 comments)
    10. No Democrat has ever won I-Bernie Sanders's Senate seat. It was held by JimJeffords from 1989-2007, Robert Stafford from 1971-1989, and Winston Prouty from 1959-1971. All 3 men previously held Vermont's House Seat, which was held only for one term by a Dem between 2007 and 1933. Bernie Is Electable. (161 points, 18 comments)
  15. 6902 points, 7 submissions: BERNIN_FOR_BERNIE
    1. Labor Leader Chuck Jones who took Trump to task endorses Bernie Sanders (5621 points, 107 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders is an accomplished, effective leader (699 points, 15 comments)
    3. BERN UP the New DailyKos Straw Poll! (200 points, 109 comments)
    4. BERN UP the May 1 DailyKos Straw Poll! (159 points, 42 comments)
    6. Over 70 Civil Rights Groups urge Democratic candidates to support the right to vote for those incarcerated (42 points, 1 comment)
    7. Bernie Sanders has a campaign machine that is crushing it! (39 points, 1 comment)
  16. 6855 points, 1 submission: nolesfan2011
    1. Bernie Sanders will call for ban on for-profit charter schools (6855 points, 360 comments)
  17. 6714 points, 1 submission: zxlkho
    1. Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez want to cap credit card interest rates at 15 percent (6714 points, 467 comments)
  18. 5586 points, 1 submission: donkijote97
    1. Bernie is leading among voters under 50. Each and every one of us should talk to the older people in our lives and convince them that voting for Bernie would be in everyone’s best interest. (5586 points, 380 comments)
  19. 5431 points, 1 submission: sirtinykins
    1. God this at the casino last night. I’m starting to agree. (5431 points, 155 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. BopTheDrass (2387 points, 151 comments)
  2. Listen2Hedges (1720 points, 87 comments)
  3. caraperdida (1578 points, 205 comments)
  4. 4now5now6now (1387 points, 227 comments)
  5. axiomsofdominion (1309 points, 201 comments)
  6. EcoSoco (1272 points, 148 comments)
  7. skralogy (1179 points, 18 comments)
  8. mnbvcxz123 (1141 points, 138 comments)
  9. shatabee4 (1065 points, 75 comments)
  10. edenfairy (1001 points, 46 comments)
  11. MightyMane6 (994 points, 54 comments)
  12. ExpensiveCancel (981 points, 56 comments)
  13. wehaveengagedtheborg (979 points, 3 comments)
  14. ClockworkBlues (913 points, 1 comment)
  15. IsherwoodWilliams87 (893 points, 24 comments)
  16. FireWaterBern (869 points, 89 comments)
  17. Nwprogress (846 points, 43 comments)
  18. bullbear101 (836 points, 13 comments)
  19. IronicEyeCancer (830 points, 23 comments)
  20. cmplxgal (805 points, 145 comments)
  21. Brockstroturf (805 points, 11 comments)
  22. b778av (798 points, 4 comments)
  23. BootsieBunny (777 points, 1 comment)
  24. HBdrunkandstuff (772 points, 43 comments)
  25. TheRamJammer (771 points, 129 comments)
  26. Yarongo (765 points, 43 comments)
  27. AGuyWhoLikesDunks (733 points, 15 comments)
  28. 00matthew2000 (732 points, 76 comments)
  29. Person51389 (731 points, 207 comments)
  30. Pixiechicken (717 points, 119 comments)
  31. saintnicklaus90 (710 points, 2 comments)
  32. bourgeoisfunctionary (691 points, 27 comments)
  33. DrCarsonsCure (681 points, 86 comments)
  34. YumYumPickleBird (657 points, 150 comments)
  35. waheifilmguy (639 points, 3 comments)
  36. WayTooFuckingOnline (632 points, 8 comments)
  37. SernyRanders (614 points, 59 comments)
  38. skellener (603 points, 30 comments)
  39. baxtus1 (602 points, 52 comments)
  40. BerryBoy1969 (591 points, 64 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Bernie: I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one. by puppuli (24414 points, 909 comments)
  2. Bernie Sanders: If I'm elected president, we'll create a national minimum that must be spent per-pupil to educate our kids. No matter where you live, whether your community’s property values are high or low, your kids' schools will be guaranteed a certain minimum level of education funding. by Cadet-Bone-Spurs (13539 points, 546 comments)
  3. Bernie Sanders says all teachers salaries should start at $60,000 by relevantlife (13255 points, 1056 comments)
  4. Bernie Sanders on Joe Biden saying he's most progressive: "Joe voted for the war in Iraq. I led the effort against it… Joe voted for the deregulation of Wall Street, I voted against that… I don't think there's much question about who's more progressive" by kaffmoo (10211 points, 576 comments)
  5. Bernie Sanders refutes Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz as she attacks Socialism. by SherSinghz (10120 points, 499 comments)
  6. Hindsight is 2020 by kaffmoo (9978 points, 653 comments)
  7. 2020 election poll: Joe Biden's lead shrinks to zero against Bernie Sanders in critical Iowa by WhiskeyInferno (7225 points, 410 comments)
  8. Bernie Sanders will call for ban on for-profit charter schools by nolesfan2011 (6855 points, 360 comments)
  9. Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez want to cap credit card interest rates at 15 percent by zxlkho (6714 points, 467 comments)
  10. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders call for investigation into TurboTax and H&R Block for allegedly steering customers away from free tax filing by sonofspy (6302 points, 158 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 941 points: wehaveengagedtheborg's comment in Bernie Sanders appears to be the favorite to secure Ocasio-Cortez’s prized endorsement in the Democratic presidential primary
  2. 913 points: ClockworkBlues's comment in Bernie Sanders says all teachers salaries should start at $60,000
  3. 777 points: BootsieBunny's comment in Bernie Sanders on Joe Biden saying he's most progressive: "Joe voted for the war in Iraq. I led the effort against it… Joe voted for the deregulation of Wall Street, I voted against that… I don't think there's much question about who's more progressive"
  4. 761 points: IsherwoodWilliams87's comment in Aisha Moodie-Mills on MSNBC calling out the new CNN where no one under 45 was polled.
  5. 731 points: IronicEyeCancer's comment in Bernie Sanders refutes Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz as she attacks Socialism.
  6. 719 points: bullbear101's comment in 2020 election poll: Joe Biden's lead shrinks to zero against Bernie Sanders in critical Iowa
  7. 713 points: b778av's comment in Bernie: I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one.
  8. 707 points: saintnicklaus90's comment in Bernie Sanders says all teachers salaries should start at $60,000
  9. 634 points: Nwprogress's comment in Bernie Sanders Decides to Play Rough This Time. The senator is playing to win, drawing sharp contrasts with his opponents far more quickly and aggressively than he did four years ago.
  10. 634 points: waheifilmguy's comment in Sanders to join Ocasio-Cortez at rally as climate fight heats up
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