Gambling, Casino Jokes - Short, Funny Jokes and One-Liners

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EPISODE 3 - JAY-VLOG - Announcement! Casino Dad-Joke, New Chip Trick, V...

EPISODE 3 - JAY-VLOG - Announcement! Casino Dad-Joke, New Chip Trick, V... submitted by Casinodealerjay to u/Casinodealerjay [link] [comments]

Do you know why you should go to the Dad Joke Casino?

It's got the best deals.
submitted by CoopaTroopa37 to dadjokes [link] [comments]

Where do casinos put people who are forced to listen to dad jokes?

The eye roller suite.
submitted by George_Zip1 to dadjokes [link] [comments]

MS Relationship "Advice" Live

Shout out to u/sprinkydinks73 for requesting this review. Much like MS, I guess I am just a sucker validation from strangers on the internet. So here is a long rambling about her relationship with C that she has somehow deemed general relationship advice.
MS sets the tone by screeching, "#nofilteramIright?!" She loves Instagram filters though, and will probably always use them because she thinks they're fun. Over a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, MS started reminiscing about how far her relationship with C has come and therefore decided she wants to do a "relationship advice" style live today. She gives a rough TL of their relationship: First date in 2017, became bf/gf in 2018. But 2020-21 was the first full year they've gone without breaking up. She acknowledges maybe she shouldn't be the one giving relationship advice, in part because she doesn't like speaking on C's behalf and putting everything out into the open since he's not really a social media guy. But this is about advice of course, not strictly the intimate details of her relationship, right? Wrong. She proceeds to tell us her and C broke up in July 2017, and New Years of 2019, and then got back together last January. So today she's going to tell us what made her relationship work so well this year because they've been BFFs lately. She jokes she would much rather talk about shitting her pants than her relationship.
Now Ms proceeds to talk at length and in detail about her relationship. Previously, MS had felt very insecure in her relationship with C for various reasons. After high school, C went to a big state school and was in a frat, meanwhile during that parallel time in her life MS was in her first marriage before getting divorced in 2014. After that, she went on a self-described 'wild phase. She also always assumed sorority girls were hoes, which is lovely. According to her, she had strict parents and for example, wasn't allowed to wear nail polish until high school. She later admits she was wild in high school, but not that wild because all she did was sneak out and go to parties and have a few beers and smoke weed. So it sounds like her parents maybe weren't so unreasonable after all. She always wanted to be a cheerleader but her parents said no, only because you "should not cheer for someone else, you should have people cheering for you!" So she did ballet instead. And if she was going to college she had to be there on a sports scholarship or be there to "pursue an education", and she was never good enough at any sport to get a scholarship. And I guess she just didn't care to pursue an education instead. Her sister did however get a soccer scholarship. after she got divorced then she went on a real crazy phase while she was waitressing and drinking/smoking a lot after work.
C was apparently really popular in his frat, and he was a flywheel instructor at the time so he was in really good shape back then. So a bunch of gorgeous college girls would take his class. And so when they first got together, she was insecure about the fact that C had female friends because she never really had guy friends. All the guys she met would either want to date her or sleep with her appearance. She's a total girl's girl, who doesn't really have guy friends. There was one girl who lived in the area, and something in her 'gut' told her something was going on. So she would cry, and go through his phone all the time, and part of the reason they broke up the second time was that he was tired of her doing that. He didn't feel like she trusted him, and she kept violating his privacy. Nothing she found was under the category of cheating, she just found normal exchanges between him and his female friends. Her last bf before C was what she calls 'protective' and would frequently look through her phone, but she "knew she wasn't cheating so it was never an issue". This is a really toxic mindset. Anyways, this female friend in question would invite C out places, and then if he mentioned MS was coming along with them the friend would allegedly cancel the plans last minute. She would then talk all this trash about C's friend and how ugly and terrible she is. Then they'd get into a fight because C would defend his friend and tell her to not be so insecure. Eventually, they sat down and decided to tell C's friend that she needs to learn to deal with MS coming out with them sometimes because they're together now. And the friend allegedly said sometimes MS made her feel insecure because MS is just such a badass. She admits she felt that the friend had an 'agenda', not that she necessarily wanted to be with C but that the friend wanted C to break up with MS.
She then goes "shit! he's about to walk in the door. when he walks in we're going to pretend to be talking about something else". Apparently, C doesn't like being put on blast to all her followers! C comes in and says hey, and she goes "Hi baby" and he leaves the room. She then resumes talking about their relationship just as loudly as before. She was just being this 'too cool' aloof girl, and C wanted her to communicate with him more. But she doesn't go through his phone anymore, because he got a new phone and changed his password to a 6 digit one. She's so confident, but she has issues with men because of her relationship with her dad and her ex-BF who cheated on her. Except when her dad gives her rent and purse money, then they're good. But she reminds us she still watches C's Instagram feed, and if she sees any hot girls on his feed he makes him unfollow them.
Anyway, her main relationship tips are communication, setting your boundaries, being able to banter together. C tells her a lot she can't take a joke, because he will make the smallest criticism in jest and MS will get really mad right away and say something actually mean back. But she never takes anything she reads online seriously though guys! The biggest change this time around for her and C was "wanting it" more. Usually, as soon as they fight, MS will shut down and say he's done with the relationship without talking about it at all. And now MS has realized life without C sucks, so the fights are worth choosing to talk through. Wow, imagine that. Also, apparently, guys are just not smart, or at least they just don't think about what women want and fail to compliment them as much as they want. So now she tells C "give me a compliment" or "I need attention". She then reads some comments and mentions she and C make date night a priority, and they always go out Sundays after church. Not sure about this one, I've seen her go to church maybe 3 times the past few months. But they do eat out a LOT. And they eat dinner together every night and try to do fun activities, like tonight they're going to an ax-throwing place tonight. I am imagining a picture of her holding an ax later tonight with a caption about strong women/female empowerment. She ended up not going to the casino because she didn't know how the weather would be, but she's going to go have a date night with C and play pool. She signs off by blowing a kiss to the camera, and saying she will save the live because she hopes everyone will find it "insightful"
submitted by leesk01 to YouniquePresenterMS [link] [comments]

MIL hates me so much she keeps asking my husband to message women in other countries

Both my husband and I come from the same ethnicity. Although we're the same ethnicity, we were raised differently. His family grew up in enough financial security to be able to afford luxury cars. My family could barely make ends meet. Which meant in anything and everything I've done, I had to support myself. Including skipping college so I could work right away to afford the ridiculously high rent in my state. When I was dating my husband, I explicitly told him it was up to him to decide whether or not he wanted to move in with me. This enraged my Mil since she liked the free labor in the house when he used to live with them. (Installing windows, fixing computers, working on their cars, etc.)
Ever since the world turned upside down last year, my husband's medical facility hired anyone they could find. Mil saw this as an opportunity to work closely with him. Ever since then she's been making snide comments saying "you don't know what she's after" or "your father is hurting because you chose her over us." Mind you, this will be quite ironic since she had the nerve to tell him to message some random woman in the Philippines because "she's a nurse like us." It's ironic because she's questioning MY intentions when she'd rather have some stranger use her own son to gain access to this country and use him for a damn greencard. I know how this works. I'm not stupid. It happens all the time. They pimp their own children so they can get paid when they marry and bring the person to this country.
He's been telling her to f-off while I find it funny. We've joked about it. Saying if he ever does intend to be with some random chick he'll end up homeless. I'm the primary account holder for everything in our place. I take care of the bills. Yes, we split then 50/50 but every utility bill, rent bill, cable bill, home insurance, I. Take. Care. Of. Them. All. I've tried having him handle them before but due to his very exhausting line of work, it was best to just leave it to me. (I do have a whole list of my accounts on a piece of paper he can easily access but he insists on just sending me the money for them)
Today puts the cherry on top when husband tells me Mil told him how "dad is disappointed in you for not giving your old car to your younger sister." This was so wrong for so many reasons. Back in December, even with the whole pandemic, they chose to go to the casino. They won a LUXURY CAR but were so blinded with greed, they CHOSE TO CASH IT OUT. Meaning they cashed out about $40k. Husband and I didnt know about this. Christmas comes and I tell husband to drop off their presents. We got them some good stuff but never expected much since they're always "too busy" but I love his sister so I always make sure to give her something good.
They gave him nothing and of course I never expect anything so my hopes weren't high. They chose not to tell us about their casino winnings and my husband found out from a random coworker about this fact. Apparently mil and fil were so proud of their winnings even a long time friend who I no longer talked to, congratulated me. But never informed my husband and I. So pretty much they're blaming my husband for their daughter not having a "better car" when they turned down a car and cashed it out. Theyre blaming us for not giving a car, my husband paid off on his own, to his sister when they're the ones who turned down a car. (His sister does in fact already have a car and is actually 22 years old. Working 2 jobs and going through college. So no, she's not a young teenager Mil makes her seem to be.)
Makes damn sense to me how narcissistic they are.
submitted by xickennoogit to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]


Many people will not buy into something unless it has some solid ground.
Memes = Awareness Statistics = Consideration
Every news source isn't getting it, they're bullish on Bitcoin still. They downgrade Dogecoin as a joke.
This article -
Gets what we're doing. They not only build a solid case for us; it has a cool image of a Dogecoin that doesn't look like a joke BASHING a bitcoin, AND this ARTICLE IS VERY FOMO. It's an excellent sales pitch. I've posted it over 75 times in comments, messages, and posts. This article convinced my MOTHER to invest. She said "well, I'll hold onto it, and if my $1k turns into $10k after a few years I'll be happy. If I lose it all? Oh well, your dad spends that much every time we go to the casino."
And let me tell you. MY MOTHER is 66, and is always completely totally skeptical about everything. So it surprised me. DISTRIBUTE! Sorry if my story was too long but this article hits the hype train for long term holders. Recruit. Recruit. Recruit.
submitted by Alehti to dogecoin [link] [comments]

We were going to take my dad off life support, but God had other plans- Your feel good 'miracles' do happen true story for the day

With everything going on, sounds like you all need a feel good story. So here is mine.
About 3 weeks ago, my father suffered a brain stem stroke in front of the emergency department, while going to visit my mother who was just admitted that morning for internal bleeding. He was somehow able to drive to the hospital, park the car, turn off the ignition and come out of the car before he stumbled and fell. A Good Samaritan found him and he was admitted to the hospital with signs of stroke. So here I am, an only child, with both my parents in the hospital. F**k me, right?
For almost 10 days my dad lay in the ICU. He was not progressing at all and was paralyzed on his right side. He was dependent on a ventilator, his blood pressure skyrocketed, he was put on insulin for his diabetes and was on an obscene amount of sedatives and pain killers. This man, who snuck me wine coolers before my high school dances, took lonely seniors on casino runs and never missed a birthday/graduation/holiday for any of his grandchildren was lying down in a hospital bed fighting for his life. The times he was barely conscious, he cried. This is a man, in all my 44 years of life, has never cried.
His physician, at the time had written him off as being someone with a very 'low quality of life'. My father, an extremely vibrant man with a big mouth and an equally big heart, would likely never walk again and since he was not progressing, my mother and I made the very difficult decision to withdraw care in 48 hours. This was the most heartbreaking decision that I ever had to make. My kids saw me in the worst state of my life. My puppy (7 month old shihpoo) let me ugly cry into his fur. It was the worst week of my life.
Fast forward 48 hours later. My mom and I went to say our final goodbyes to my dad. We ran into our priest in the hospital who had just blessed my dad the day before (as we jokingly said that the only way to get him to be catholic was for him to be on his death bed). He mentioned how alert my father was. When we walked in to his room, the nurse said that he was watching TV. I mean, WTF, how is this man, who was in a vegetable state like 48 hours ago, watching T.V? We walked in to find my dad fully awake, off all sedatives, able to squeeze our hands and able to communicate by nodding his head. This was certainly NOT a man who was ready to die. The nurse then explained that he had progressed in the past 24 hours and that we could 'change our mind' with withdrawing end of care. We asked my dad if he was willing to try getting off the ventilator. We asked him if he was willing to fight the long battle ahead. He nodded yes, and squeezed out hand. I have since reported the doctor that told us that my father had no quality of life as she did not update us on our progress, and I can't help to think if they would have continued the end of life process had we not been able to visit him that day.
It's been two weeks since that life changing day in the ICU. My father has been progressing really well, able to fully move his left arm and leg, and occasionally, will stick his middle finger up at me and the nurse so at least we know he still has his sense off humour. He is completely off the ventilator and is undergoing physiotherapy. The doctors are amazed at his progress, stating that patients with his prognosis do not recover that quickly or, recover at all for that matter.
We are not sure what the future holds for my father, but I am so grateful that he is alive. And to see him flip the bird to me, is priceless.
submitted by jadestress to Catholicism [link] [comments]

Me (17m) is having relationship issues with my (17f) girlfriend and her family.

I met my girlfriend about 2 months ago. Obviously, at this point, we don't know THAT much about each other, and along with that, I don't know much about her family. She lives with her aunt & uncle because her real parents were abusive, but we just refer to her aunt and uncle as her "parents" or her "mom and dad".
I would like to add in, that I occasionally go to her house. Her dad has always been firm and kind of an asshole to me, calling me names and teasing me, but he never really mentioned the fact that he was joking. Due to this, I would always assume he hated me for no reason because I didn't understand his sense of humor.
Last night, I decided to spend pretty much the entire day with my girlfriend at her house while her parents were gone at a casino drinking with some other family members. They knew I was at their house, so that wasn't a problem. Around 10:40 pm, they came back home with the other family members that were really drunk. I said hi to them, greeted myself, and hugged this one woman I didn't know about. She seemed nice but I didn't realize she was drunk. She kept talking to us, and I soon caught on that she was intoxicated. I don't necessarily like being around people that can't control themselves like that. My girlfriend and I walked back into her room, and the lady followed. She kept talking to us, over and over again and at that point, I was ignoring her and not looking at her. She started grabbing my shoes, which ticked me off because I didn't know what she was going to do with them. I told her to put them down, and to leave us alone. She started teasing me, so I finally got up, grabbed my shoe, and said "Please fuck off. You're being an asshole and it's annoying." After I said this, she decided to punch me as hard as she could 3-4 times in my jaw. She stormed out, knocking and breaking a bunch of my girlfriend's things.
After this, obviously, I called my mom to call the police and she was about a minute or two away from my girlfriend's house. I went outside to talk with my girlfriend's mom. Right from the beginning, she seemed like she was more upset at the fact I told this lady to fuck off than the fact I was literally assaulted. One very specific thing I remember her telling me was "If you make this a big deal, you won't see your girlfriend again." This is something that really pissed me off because I never intentionally try to start problems like this.
Today, January 31st, me and my parents went back to their house to make an arrangement to talk about things and to have a discussion regarding what happened the night before. We sat down, and I opened the conversation mentioning I didn't like how my girlfriend's mom said "If you make this a big deal, you won't see her again". Immediately, she called me a liar and denied everything. I know what I heard, and I think it's unfortunate an adult like her is acting this childish.
We kept talking, discussing different things, and one of the topics we brought up was the fact that I should get to know them more, and they should get to know me. I mentioned how I have tried talking to my girlfriend's mom about the school I go to, and how it's really interesting and how you're able to make your own schedules because it's online. She told me that she felt like I was trying to tell her how to raise my girlfriend and that was never my intention. I was just having a genuine conversation with her mom.
Overall, I feel really weird. I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle this relationship in the near future. I don't know what to do.
Part of me feels like such a disruption, like a lot of this, is my fault.
Part of me feels like they don't like me anymore, (not like they ever did in the first place).
And part of me feels like my girlfriend is losing feelings for me because I'm such a complicated person with this entire situation. She told me to "get over it" and I feel like personally, that was the wrong kind of advice to give but maybe I'm just being a baby.
I apologize for how long this was, or if it was confusing at any point. If anyone would like to give some kind of advice as to how I should either handle this situation, what I should say, or how I should heal from this, that would be helpful.
Thank you

tl;dr : I got assaulted by my girlfriend's family, and I feel very weird and unsure of how to handle everything.
submitted by novorss to relationships [link] [comments]

I am 36 years old, make $66,900, live in Portland OR and work as a Data Coordinator.

Section Zero: Background
Hello all, happy hoildays! I stumbled upon this subreddit not long ago and have enjoyed the commentary and experiences everyone's shared. Wanted to add another perspective from a mid-30s first-gen American. I've had some missteps regarding careers and finances, but I feel like I'm in a slightly better place now. I tried YNAB in the past but I wasn't consistent enough with it. These days I use Mint to monitor my finances and have a "Finance Friday" each month to review all my accounts and spending. I currently live with my partner TJ and his dog RR. We do not combine finances, but he has been unemployed since March. I have helped him with some bills and basic necessities here and there until he finds his next job or career.
My current financial goals are to just maintain a status quo and not get any debt until pandemic times are over. Then I will focus on a house remodeling fund and savings for taking care of my parents.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances? My parents taught us about money from a frugal perspective. They are immigrants who worked in food service/factories. There was always this “save save save” mentality. Even when they started their own small business, we saved like there was no tomorrow. In high school, my calculus teacher bought us all “The Millionaire Next Door” book and had us read it as an assignment - that was my first structured introduction to finances.
Did you worry about money growing up? No, there was always food on the table and a roof over our heads. I knew that our extended family would support us if needed.
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it? Yes. My dad didn’t finish the high school-equivalent in their country, while my mom did finish high school, but no college. My older and younger siblings took a different path in life after high school. I am the first and only in my family to graduate from college. My parents covered all tuition for my two bachelor degrees with the agreement that I support them fully during their retirement and send them gifts/extra money whenever I can. I feel very lucky and privileged that they were able to provide that education for me.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net? 24 when I went on a work holiday abroad. My family was always available to help when needed, but the experience abroad helped me stand on my own feet. As an adult, I also inherited that “save” mentality and put a lot of my earnings towards savings. I didn’t date until my 30s, lived frugally, didn’t go out to eat/hangout with people, shopped thrift stores, and had very few hobbies. I am starting to “live a little” now though.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? Aside from the tuition, my parents have helped with a down payment for my first house and living costs during periods of unemployment.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance
If the place I was working at offered a 401k, I would always contribute up to the company match. I started my IRA in my mid-20s and would try to contribute the yearly max. I've stopped that the past 2-3 years though. My Other Brokerage is some play money, but I got tired of staring it and switched to index funds. I haven't contributed anything to it in a few years.
Equity if you're a homeowner
Purchased my first home for $382,000 with 20% down, right before lockdown earlier this year. Perfect timing, right?? I plan to live here until my retirement. My parents contributed $15k while I used most of my savings for the rest.
Savings account balance: $3,073
Checking account balance: $7,800
Credit card debt: I charge everything on my credit card for the points, then pay it off each month using my checking account balance.
Student loan debt: Traditionally no student loan debt as mentioned in Section Zero.

Section Two: Income
Income Progression (listed as gross income with cost of living area):
High School
College and first “career” job
Mental health break
College (again) and second “career” job
Third “career” jobs

Main Job Monthly Take Home:
Monthly Net (paid bi-weekly): $2,758
Side Gig Monthly Take Home:
No side gigs at the moment, but I am thinking of signing up on and doing Excel/data entry projects to help pay the mortgage.
Other Income: TJ’s friend will be staying with us for a month in January, who will pay rent of $800 including utilities. Depending on how that goes, we may take on a roommate in the spare bedroom long-term.

Section Three: Expenses
Mortgage - when I bought the house, the plan was that I would charge TJ a portion of the mortgage costs as “rent”, but since his unemployment I am now covering it all myself.
Regular Monthly Payment: $1677.57
HOA: $30/year
Retirement contribution: Nothing additional than what's been mentioned.
Savings contribution: I used to do $50-100/month, but since COVID I’ve stopped contributing to my savings account.
Investment contribution: None at this time.
Debt payments: $100/month towards TJ's credit card balance of $2,307.
Donations: $10-20/month, usually towards Omaze or Planned Parenthood.
Cellphone: On my parents plan.
Gym membership: Pre-COVID I did Orangetheory for a year. I started to pick up free exercise equipment from Craigslist this year, so we have a small garage gym now and utilize YouTube exercise videos instead.
Pet expenses: $10/month. TJ has stockpiled some Costco canned dog food before unemployment, but once that runs out I will likely cover the costs. We also started to make homemade dog food to help supplement.
Car insurance: $460 every 6 months. Car is paid off.
Regular therapy: I will start in the new year. Not sure what the costs are yet, but I will use my HSA to pay.
Vitamins/Medications: $20/month
Groceries & household items: $75/month
Miscellaneous (eating out, house purchases, gifts, etc): $100/month

Section Four: Money Diary
6:30am Neighbor starts up their truck. We joke that it's our natural alarm clock. They idle for about 15 minutes before heading off. I go back to bed.
9am My real alarm goes off. I put the electric kettle on for some morning tea. While it's boiling, I do my morning routine: drink glass of water, take synthroid, use bathroom, brush teeth, quick shower. I then make tea - Jasmine Pearl English Breakfast with dark forest mix. I started ordering loose leaf tea in large amounts back in March instead of small bags or single serving packets. Seems more economical since I drink it daily. I let the dog out into the backyard so he can do his morning routine.
9:30am I go through my daily tasks for work. They entail checking processes and reports to make sure they ran successfully overnight. I then answer some emails and catch-up on Slack channels.
12pm Lunch is leftover roast chicken and quinoa from Saturday. I heat it up in the instant pot. Love that thing! Almost every meal of ours involves the instant pot. We hardly use the stovetop. We then walk the dog to the business park across from our neighborhood. There's a very short trail that runs along a drainage creek by the business park. It's quite muddy, but has a nice woodsy feeling. Over the summer, we saw sumac trees there as well. Free sumac spice!
1:30pm Department meeting on Zoom. Our director announces his resignation on the call. Everyone is shocked! Layoffs were announced for next year but this was not a part of it. I think it's a good move for him and he doesn't have to have this worry of layoffs over his head.
3pm I meet with an engineer from another team and talk about a data source they are in charge of. He helps me out in understanding it and we identify most of the fields that I need for a project I’m starting.
5:30pm I check in with my partner. He's been watching LinkedIn tutorials on internal recruiting, job coaching and general computeoffice skills. It's a career change that he wants to make - something where he can talk to and help people. He doesn't have a bachelor's, only an associates, and hopes these tutorials will get him a leg up in the job search. I sent him some entry level HR admin roles the other day and remind him to apply. I then heat up leftovers: homemade chana masala and rice. I add some butter and coconut milk to thin it out, so there's enough for both of us.
10:30pm I take some magnesium, vitamin D and Airborne. I say goodnight to the dog who sleeps in the office. Then I say goodnight to TJ. He sleeps in the spare bedroom on weeknights due to his snoring keeping me up. I'm a light sleeper while he is a pretty deep sleeper.
Daily total: $0
9am I check Reddit Secret Santa. My match seems like a really good person. Not sure what to get, but most likely will purchase something off their wishlist. I wish I was more creative with my gift giving.
11am Meeting with business stakeholder. She submitted a few changes to an existing data process about a month ago. I make the change while on the call and have her test. Success! Marking it off the todo list. I love when we can finish things directly on a call.
12:30pm I come out of my office to make lunch. I notice my partner is not home. I check my messages and see that he's stepped out to pick up a few things. I ask for celery, carrots, and kombucha. $17. I make a quick charcuterie board for lunch: Costco salami, cheese, homemade hummus and Triscuits. It's a simple, fast meal that’s always in our rotation.
2pm My partner is back and we take the dog out for a walk and quick round of disc golf at a nearby park. We mask up and play only a few holes. Disc golf is a pretty frugal activity, you only need 2-3 discs to get started. TJ remarks that my throws are getting better, but then again they weren't great to start with. We talk about Christmas/Birthday gifts on the way back home since he was born on New Years Day. He mentioned snowshoeing but asked to not spend that much. I'll do some research!
5pm I think about personal career projects. Should I put up a portfolio of projects somewhere? I decide to try and pull some Yelp data. There’s not a lot of data points that I was interested in. Regardless, I tinker with it for an hour. TJ asks if I'm hungry. I said not so much, but felt thirsty. Maybe some ginger soup tonight?
7:30pm Dinner is served - ginger carrot soup made in the instant pot. We eat some rice crackers with it. Lately I feel like we've been eating more vegetarian dinners. It definitely helps stretch our food budget. We end the evening by finishing Fargo season 3 on Hulu.
Daily total: $17
1:30am I'm woken up by the dog. He's been sneezing a lot and wheezes at random intervals. TJ doesn't have the money for a vet visit but I've offered to pay as long as he calls to make the appointment. I give the dog some coconut oil, rub his belly until he seems better and go back to bed.
7am Garbage day. We usually put it out the night before but I forgot. I get up to go, but TJ handles it. I think, at least. I'm too sleepy to pay attention and go back to bed.
9am I wake up and rinse some dishes that have piled up and put them into the dishwasher. We both grew up in households that had a home dishwasher, but forbade from using it. It was drilled into us that hand washing saves more water, unless you had a restaurant/industrial dishwasher. I think with modern home dishwashers, that's changed, so I wanted to try it out with our dishwasher and monitor the water bill. Don't have any dishwashing pods or powder, so I put some OxiClean in it.
12:30pm I overhear TJ on a call with a recruiting agency. It seems to be going well, lots of laughing. I heat up some taco lasagna that I freezer meal-prepped last month.
2pm Collaborate on a project at work with an engineer. My manager put me on this project since I was asking for an assignment on a more technical team. I'm learning tidbits here and there, but I don't feel like it's structured enough.
5pm I do an Orangetheory-At-Home workout and try to break a sweat. It's not the same as going to their studio.
6pm Charcuterie for dinner. Our fridge is full of store-bought and homemade pickles that go super well on a charcuterie board.
Daily total: $0
7am I wake up tired. The house has been feeling more cold, which woke me up a few times. We keep the temp at 72F during the day, at night around 68F since we thought the bedrooms keep the heat in pretty well. My mistake!
9am I do my usual morning routine and login to work. My team mostly spends the morning sending each other emojis.
11:30am Lunch today is mini quiche, frozen chicken and veggie entree, and hot dogs. Not the most cohesive meal, but it fills the belly.
12:30pm TJ heads out to his mailbox that's 30 minutes away. He is still waiting on his tax return and a 401k withdrawal. His taxes had to be filed by mail for some reason, then the IRS office shut down due to COVID. So he wanted to see if it arrived yet at the mailbox. He also takes the dog to the vet's urgent care on his way. They didn't have any regular openings available until the end of the year, and the dog seemed to be getting worse. I give TJ $40 to mail a gift package to a friend in France and also reiterate that I'll cover the vet bill when he gets it.
4:30pm I pay some bills, my favorite activity (not)! Sewer bill: $59.44 (billed every 2 months). Geico bill: $459.60 billed every 6 months. Then I follow up with my mortgage officer over email. I had sent her some documents for a refinance quote last week, but haven't heard back. Rates keep dropping, so I'm told, but what does that really mean? I do some research on realestate.
5pm TJ messages me and says he'll be back for dinner. I ask him to pick up some Popeyes via drive thru since we both don't feel like cooking today. Popeyes is currently our fancy “going out to eat” food. $24.17 for a 4pc dinner meal and a 2pc dinner meal.
Daily total: $583.21
8:30am Busy morning at work. My phone is buzzing with emails and Slack messages. I try to answer them while I make tea.
10am Zoom Department happy hour. We reminisce about our director and then play those Jackbox party games. Some of them are hard!
11am TJ asks if he can make me anything for lunch. He suggests savory oatmeal, quick and easy. I tell him that I really appreciate him making meals/doing chores/etc without me prompting. We've been having conversations about "house project management" and mental load because I did most of the chores or I had to continually remind/tell him to do it. I'm really happy to see us progress on this front. I decide to work through my lunch break so I can end the day early. I don't often do that, but I'm ready to get the weekend started.
2pm I check on TJ in the spare bedroom and ask if the dog has been fed yet, since he was nipping at my feet. I notice something off about TJ and ask how he is doing. TJ is depressed about his personal life, career, finances. He doesn't know what to do, spends half the day meditating and reflecting on past trauma. I've been prodding him to get a therapist but he is confused about his insurance. He makes an appointment with a primary care doctor first. I feed the dog some homemade dog-friendly beef stew.
4pm My mom swings by the house (but doesn't enter). She currently works at a school who distributes free USDA food boxes since March. There's often many boxes leftover that would go to waste, so she will grab a box for us. Onions, potatoes, beets, turnips, eggs, cheese, butter, frozen veggies and frozen chicken. She also brought her vintage pasta maker. I asked last week if she ever used it these days and her reply was “no, feel free to have it”. I love pasta and noodles and figure it would be great to make it ourselves as a frugal hobby.
8pm We catch up on Mandalorian and watch silly Youtube videos before heading off to bed.
Daily total: $0
9am I open up my web browser and look at Craigslist and NextDoor for free stuff. I've been scouring for free landscape rocks, pegboards, and wood for house projects. I had this grand ambition to redesign our backyard. It faces our neighbor and currently the fence is pretty low. They can see into our kitchen and bedroom and we can see them. But y'know, COVID and going from dual income house to single income means it all has to be put on hold. So I've been looking for free items in the meantime. Over the past months, I've gotten planter pots, plant cuttings, a raised bed, stepping stones, all from free listings. I don't see anything worthwhile so I go and make some tea.
11am I look at Amazon and make some purchases for Reddit Secret Santa. A foodie kit, DVD of their favorite movie, and some cute pens for their writing hobby. $54. I hope they like it!
12pm TJ heats up leftover stir-fry for lunch for us. I put on some Binging with Babish and we watch how to make pasta. We have a plan - TJ makes the pasta, I make the sauce. Perfect date night activity at home. We watch some more videos on pasta and noodles to educate ourselves.
4pm I start prepping veggies. Big batch of onions, canned tomatoes, ground beef and butter in the instant pot. Meanwhile, TJ works on the pasta by following Babish's instructions.
7pm We gorge on fresh made pasta and bolognese sauce. It's so good! We end up watching Fargo.
11pm Usually I'll be in bed by now, but it's a Saturday and not tired yet (probably because of all that pasta). We play some Kirby's Dream Course on the Switch.
Daily total: $54
10am Quick walk around the neighborhood with the dog. He's on a new routine now with the medicine he's taking. It seems to be helping his breathing issues.
11am The pasta maker and flour is still out since we didn't clean up yesterday. There's some old pie crust in the fridge so I roll it out with the pasta machine for mini quiches. (Sally's Baking Addiction blog is my go-to place for her all-butter crust and quiche recipes btw). TJ helps by mixing up the eggs.
3pm I play some Genshin Impact (GI) on my phone while TJ plays Starcraft in the office. I don't usually play gacha games, but the Zelda BotW-style of GI appealed to me. A gacha game is a game with randomized characteitem boxes that you use real-money to purchase a “pull” or to spin the wheel. I know the gacha parts of the game can be a real money sink if you get addicted to them, it’s almost like gambling. My main team is Fischl, Bennett, Barbara and Noelle. I level up to AR 22 and look up free-to-play tutorials for the game.
6pm There's some leftover pasta from yesterday, enough for both of us. I throw in some roasted beets to round out the meal. We watch more Fargo while eating. Almost done with Season 3!
10pm I find a tour operator who offers a small, socially-distant snowshoeing tour up on the mountain. I reserve for two people - this will be TJ's Christmas/birthday gift. $75. Off to bed for another workday.
Daily total: $75
Weekly Total: $689.79
Section Five: Reflections
Aside from the car insurance bill, this was a typical week for me, COVID or not. We make the majority of our meals at home and usually splurge on drive-thru/delivery once every other week. I may have overspent on the Secret Santa gift, but I don't often give gifts out to friends. It's not something our family does either. For TJ’s Christmas/birthday gift, we usually talk upfront about costs. I’ve gifted him fancy restaurant experiences the past 2 years, since we can share that experience, but obviously can’t do that now. Snowshoeing is a nice change of pace.
The conversations with TJ this week have given me thought on how to approach him differently about finances and working together in a relationship. I’m still unsure about the future financially, particularly as my parents near retirement age and that TJ has pulled out his 401k to pay his debts. I don't know if I can support both my parents and TJ together, so I am finding ways to upskill and/or side hustles without becoming a workaholic or bogged down by stress.
Writing this money diary was also the first time where I really paid attention to my past income and current income. I might be contributing too much into ESPP that could go towards the 401k or mortgage instead? I also seem to have been underpaid for what I did in past jobs, even in a LCOL area.
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Starman #8 - Storm Force

DCNext Proudly Presents…!


Issue #8: Storm Force

Arc II: Fire Opal

Written by Fortanono
Edited by VoidKiller826
<< Previous | Next >> (coming February)
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 1: Jennifer Knight
”Now!” Ted barks through my earphone. I dash between the rooftops of a series of old brick buildings and look down. Courtney and Jack are shooting blasts of energy through the dense pale-green fog that fills the streets around us; Rick is looking around, clearly bored but unable to actually do anything. Darrell is above the arena, making sure everything goes smoothly, and Aunt Sandra is somewhere around here but I have no actual idea where. I jump down, twisting my dial to the “Bubble” mode as I land. Quickly, I summon a purple-black bubble around me, trapping just a bit of the Mist’s fog in it. I’ve successfully separated part of the Mist from the rest of him, but I’ll have to be quick about what comes next.
The small tendril of fog in my bubble seems to realize what’s happening as I dart as far as I can down the street. I see it bend and contract, diving into my throat. I start choking; it becomes harder and harder to breathe, but I just have to go a bit further out. Eventually, as I begin to get light-headed, I release the bubble and switch my dial to “Panic.” A burst of energy surrounds me, knocking the fog away from me and out of my mouth. I cough a bit before straightening myself and speaking into my microphone.
”He’s gonna try to reassemble himself,” I say. ”Darrell, it’s your move.”
”Right,” Darrell says. I can’t see him above the battlefield, but I immediately notice his presence as dozens of tiny blue-and-red drones drift down from the sky, each one with fans. They surround the Mist’s missing piece, keeping him in one place, still separate from the cloud that Jack, Rick, and Courtney are dealing with.
”Fantastic,” Ted radios in. ”Mist’s primary goal will always be to keep himself together. It’s a sort of side-effect to his powers. Keep him there, and the rest of him’ll follow eventually, no matter how hard he resists.”
It takes a few seconds, but the giant cloud of fog slowly starts drifting to meet up with the smaller one. Courtney and Jack rush over to the area with the fans, both concentrating fire on the one position where they’re merging. I turn my dial to “Energy Blast” and add my own energy to the mixture. Slowly but surely, the green fog begins to get thicker, and soon enough, the figure of the Mist begins to take hold.
“I was hoping you guys still thought I was in Gotham,” he mutters in a raspy voice. I stare at the face of the villain that Ted had been so worried about, remembering how we had prepared for this battle for over a month before he felt comfortable sending us out. He looks old, weak; in his eyes, I see a man who knows he’s been defeated, a man who may have once been a titan but whom old age has gotten to. I smile as Aunt Sandra decloaks and cuffs him with a pair of power-dampening handcuffs. Nearby, a police car pulled up and Clarence, one of the older O’Dare brothers, escorts him away.
“I will be back,” he hisses. “You should all know that.”
I know that it’s still possible for him to come back once again, that he had even come back when the world thought he was dead. There is a sincere promise in his words. But even so, seeing the frail figure of Opal City’s legendary villain once again defeated, I smile.
Rick, Darrell, Courtney, and I re-enter Ted’s workshop once again; Jack and Sandra split from us and went back to the Stargazer. As we descend the stairs, I could tell that Ted was over the moon.
“Wow,” he says to himself. “Just… wow. I’ll be entirely honest; I was certain we would have had to retreat at some point during that battle. I did not expect this to be one and done.”
“Well,” Rick chuckles, “I think the guy’s just a fucking pansy. No offense; I get why you couldn’t beat him or whatever, but like, the dude tries to make us go to Gotham so he didn’t have to deal with us. Again, no offense; I’m sure you were, like, a great hero in your time, of course.”
Ted laughs heartily. “None taken. I’m sure that as he’s gotten older, he’s had to rely more on cheap parlor tricks like the one in Gotham. I, for one, definitely knows how the aging process can take a toll on your abilities. I’m just… so happy that bastard is behind bars again.”
Courtney nods. “Here here.”
“Anyway,” Ted says, “I’d like to let you know that our little merry band of heroes is going to get a fifth member fairly soon.” His tone sours as he continues to speak. “My sister… she’s a vapid idiot, so you can understand that we haven’t talked in a long time, but her son started developing metahuman powers. And he started going out as a hero. She told me that she couldn’t stop him, so she wants him to at least have more support.”
“Ah, great,” Rick laughs. “Because I was just thinking that we didn’t have enough people who sucked at being heroes on this squad.”
“Rick,” Ted glares. “Please cool your behavior. I’ve seen what you’re able to do on the field and I must say: it’s pretty bad too.”
The door to the workshop slides open once again, and a new kid walks down the stairs. He’s got dark brown hair that’s just barely covering his eyes and is wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans. He waves to us as he walks down the stairs to meet with us.
“Hi,” he says. “Name’s Aaron. Aaron Munro. I’ll be working with you guys for a while.”
“He’s been helping people in his hometown of Liberty Hill as the great ‘Iron Munro’ for the past few months now,” Ted explains. “Unfortunately, Aaron, when you decided to do that, you perhaps made the worst mistake you could have made in this line of work. You made your identity public. Tell me, why’d you do that.”
Aaron sighed. “I… I just thought it was a small town, and I figured we all knew each other already, and… I guess I wanted to be recognized for my deeds or something.”
“I’m sure you’ll feel sufficiently recognized when your mother gets a bullet in her skull,” Ted says bluntly. “Let’s be clear: I hate the lady, but not that much. Come with me.” Ted beckons Aaron to the far corner of the workshop.
I stare blankly at what’s happening in front of me; Ted’s a hardass, but this is… a bit much even for him. Clearly, this was about more than just business. I had heard small things about Ted’s sister before but never met her or her family. Whatever happened to separate them had to have been a big deal.
Ted shows Aaron to a costume on a stand in the corner; it consists of a brown-and-grey bulletproof bodysuit with metal accents and a full face-mask made entirely of metal. “This,” Ted says, “is going to be the new you. I’m calling it: ‘Metalsmith.’”
“Th-thanks,” he says. He looks frustrated; I can tell that he’s not happy to be here, but he’s holding it all in. “I--I just have to say that… this really isn’t my style. I’m trying to go for a friendly hometown hero vibe, and having my whole face covered up… It just doesn’t seem right.”
Ted grimaces. “You did the hometown hero thing, and you failed. You showed your face to everyone. Metalsmith isn’t the friendliest guy around, but he’s safe and so is his family. If you wanna talk about alterations, feel free to tell me. But keep in mind that I have to work to preserve your safety first.”
Aaron nods. “Fine,” he says.
I look around the room; all of my teammates are either looking at the spectacle in front of them, or looking at their phones. Starved of anything else to look at, I turn to look at Rick’s phone. He’s responding to a text message from someone named Luisa; I think she’s a girl in his class or something. It doesn’t quite look like a message about normal things teenagers talk about, though.
hey, so I have a confession to make, the message begins. John and Maya and i, we knew about you being hourman and everything before we met you. we’re still your friends, we always were, but we also want to get your help with something we’re working on. a project that involves metahumans, basically. let us know if you’re interested.
I immediately turn away from the message on the phone. Clearly, this is something I’m not supposed to know about, but now that I do, I can’t stop thinking about it. Some other people want Rick to help them with… something related to his powers. It sounds really shady; should I tell Ted about this? It could be a conflict of interest, whatever it is. On the other hand, Ted doesn’t seem like the most level-headed person to deal with this. Who knows; maybe it’s for some sort of superhero stunt show or something really cool, and I’d be denying him access to that.
Whatever. It’s not my problem right now. It was never meant for me.
“Hey,” Aaron says. “You here? You listening?”
I look up; Aaron is standing right in front of me, his hand outstretched. “Sorry,” I say, shaking his hand. “My name’s Jennifer. It’s nice to meet you.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 2: Sandra Knight
“Well, that could’ve gone a lot worse,” I say, currently on the back of Jack’s Star-Cycle. Jack apparently figured out that he could make his motorcycle fly if he used his Cosmic Rod, which is both hilarious and something that neither Ted nor David would ever begin to consider trying out. Which is why Jack is so great; he’s questioning everything, figuring out new ways of doing things, and making a motorcycle fly.
Feeling the wind rush against my face, I’m taken immediately back to my rebellious college days and my early stints as the Phantom Lady. It’s nice, almost nostalgic, but still different enough. We come to a descent in the back of the Stargazer, and Jack locks up his motorcycle.
Hope comes out the back door to greet us. “Glad you could make it,” she says. “Cutting it a little close, though, I gotta say. The meeting’s in less than 5 minutes.”
Oh, right. The meeting with our potential client. The Mist tends to give a lot of people tunnel-vision; I had completely forgotten about this.
“Sorry about that,” Jack chuckles. “You know how it is, going out, saving the day. Maybe someday, you should give it a--” He cuts himself off as I glare at him. His expression turns more serious. “I’m so sorry,” he finally says. “I forgot about what happened with you and the Mist.”
Hope sighs. “It’s fine,” she says. “We can deal with this another time. He’s behind bars yet again; he can’t hurt anyone else. That’s the best news anyone could hope for.”
We walk into the office; Jack takes a seat, ready for the meeting. “So, this new client. What’s the deal with them, again? Missing kid? Brother’s a supervillain?”
“She has some information on who might have been behind the prison break a few months ago,” I say.
“Okay, wow,” Jack responds. “That’s sort of a big deal.”
We hear the door swing open. A young woman with light brown skin and shoulder-length black hair walks in. She’s wearing a sleeveless white shirt and black winter coat; on her left hand is a tattoo of the Superman “S” sigil. “Look who’s here,” Jack smiles. “Glad you could make it.”
The woman sits down in front of Jack, putting her coat on the back of the chair. “Yeah, well, me too,” she sighs. “Listen, if you have any witness protection-type deals or whatever, can you hook me up with one of them? I’m honestly… I’m honestly terrified right now.”
I nod. “Well, there are a few options there. My cousin can easily create a fake ID and get you out of the city without anyone noticing. If you want to go through a more legitimate program, Hope here has contacts with the police who can get you into proper witness protection.”
“I’ll take the first one,” she says. She reaches out and shakes Jack’s hand. “Name’s Sarah. I’ve been working for Maxie Zayas for the last few months; I needed work, and he seemed really nice at first.”
Maxie Zayas. That’s going to be a tough one. A big-time club owner and crime boss, following in the footsteps of his father; I was personally involved in putting his old man behind bars. All of Opal City’s heroes know about him, but we’ve never been able to really do much about it. A few years ago, David flew into Maxie’s club and arrested him straight-up for drug trafficking. Not 12 hours later, he was out, cleared of all charges.
This isn’t going to be a battle we can fight with force.
I walk closer to the table where Sarah and Jack are seated. “And you believe that Zayas is responsible for the recent breakout?”
Sarah nods. “At some point, I began to hear whispers that he was planning some meteoric takeover of Opal City. He said he needed something to distract the local heroes in the meantime. And then, a few days before the big event happened, I saw him talking to that card guy who broke them all out.”
“Jeremy Tell,” Jack says.
“I… I couldn’t be a part of whatever he was doing,” Sarah says. “I grew up in Opal City. Believe it or not, I loved you guys.” She points to me. “I actually had a poster of you in my room. I thought Zayas was a harmless dude who just sat around. It wasn’t a big deal, whatever he was doing. The people he broke out… I remember seeing what they did on the news. I had to talk to you.”
“Glad you did,” Jack says. “Hey, that’s awesome that you had a poster of Phantom Lady. Wait, why aren’t we selling posters?” He turns to me. “Can we do that?”
I laugh. “Topic at hand,” I smile.
Mia leaves, and Hope walks up to us. “So… what’s the plan then? We can’t both take down Zayas and the people he released, right? Those are two huge undertakings.”
“That may be so,” I say. I pause for a second. “We may not need to. If we can get the All-Stars to handle the escaped convicts, we could divert all of our attention towards figuring out what Zayas is planning.”
“Okay,” Jack says, “but how are we going to take him down? David tried, and he failed miserably. The guy’s just super well-connected. We can’t just storm in there, can we.”
I smile. “Jack, sweetie. There are other ways to do this kind of work that don’t involve punching all your problems away.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Interlude VIII: Hour of Espionage
”Positions, everyone,” Al Carlyle said through the microphone. ”We need to set the scene just right.”
Carlyle stared at the multitude of cameras around him. He watched as Luisa, Maya, and John made their way to the docks. Turning to another monitor, he watched as several stealth-agents readied their sniper rifles, hiding on rooftops, in windows. He pressed a button on the console in front of him; a series of machines around the docks whirred to life; to the outside observer, they looked like they were doing nothing, but Carlyle knew that they were the key to this mission.
“I have to say,” Luisa said apprehensively. “I’m really worried about this. These snipers… if he doesn’t show up, they will kill us, right?”
”11:49 PM,” Carlyle reiterated. ”Unfortunately, for this to work, the snipers have to be steadfastly committed to their mission. The dude doesn’t get visions about things that could happen. He gets them about things that will if he doesn’t intervene. But don’t worry; we’ve run several experiments with the energy emitters. Every time, he shows up right on cue.”
Luisa nodded. ”Okay. And what’s the deal with those machine things? You’ve explained them to me before, but I’m not good at remembering all the science stuff. Just isn’t my thing.”
”They emit a specific frequency of radiation that, for reasons unbeknownst to us, seem to massively increase the likelihood that Rick gets a vision in that area. We found residual traces of it naturally occurring in almost half of Rick’s usual visions; when we massively crank up the numbers, he always seems to show.”
The three kids sat down at the dock. After a few seconds, Carlyle spoke up. ”We’ve gotten confirmation that Rick has now left his house. The snipers can now evacuate the area. The three of you, just act normal. It’ll take the better part of the hour for him to get here, so get comfortable.” As soon as they had settled in, the masked snipers quickly ran off, lowering their weapons and quickly changing into civilian wear like clockwork.
John was the first to speak up after Carlyle went silent. “So, what, we’re gonna wait, like, 58 minutes until he gets there? Well, this will be boring.” He pulled out a couple of joints from his pocket. “Anyone want some?”
“We’re on duty,” Maya said. “I don’t think it’s worth it.”
John shrugged. “What? We have to sit around, pretend like we’re doing something, and then act all buddy-buddy with him when he shows up. It’s not like we’re taking down Basilisk; this is easy shit. It’ll be fine.”
Maya shook her head. “We should wait.”
John chuckled. “Alright, fine, you win. But we’re popping these babies out as soon as the man of the hour gets here. Got it?” He shoved the joints back into his pocket.
“Alright, whatever you want,” Maya smiled. “Just don’t come running to me when Carlyle yells at our asses for being high on the job.”
Carlyle watched the security footage, smiling and shaking his head to himself. Behind him, William Vickers walked up. He was the same age as the rest of them, but he had proven himself remarkably more mature than the others, quickly becoming the group’s de facto leader.
“Sorry to bother you at this time,” William said. “I gotta talk to you about another developing situation.” Carlyle hesitated, before standing up and dusting himself off. The two of them walked into the next room, where they began to talk.
“Basilisk activity’s been at an all-time high for the past few months,” William finally said. “Just recently, they’ve opened up 3 new cells in Germany, and are pulling in a remarkable number of recruits in Indonesia and Malaysia, to name a few. There’s also been a lot of restructuring; several smaller cells have been suddenly relocated to South America for some odd reason. If the ASA’s gonna be able to keep limiting their spread, we need more agents, and they need to be trained.”
Carlyle nodded. “Yes, yes,” he said. “I’ll remind you that you’re looking at only a small piece of the bigger picture. We are only a tiny fraction of what the ASA has to offer, and the adults are well aware of these issues. That said, you’re not wrong; we need all the help we can get. That’s what we’re working on right now.”
“Rick Tyler,” William affirmed. “He seems strong; he’d be a great start. But one metahuman won’t be enough. We need more metahuman soldiers, or at least, soldiers equipped with energy weapons and similar tech. The capes have been doing it for years; it works. But somehow, we can’t seem to find nearly enough people willing to serve. Maya’s the only metahuman on our squad right now, and her powers are still very much a wild card in combat scenarios.”
Carlyle nodded. “Yes,” he finally said. “Well, I don’t think that just recruiting a bunch of people is the right way to go. If we do that, we run the risk of potentially exposing ourselves to a large number of double-agents. But… if this lead pans out, there might be a way to enhance the prowess of the agents we already have.”
William perked up. “Yes? Do tell.”
“Presumably, Rick could gain access to the technology that Starman and his companions use to fight crime. Luisa could take a staff, you could take the blacklight…”
“I’m not the type of guy to stay in the shadows,” William said. “Have you seen my attempts at infiltration? Not my strong suit. Appreciate the offer, though.”
Carlyle nodded and smiled. “Well, whatever happens, this new member could help us more than we initially thought.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 3: Jack Knight
I pull up to a street corner a few blocks away from what many Opal City residents affectionately refer to as the ‘Zayas Strip.’ Hope is sitting in the back seat, done up to look like a completely different person, and Sandra’s already run off to do some good old-fashioned sleuthing. The prosthetic nose I’m wearing feels so uncomfortable already; couldn’t we just have gone for the blond hair dye and nothing else?
Sandra materializes on the hood of her green convertible, startling the bejeezus out of me. “Password for the night is ‘Prometheus,’” she mutters.
“Alright, alright,” I say. “Hey, I know it’s technically your car and all, but maybe don’t jump on the hood, okay? That was probably the biggest scare I’ll have all night unless Grant decides that the Olympia is his new favorite haunt.”
Sandra ignores me. “You two head into the bar; I’ve given you fake IDs for the absolute worst-case scenarios, but you shouldn’t need to wave them around. I’ll never be too far behind, but as usual, you won’t see me. Got it?”
“Clear as ever,” I smirk.
“So,” Hope says from the back seat, “you ready to raise some hell?” Her usually-red hair is now jet-black, and she’s wearing these bright blue contact lenses that accentuate her eyes. If I didn’t know who she was, I would never have recognized her in the first place. Let’s just hope my disguise is just as good.
Sandra vanishes and we walk a few blocks further down Harris Street. As we walk down the street, the quiet townhouses are quickly replaced with a completely different atmosphere of bustling nightlife and flashing neon lights. On both sides of the street are a series of Zayas-owned businesses: strip clubs, brothels, bars, casinos, even a fight club at the far end of the street. It’s almost disorienting; look, I’m not the nicest guy in the world, never pretend to be, but I promise I’ve never been in a place like this. Not quite like this, at least.
Nestled in the middle of the brilliant signs and faint bouncing of club music is a single building not illuminated by lights. The top floor is taken up by some sort of high-end brothel with a sign reading ‘The Elysian Fields’ on it. The stairs that lead down to the bottom floor are guarded by a dude who seems absolutely ripped--like, probably-a-meta ripped--and a sign at the front reads “Olympia Nightclub.” Zayas’ personal shining gem, for those who were affluent enough to get an invitation.
I walk up to the bouncer and am immediately taken aback as I realize who exactly it is. Tony Woodward, aka Girder. Former Flash villain who got in a few fights with David before being broken out. As I get closer, it becomes clear that this dude’s entire body is made of rusted metal. He speaks up in a deep voice as we approach. “What’s the code?”
“Prometheus,” I say.
Girder bows his enormous metal head and steps to the left. “Enjoy.”
As we walk in, the last trace of the booty-bounce music that I could hear vanishes as it’s replaced by a classical violin tune from a distant speaker in the corner. The walls are blue plaster; segmenting the walls are a series of white column-like decals meant to invoke ancient Greek architecture. The bar in the center of the room is also surrounded by similar white columns. On the far end of the club is a wooden stage, currently unoccupied, and a few poker tables. Still not nearly half as good as my restaurant’s interior design.
The bartender walks up to us as we take a seat. His head is completely shaved; from what I can tell from the rest of his body, he appears covered in tattoos of vines and flowers. “Don’t think I’ve seen you lovely pair before around here,” he says.
“No, you wouldn’t have,” I smile. “We’re new in town. Heard about this place from an old military buddy of mind, and as it turns out, we got just enough money to spend on a nice place like this.” I reach out my hand and he shakes it. “David Vosberg. This is my girl, Rita.”
Hope offers her hand as well. The bartender shakes it. She turns down towards the cocktail menu, looking over the options. Her face shifts a bit as she reads over the various options; each one seems to be based on various tragic events that Opal City has suffered through. Down the list, I see the ‘Swift Hydro Plant’ as their fancy new drink, the ‘Prison Break,’ the ‘Doll Killer’--complete with a miniature doll in Martha Williams’ likeness--a drink simply labeled ‘The Mist,’ and, the final drink on the specialty list, the ‘Fallen Hero.’ The description listed it as ‘a tribute to the asshole who tried to bust us finally kicking the bucket. May aliens continue to do what we never can.’
My stomach drops. Fuck, while we go out and bust our balls to make this city a better place, the people in this club turn around and laugh at our failures. Laugh when one of us dies. I feel my blood boiling. I need to stay in character. I can’t blow this for all of us. Gritting my teeth, I take a few deep breaths before sucking it up.
“What’s the matter?” the bartender asks. “Can’t take a couple of dark jokes? Lighten up, man.” He gives me a pat on the back like I would ever be okay with that.
“Sorry,” I say. “It’s just… Well, let’s just say I lost someone personal in the hydro plant attack. One of, uh, those flying shadow things cut my brother open. I’ll take… I’ll take a Fallen Hero, I guess.” At this point, I’m flying by the seat of my pants. I’m definitely excited to get that drink.
“And I’ll take a Mist,” Hope says.
“Damn,” the bartender says. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t realize that you could… I’m sorry to hear about your brother.”
“It’s fine,” I say. “You couldn’t have known.”
The bartender serves our drinks and we quietly sip at them. Aside from a few regulars, nothing much seems to really be happening.
I feel a slight breeze on the back of my neck. I turn around; nestled in my suit is a small piece of paper. The writing on it reads, ”Can’t find Zayas, but did find something else big. Meet me outside? -Sandra”.
“Hey, uh, Rita?” I clear my throat and put my arm around her, subtly passing the note over to her. “This place is getting really stuffy; I think we need to step out for a second. Whaddya think?”
Hope shrugs. “Oh, alright,” she says, covertly reading the note. “But we’re coming back; this place is just fabulous, don’t you think?”
“Definitely,” I say. We walk outside, brushing past Girder’s cold metal form as we do. Sandra’s waiting on the corner of the street, fully visible.
Sandra turns to us as we approach, and her voice turns to a whisper. “So,” she says, turning to Hope. “Before I bring this up, I figure it’s worth asking. How much do you know about what your brothers work on in the Force?”
Hope takes a deep breath. “Well, you know what’s going on with Mason, Clarence is in the same precinct as me, Barry just got a promotion to Major Crimes, and Matt works… well, I think he works around here, actually.” Her face turns bright red. “What’s going on?”
“I managed to get into one of the back rooms,” Sandra says. “And… well, Zayas is there, and he’s talking to a bunch of associates. One of them was Tell. And I think one of them may have been Matt.”
Hope nods. “Okay,” she finally says. “I… I guess I’m not surprised. He’s always been really secretive about what he’s doing, he’s denied promotions before… but I didn’t really think about it before.”
Sandra sighs. “I know this can be hard to hear, but I, unfortunately, have to ask you for one more favor. We’re here to watch Zayas over an extended period of time, figure out what he’s planning. For that reason, you can’t tell your brothers about our suspicions.”
Hope nods. “Got it,” she says hurriedly. “My… my lips are sealed.” As she speaks, I can tell she’s not fully convinced.
We walk back to the car. This was a short mission, but if this goes right, it will be one of many. And once we’re done, I’m almost certain, we’ll be able to take Maxie Zayas down.
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 4: Rick Tyler
“Okay,” I snarl as I pass Luisa in the hallways of my school. She’s currently putting her bag into her locker. “I need to know what the fuck is going on, and I want you to tell me everything. What do you want from me?”
“Rick, calm down,” Luisa says. “Look, there are reasons why we had to do what we did, why we couldn’t just tell you everything as soon as we met you. We’ll explain everything soon enough.”
I shake my head. “Again with the secrets. Just fucking tell me what I need to know, alright? You guys pretend to be my friends, stage some sort of chance meeting with me--I got no idea how you did that. You pay some guys to shoot your heads off if I didn’t show up?”
“More or less,” she whispers. “Look, keep your voice down, okay? What we’re involved with isn’t something we can talk about in public.”
Oh, for Jesus fucking Christ’s sake.
Luisa bows her head. “Meet me out front of the Valor Building, this Saturday at 3 PM. All three of us will be there. Once you get there, there’ll be no more secrets. You’ll get to know everything. Promise.”
I sigh and throw my hands up. “Okay, fine,” I whisper. “I’ll be there.”
As I make my way to class, I shake my head. Fuck this. Clearly, they don’t trust me any more than anyone else seems to. But still, for some reason, I still want to meet with them. Just to figure out what’s going on. And then I’ll be done with them.
I nod my head. That seems fine. Find everything out, then leave. I can handle that.
The Valor Building is one of Opal City’s oldest brownstone skyscrapers; it’s not even close to the tallest anymore, but it’s right in the middle of the city center, and it’s one of the most iconic buildings here. To those who actually give a fuck about Opal City, I guess. I remember that when Dad and Mom were still together, we ended up going for a weekend trip to Opal City. Dee and I were taken aback by the Valor Building and all of the dazzling skyscrapers in the city center; it felt so much nicer than Baltimore did. Then I moved here and discovered that like every other city, it’s full of shit. Tourists just like to hide the shitty parts from view.
I walk up to the front steps of the building. John is leaning against one of the pillars near the entrance, and Luisa and Maya are waiting for me up front.
“Yo, glad you could make it,” John smiles. “We were placing bets as to whether you’d actually show up. Seems like Luisa here owes me ten dollars.”
“Trust me,” Luisa laughs. “If you’d have been there, you’d have agreed with me. He didn’t seem like he was in the mood to keep putting up with our bullshit.” She turns to me. “Regardless, glad you could come. Sorry to put you through all of this.”
“Sorry,” I say, shrugging. “I can let my nerves get the best of me at times. I’m feeling better now, don’t worry.”
“So,” Maya says. “Are we ready to go?”
Luisa nods. Maya turns to the keypad next to her and types in a code. 7, 8, 4, 4, pound sign. The door clicks open. Immediately, as I walk into the lobby, I feel like I’m in a place I’m not supposed to be. The floor is made up of elaborately-patterned stone tiles; large windows to the sides let in a lot of sunlight as I walk to the elevators.
“So, uh, what do you do here?” I ask. “This is just, like, an office building, right?”
“Just, like, 10 seconds left,” Luisa says. “Then you’ll get to know all our secrets.” She calls the elevator, and we walk in. I push my way to the back as John and Maya get on.
“Alright,” John says. “I think it goes without saying that what we show you here today, you can’t mention to another living soul that we don’t approve of. Not even your hero pals. Got it?”
“Yeah, of course,” I say nonchalantly.
“Okay.” John reaches up above the panel of buttons on the elevator and opens up a small compartment. Inside is a fingerprint scanner; John jams his thumb onto the pad and the elevator begins to go down. After a few more seconds, the doors open. We’re in a pristine grey room; computers line every wall, and dozens of people look up as we walk in. Immediately, it reminds me of Ted’s workshop, but on a much bigger scale.
A man is waiting for us in the middle of one of the hallways. He’s wearing a neatly-ironed grey-green suit, with combed-over white hair. He reaches out his hand for me to shake.
“Al Carlyle,” he says. “Director of the American Security Agency. Nice to meet you, Rick. I’ve heard so many great things about you.” I turn around. All three of my so-called “friends” have deserted me, leaving me with this weird dude.
“Uh, nice to meet you too,” I mutter, shaking his hand. “So what exactly is going on here?”
“Well,” Al smiles, “what isn’t going on here? I suppose you’re a bit confused, a bit overwhelmed, so I’ll try and give you the long and short of it. We’re like the CIA, sort of. But a bit more secret. We’re the CIA when the CIA can’t be involved. Take, for example, metahuman agents. Do you know much about the Freedom Fighters?”
I shrug. “Heard of them. The original Starman was working with one of them, I think.”
Al nods. “Come,” he says. “Walk with me.” I sigh and follow him through the convoluted halls and terminals of this absolutely massive underground base.
“Now,” he says, “the Freedom Fighters were a truly amazing group of people. They were a UN task force composed of one sergeant, a handful of regular soldiers, and three metahumans. Well, they fought long and hard for the values that we hold dear to us today, but in the end, the UN saw them as a threat. What’s to stop our enemies from conscripting metahumans too? It’d be another cold war, one that many countries were all-too-eager to stop. So, metahumans were banned from serving in combat.”
He clears his throat and lets out a hearty chuckle. “Well, you see, terrorists don’t tend to follow by our rules. I suppose that’s what makes them terrorists, don’t you think? So that’s where we come in. One of many examples, I suppose, of where we come in. We use many of the techniques superheroes use to fight against potential threats to the land of the free and the brave. And I’ve had my eye on you for a while. I think you’d make a great addition to our cause.”
I pause and look around me. This place is huge. It’s bound to take up more than a few city blocks. When I intercepted the battle Jack was having with Swift, this base was underneath it all, computers typing away. Our school is only a few blocks west of here; it’s very possible the base extends that far too. I haven’t even been in Opal City for a year yet, but I had felt like I knew everything about it. Clearly, I was wrong.
I’ve never been the type of person who hated the government and everything they did. I followed the news, though, and they’ve clearly done some questionable things in the past few years. With Cale as President, that’s just going to get worse and worse. Do I want to be a part of this? Clearly, I don’t think I do. I was just here to get answers, and I got mine. That’s as far as this goes.
‘Take your time,” Al laughs. “We’d love to have ya, but no pressure either way.”
Before I can tell him no, my vision flashes white. A man walking down a run-down section of Snejbjerg Street. Nearly bald buzz-cut, blue eyes, wearing a grey hoodie. A car pulls up to him, firing three rounds in his chest. The blood splatters over the sidewalk. I snap back to reality.
“I have to go,” I say, my voice strained. “How do I get out of--”
Al gives me a knowing smile. “What’s going to happen, and where will it be?”
I sigh. “Some dude in a grey hoodie is gonna get shot on Snejbjerg Street. Drive-by shooting. It was a black sedan, I think. Just let me go, okay?”
Al turns on a radio on his jacket. “I want a dozen soldiers placed across Snejbjerg Street within the hour. Look out for black sedans, check each one for weapons. And get Rick Tyler here a tall glass of water.”
Immediately, the people around me start getting up and gearing into action. A young woman who was manning a computer earlier walks up to me and offers me a glass of water. I drink from it.
“Thanks,” I finally say.
Al hands me a burner phone from his pocket. “If you ever get any visions at an inconvenient time, text me from this phone. We’ll have it handled, and you can focus on the things in life that matter.”
I smile. “Wow, thanks.”
Al nods. “Look, Rick, I know that everything must be really disorienting for you right now, but trust me when I say that we’re here for you. From what I’ve heard from my agents that have been interacting with you, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the other team you’re on right now. They see you as a loose cannon. Maybe they’re right, who knows. But here, we need loose cannons. You can beat up as many terrorists as you want here--or don’t, whatever floats your boat. But you’re welcome here as you are, no matter who that is.”
I pause, looking around for a second. He’s right; in the few seconds I’ve met him, Al has made me feel at home more than I’ve ever been with the All-Stars.
I reach out and shake Al’s hand. “I’m in.”
“Fantastic,” he smiles. “Well, let’s meet the team then.” He brings me to a room with a circular table. Around the table are John, Luisa, Maya, and another kid I don’t remember. White kid with neatly-trimmed brown hair.
“Well,” Al says, “this is one of our finest covert ops units. We’re calling them the ‘Force of July.’ Right now, they’re mostly doing international missions, but we’re planning on bringing them into the spotlight as superheroes to handle domestic matters in the near future.”
He gestures to John. “You’ve already met John Trujillo, Jr., alias: ‘The Black Condor.’ His dad was one of our finest officers before sadly meeting his fate protecting our country. He piloted a one-of-a-kind wingsuit that his son now uses.”
“Besides that,” Al continues, “the Campoverde sisters have been fantastic assets. Luisa first came to us because she needed help with her sister’s metahuman powers. That’s right: she found us. Always a good metric for future success. Turns out, her sister has a bit of a way with plants, and it was a bit out of her control. Now, the two of them serve us as Lady Liberty and Mayflower.”
The last kid, the one I haven’t met, reaches over to shake my hand. “William Vickers,” he says. “Also known as Major Victory. My teammates have been telling me a lot about you. It’s good to finally get to meet you in the flesh.”
“The feeling’s mutual,” I say. And somehow, surprisingly, I mean it.”
Al nods and smiles. “Now that we’ve gotten to know each other, Rick, I have a special mission briefing for you and only you. I can tell that this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership.”
submitted by Fortanono to DCNext [link] [comments]

Blood from a Stone

It has been a few weeks since my last post and after having some family visit to meet the new puppy today, I was reminded by an off hand comment from my sister that I promised someone that I would write down the stories I got from my Grandfathers. Apologies for the delay but I miss them both terribly and it isn't easy to drag up just the stories and nothing else. So the fire is lit, I have a small furry foot warmer and a glass of high octane social lubricant so I'm as prepared as I am going to get to drag up the memories.
This is going to be the only post of these stories, not because I am holding out but because you just couldn't get them to talk about the war, ever. I checked with my dad and Brother-in-law, neither of them have anything more than I have and I am still waiting on the official files from the national archives and War Memorial. Like the title says, it would be easier to get blood from a stone than to get them to talk.
Anyway, on with the stories:
Pop was the grandfather on my mums side, was in university to be a chemist but was drafted (I think) and ended up as a navigator for a liberator bomber in the RAAF. All that we could get out of him was that flying at night was lousy for finding landmarks and there was one time that he was working on a radio in the belly of the bird and he brushed a valve in the radio that was still "hot". That jolt threw him clean across the aircraft and he woke up on the floor and couldn't feel his right arm from the shoulder down for the rest of the day.
He was in training to be a pilot and crashed quite badly on an attempted landing. Several injuries inc a collapsed lung means he was medically discharged pretty soon after his loss in the contest with the ground.
If I remember correctly and I will edit this after I get the official files, his medals include 2 campaign medals, 2 bronze stars, 2 silver stars and a Member of the British Empire.
He could give a mule a run for its money on stubborn and loved a good scotch in the evening. Mum says he had mellowed alot by the time I came along. He passed before I signed on the dotted line but he would have been very proud of me, my Nana told me so at my graduation.
Grandad was on the other side of the family tree and was an Army Sapper or Combat engineer, dem ops or rapid and energetic denial of enemy infrastructure...
Grandad had 2 stories that he would tell, both about his explosives training. The first was about his explosives instructor who was a genius with all things that go KaBoom. The instructor told them to work out what they needed and then double it, that way you know it is definitely going to go Kaboom.
For train lines, they would set a stick of explosives and then cover it with elephant shit and set it off, it would take out a section and jump the line to the side. (Prob could have done it with just the elephant shit)
The instructor took them out to drop either a crane or a high tension power line (can't remember which) and just to show he knew what he was doing, he got a stick and drew out the frame on the ground with about 2 inches to spare, set his charges and then dropped it perfectly into the outline on the ground. With the 2 inches to spare...
To graduate from dem-ops, their graduation test was to go out to where some high tension lines had been taken down and flip over the concrete footing that the tower had been standing on. So you had to dig a hole under the end of the footing of concrete that was about a foot by a foot by 15 feet long, work out how much bang you needed to lift the concrete, make up your charge and when you set the charge off, the concrete had to pivot up and over the other end and it couldn't break until it hit the ground on the other side.
The instructor did it first and flipped his over like a casino pit boss flipping cards, completely intact and it even held for about 2 seconds standing on end.
One of the other guys screwed the maths up and when he set his charge off, he reduced his footing to concrete powder that showered every one.
Grandad said it took him 2 attempts, not enough bang in the first one to get it past the tipping point.
There was one night where my Dad cracked open a big bottle of Scotch and got my Grandad absolutely hammered drunk. It was the only time I got anything more out of him and it was that he remembered working with his squad sneaking up to the side of a concrete pill box, setting a charge against the side of it and running away to set it off. There was no need to clear the machine gun emplacement afterwards, it was just red mush. He looked sick to his stomach and the last thing he said on it was that you do what you have to to survive but war is a horrible business. He never repeated it to anyone else and I never brought it up with him again.
I was lucky to spend time with him after I had joined. He loved to hear what I was up to while I was in and was very proud that I was doing what he used to do and getting to work with explosives even if it was in the Airforce. .
If I remember correctly, his medals included 3 campaign medals, 1 bronze star, 2 silver stars and something else that I can't remember that was probably a purple heart.
I remember hearing from my Dad that he was only able to drink Rum on ANZAC Day and my Grandmother would stay the night with friends. On the rum, the demons came out and everyone else became an arsehole that needed a beat down.
He also loved a scotch and was deaf as a post, until he got new hearing aids and didn't tell anyone, one of my Aunties was being cheeky thinking that he couldn't hear her and then he started laughing at one of the jokes someone else said afterwards, he told her he heard every word and he would spank her one with his walking stick when she came within range. Lucky for her, he had forgotten by the time we sat down to dinner.
His funeral was standing room only and was attended by nearly a dozen members of the Returned & Services League.
It is a bit humbling that the military service was only for a few years for both of them but it had such a huge impact on their lives and health and mental health. You couldn't pry anything more than this from either of them and I know that the demons haunted both of them for many years until they passed.
A part of me wishes that I knew more and when I was younger, there was a place like this to share the stories that weren't told, because it may have been enough of a prod to get them to unload some of those demons. In their time, you just locked the demons away in the back of your mind and drowned them in booze when they got too noisy.
Atleast the small part that they shared will live on here.
Lest We Forget.
Thanks for reading everyone and thanks to those that share their stories.
submitted by Corsair_inau to MilitaryStories [link] [comments]

Daily Skins Review - S6 E3 “Alex”

After the unfortunate death of Grace, we move on to the next episode, three, titled “Alex”. Now, I obviously know who Alex is, but at the time he just kinda came out of nowhere, so let’s see what this new character has to offer. Last time they did this it was Sketch, which was a fucking shambles. Let’s go.
The camera pans across to an alarm as we see a map and some sailing paraphernalia as some dodgy music starts playing (perfect opportunity to use Fisherman’s Blues but whatever). Some bloke (Alex) then counts down the seconds before his alarm goes off and then hops up and gets dressed. He picks up a list with 6 numbers and some writing written on it and he also picks up a die. Alex then takes some breakfast to a woman who I assume is his grandmother and then gets a call from his dad who asks him if he’s ready to move house the next week. Alex’s grandmother makes a rather disrespectful gesture at the sound of Alex’s dad’s voice, who mentions that she’s being put in a home soon. She then calls him a “silly old twat” when he hangs up (wow, how she gonna do her own son like that?) and asks if he even wished Alex any luck. She tells him he doesn’t need it anyway and Alex is next seen messing about with his die and list at a bus stop. Alex is next seen being shown around Roundview by Doug, who tells him that his father changed some of his subjects around (what a silly old twat). Alex is introduced to his class, which Liv, Mini, Alo and Nick are also in and we find out that Doug is now the head teacher (finally, the real MVP is leading the line). Alex messes about with his die again as he and Liv share a glance. He sits in the canteen and notices Grace’s memorial, while also looking at Liv as she pours some vodka into her drink (just casually in the middle of a school I might add). He catches her eye and they smirk at each other (fuck me, first Rider, then Matty and now Alex. Liv does love a proper impromptu relationship). Alex takes out his list of six options (which I’m not gonna type out, but they’re all a bit odd) and rolls his die. He lands a two, which is “punch the next person to walk in”, who just happens to be young Alo Creevey. He’s arguing with Nick, who’s complaining that he’s partners with Rich for some project, but he’s obviously not in for the foreseeable future. Alex then gets up and fucking sparks Alo out of it in front of everyone before helping him up, apologising and telling him it’s “only numbers” as he walks off. Liv seems impressed (didn’t realise she liked some good old assault).
We then see Liv at her locker, who approaches Mini and confronts her about avoiding her lately because she doesn’t want to talk about Grace, which Mini denies. Mini gets upset and storms off, the lurking Alex in the background viewing the whole thing. Liv notices him and asks him what his deal is and why he socked poor Alo. He then gives this whole “numbers” thing (which I get is supposed to be a quirk of some sort, but it’s really cringeworthy to me). He then demonstrates, rolling a three and then kissing Liv. She slapping him. She then sort of smiles and they introduce themselves to each other. And then she’s walking to his house (like I said, it doesn’t take much to convince old Liv to do anything). Alex then finds his Gran in a closet and introduces her to Liv. She tells Liv she “likes to colour” of her and they share a laugh. Alex then serves then beans on toast (good bit a food that) and Alex’s Gran does some reminiscing. However, things go south when she starts talking about being put in a home and about Alex’s dad. As he sees Liv out, she invites him to the pub, Alex telling her he might come. Alex then reads to his Gran and ignores a call from his dad. He arrives at the pub (despite not knowing what time they were going at) and sees the gang minus Rich (and Matty and Grace obviously) looking rather dejected. He goes over and asks if any of them want a shot (Alo getting confused and thinking Alex is offering him out). As Alex goes to get drinks, Alo complains about him and Mini tells Liv they don’t need any new friends (honestly, the way characters treat each other in this show, it’s hard to believe they’re friends at all). Nick comes up beside Alex at the bar and he asks Nick what Grace was like, Nick telling Alex he’s alright but just to “leave that alone” (yeah, why is Alex such a nosy twat?). Liv introduces them all to Alex, Mini quickly downing her shots before going for a dance with some prat. Alex notes Alo’s annoyance at Mini’s behaviour as he points out that they’re all “a little on edge” (I don’t really think Angie’s psychology class would be needed to spot that to be honest Alex). Alo then gets up to dance, nobody joining in, Nick telling him that’s gay (this show would be cancelled today just for that joke alone). Alex then gets a phone call and goes outside as Nick agrees to dance with Alo. Being the only two alone, Franky and Liv gaze at each other, not speaking. Alex has another angry phone call with his twat of a father and then goes to some shady casino with Liv. After an intense poker game with a load of Asians which ends in an Alex victory, one of the players goes mental and accuses Alex of being a “fucking cheat”. Alex then invites the man for a game of heads and tails for the money, daring the man to choose tails, which he does. He flips the coin to the man, which lands on heads. Liv collects the money and Alex shakes the man’s hand and they start to walk away. However, the man discovers that Alex used a double sided coin and he and Liv have to leg it. Alex then has to go back to his Gran and gives Liv some of the money. He kisses her cheek before she heads off. He then takes out his phone, goes on some gay dating app and hooks up with some man (well, that came out of nowhere). Alex gets offended when his fling offers him some money, Alex exclaiming that he’s “not a rent boy” before ripping up the money, kissing the man’s cheek and leaving.
Alex does his countdown before alarm nonsense again before caring for his grandmother and ignoring his father. We then see him in school as Liv approaches and he rolls his die again. He lands a one so he and Liv break into someone’s house. The house they’re in is messy with porn magazines scattered around (Sid’s house maybe?). To mess with the guy, they clean up, leaving his room spotless. Liv starts making a move on Alex, who starts to explain something to her (likely that he’s gay) but they have to run when the man (who’s not Sid unfortunately) comes home. They head back to his but Alex finds his dad at home. They have an icy exchange, Alex wanting not wanting to put his grandmother in a home and offering to look after her. He leaves and tells Alex he’ll be back later. We then have a nice scene as Alex dances with his grandmother, Liv joining in. We then see Alex at college, introducing Nick to the concept of the die. Nick starts reading off his list which involves outcomes such as hanging himself and getting into heroin (that might’ve been the best tragic humour this show has done). Alex tells him to starts smaller and they start to make a new list until they’re interrupted by some bloke who’s making an announcement (he’s literally the biggest Percy Weasely I’ve ever seen). He announces they’re having a memorial service for Grace, his manner proving to be off putting for Liv, Nick, Alo and Mini who don’t want to go. However, things turn sour when Mini accuses Liv of trying to speak for all of them, causing Liv to get upset. Alex goes after her and finds her crying. He consoles her and Liv kisses him. However, just as Mini approaches to, Alex reveals to Liv that he’s gay (which shouldn’t be surprising considering each generation needs a gay character. This wouldn’t be Skins otherwise). She calls him a headfuck (I can’t stress enough how overused that word is in this generation) and accuses him of being spineless. She gets angry with him as Mini reveals herself and piles on, Alex leaving. Liv then tells Mini to do one. Alex sprints out of the school and back home. He calls his grandmother, finding her in bed, her eyes shut. He looks at her bedside locker, picking up the empty pill bottle that was lying on its side. Alex takes the picture of the boat that was in her hand, kissing her head as he starts to cry. We then see Liv at Grace’s memorial, stony faced among the tearful crowd. Percy Weasely whips out a keyboard and him and some other girl sing, to Liv’s disgust. Mini and Franky join her and they look on at the distasteful glorifying of Grace’s death. Franky marches up and pulls at Percy’s keyboard, insulting him (wait, there might be enough time for redemption for Franky...). Liv joins and smashes his keyboard and then flashes the crowd (...Liv. Why’d you do that?). She runs off crying and gets a phone call from Alex, who’s watching her from afar. He apologises and offers to help her. “With everything”.
A blue van pulls up near the sea (or just some stretch of water at Bristol. My UK geographical knowledge isn’t amazing, but isn’t Bristol coastal? Like near Wales and that?). The gang (minus Rich of course) get out and we see a man loading stuff onto a boat. Alex stands aboard and they all sail out. They have a drug fuelled party out at sea. When Liv asks Alex if he stole the boat (yes Liv, I forgot how simple it is to steal a whole fucking boat) but he says he rented it because he thought they all needed it. When Liv questions his motives as he didn’t know Grace, he tells her he “needs a friend right now” and then motions at Mini, telling Liv that “so does she”. As Liv and Mini try and fail to reconcile, Mini sits down on something. She then becomes curious to what it is, freaking out when she finds Alex’s grandmother’s body resting inside. The gang then question Alex’s decision to bring a dead body to their boat party (which is understandable. Alex is alright but he could definitely be the type to murder them all and sink the boat). He goes on to explain that he wants them to help him bury his grandmother at sea. Before they dump her in the water, he reads from that sailor diary, the gang crying about Grace, before they throw her on the water, the casket floating for a few moments before Alex does some weird finger gun shit, counts to down from three, then shoots the casket, it sinking on his cue. Franky then rings Matty, going to voicemail, then telling him it’s her and “don’t ever come back”. Liv and Alex agree to be mates and Alex does another die roll, rolling a six, “Always run away”. So they both jump in. Liv throws the die and they both swim after it.
Okay, new character introduced. And he’s actually pretty good. Obviously he’s a bit overly enigmatic and is definitely not a realistic teenager, but he’s got a pretty good story and just made the season more interesting and brought it back to life. I know this episode was a bit bleak, but Alex’s pretty ridiculous ongoings in this episode really shadowed the entertaining stories that we saw in Gen One and Two. He was a real breath of fresh air, as was this episode in general. Anyway, take note of: - Character of Alex - Fractured morale among the group - Gang somewhat coming to terms with Grace’s death - Franky’s voicemail to Matty - Alo and Mini’s romantic tension
So yea, that was a refreshing episode. It might’ve been a bit over the top, but Alex was the kind of character needed to keep this generation interesting and to add something new. And the overall plot of this one was quite good for all the characters.
Overall Rating: 8/10
submitted by Ezza16 to skinsTV [link] [comments]

The 4 Horsemen. and the Illuminati.

The 4 Horsemen. and the Illuminati.
I have not decided yet to remain anonymous or to reveal who i am. I just want to say that my memories started to come back to me shortly after my 40th birthday. I am now 44. I was born and raised in San Diego, Ca. I am of Mexican descent, both my parents are from Culiacan Sinaloa Mexico. All of what I'm going to say is true to the best of my recollection.
I was born with the spirit of King David. please bare with me as I explain a little more. I received visions and could hear them speak earlier in my childhood. but I didn't understand them. I witnessed Adam descending to me, first he spoke to YAWEH, and than began to descend to my birth. I saw the Earth at night. but you could see lights like little dots lighting up the cities. as Adam came down to me, Eve followed him down to earth. Adam said to Eve I need to get down to him because he is only going to survive for a little while 7 hours., I need to get down to him, Eve ended up not following him at first she went towards another part of the earth around the middle east somewhere. When she landed I heard her scream in terror. she than ascended and said do not go were she had gone, ever. She than followed Adam to me. But right before she did she asked Yahweh. Where the antichrist was going to be born? and Yahweh told her Hawaii. Eve asked him "if he was going find him?". I don't remember what his reply was. I think it was yes.
On the Day of my baptismal, I wasn't 1 yet. I was baptized in Tijuana B.C. is when I first heard King David speak, while I was being baptized I heard King David say "I'm David, I'm David" he was speaking within me. He kept on repeating it like he was trying to get someone's attention. I believe it's because King David was Hebrew, and I was in the middle of being baptized catholic. After the ceremony I remember a priest putting his head down to me like he could hear King David, and told me to ask for the 7 virtues, this is the first time I remember seeing a man named Dave Wilcox. He is a Mexican man a soothsayer someone who could also mesmerize people. He knew who I was carrying within me. He took me to the priest after he was able to hear King David during the baptism. Dave Wilcox is an Evil person, and I do not forgive him. he is never to be trusted. I saw Dave wave his finger in front of the priest eyes from left to right and they told him to forget.
I remember that night, after the baptismal I remember Dave Wilcox taking me from my home at night to go see Groucho Marx. Groucho was sick in his bed when Dave took me to him Milton Berle was at his bed side. Groucho was old and sick he didn't get out of his bed, Dave put me in his arms Groucho looked at me and made a joke something like " Its going to fit perfectly on his forehead" something like that. I remember Milton Berle chuckling a little. Groucho than cradled me in his arms and I began to cry. Groucho Than said "don't cry because uncle Milton doesn't like crybabies". Dave than took me from his arms, as I was lifted I had left some type of residue on him. It was a shiny residue, Groucho noticed it too and looked amazed, and confused.
When I was 4 years old my family lived in Imperial Beach. Ca. There was a elementary school nearby. Bayside elementary. I was to attend preschool there. The Day before my first day of preschool. this Woman who i will refer to as "the witch" appeared to my mother, I remember her from my birth, she was present on the day of my birth. She is a white woman with long blond wavy hair, a chubby woman. She did the same technique to my mother that Dave had done to the priest . She mesmerized my mom and told her to take me to see an aunt called "Cuca". The witch admitted that she was doing it out of envy. my mother complied . she took me to go see my aunt . when we got to my aunts place my mom had to run some errands and left me under my aunts care. Well my aunt immediately took me to a neighboring home. It was a half empty apartment, there was a table with a bunch of people sitting around it . on the table I saw a board with a circle and a bunch of drawings of heads around the circle like numbers on the face of a clock face. in the middle there was an object that I can only describe as a large drinking bird . that could tap on the pictures on the board it was able to rotate around to do so. there was a small bust of Jesus Malverde, and I remember a small grey alien doll sitting at the table. my aunt told me to walk around the table and was followed behind by the people sitting around the table . we all walked around the table in a line and the sat back down. than i saw the drinking bird start to tap on the faces on the board in a random pattern. I than stood a little bit away from them and started to see little balls of light coming towards me. after I remember my aunt taking me out of the apartment and we waited a bit outside for my mom to return. while we stood outside I heard a voice scorn her and what have you done. se replied that they were going to take "them" from me. They being Adam, Eve, and King David. the spirits I was born with. she knew what they were going to do to me the next day. shortly my mom arrived and took me home.


On my first day of preschool my mom had gotten me ready to go for my first day of school, as we walked out of our home there was the witch again, waiting outside our gate, she told my mom that she herself would take me to school not my mother. My mom did as she asked with no hesitation. The woman took me to school. The school was only 5 small blocks away from were we lived. I did as i was told. Instead of taking me to my class on my very first day of school, she took me to an office with no one in it. The woman directed me to stand in front of her with my back to her she told me to first put my right hand on a table that was next to us and she told me to close my eyes I complied. When I close my eyes I felt her place what I felt to be a birds claw on my hand , as she pulled the birds claw off my hand it had left a residue. Than I opened my eyes and another white woman, a brunette with long hair stepped into the room. She didn't say who she was only that she had a son who wanted to be president, and I could help him become president. she showed me card she had in her hand, it was a picture of Adam from Hieronymus Bosch the garden of earthly delights. She than said my son looks just like Adam." you're going to give him to my son" she told me . "they want him to be that other guy who has sex with all those women but I won't let that happen". still I didn't know what she was talking about. She than showed me a picture of Jesus from the same painting, she told me later I was going to receive this man. still i had no idea who she was referring to. She stood up, as before she was kneeling down to speak to me. than that brunette called out for "Barry". "his name is Barry Sotello" she said. by now we all know Barry Sotello real name is Barrack Obama. "Barry" walked in wearing a cream color members only jacket he knelt down in front of me an said you're my spiritual brother, you can grant wishes. He than asked the woman who had brought me to the office if they had used the grimoire she than replied that they had used they greater key of Solomon. he talked to her like he was her boss. Barracks mom than drew a line under his right eye with a makeup pencil, after she did the same to me, except she only drew the line half way on me. she said that it would grow to full size when I met him. Who "him" was i don't know. Than barrack made a wish, he said " I want to be president and I want power". they than asked what I wanted to be and I think I said fireman or I don't know, barrack than said "wait I thought you wanted to be superman " I than said" yes. I want to be superman." they told me to swipe under his right eye with the hand that had the resin from the birds claw. I did as I was told, barrack than kind of leaned away from me and sucked in air like he was inhaling something. He knelt down in front of me and gave me a hug. "as he walked away I could hear a voice inside me say "don't go!" it was the voice of a woman. it was Eve that was calling out to Adam. "they want me to be a farmer" he replied and "this is a grown up". Barry than walked away he acted arrogant towards me. This happened in 1979. The next day it happened again.

these were the pictures they showed me Adam and Eve were cut into individual cards.
This time it was a woman named Hillary, I was taken to the same office as before, the same thing happened, the white woman again stood behind me and put a birds claw on my right hand and again it left a residue. She moved me to the center of the office were I could see and could be seen through window partitions towards a waiting area, and that's were I first saw her. Hillary was standing there looking at me, she was looking down at me. I remember her wearing a red dress. a door opened and she walked through it towards me smiling and gave me a big hug. she introduced herself and than showed me a picture of Eve from the same garden of earthly delights painting, it was a small cut out card the same as when Barry Sotelo mom showed me of Adam. Hillary showed me the picture of Eve and told me "this is what your mother looked like when she was young", she than began to act a little strange almost hesitant. I was going to swipe her with the residue like I had done to Barry. But She began to pull away from me and walk away, like she didn't want to go through it after all. But than she turned around almost like she had a second thought and said fuck it I'll take the swipe and she did. I swiped the residue under her eye and she did the same inhalation technique Barry did, she made a wish and asked to be secretary of the treasury and she also wanted power, she told me to also ask for power and not knowledge. She noticed that I had that residue on my hand and told me to save it for myself and to make a wish, this time I'm not sure if I made wish or not but I do remember asking for power because she told me to. After that she gave me a hug and told me to "wait for her". I resumed the rest of the school day. Not really remembering what I had done or gone through. I now remember the white woman who helped with the ritual, after the rituals were done she would pass her finger in front of my eyes from left to right and than saying that I was not going to remember what they did, almost like hypnotizing me or mesmerize me into forgetting. But after all this time my memories have come back to me.

Hillary and Bubba maybe. really really really young Hillary
On this day they really took advantage of me. After school , I went home. Some how the witch convinced my mother to go out somewhere and left me alone with her, she was after the spirit of King David. She noticed that I still had residue on my hand from earlier when I swiped Hillary. she brought a couple of young kids to me both of them white. I remember 1 was slender with a ball cap, the other one was fat, short hair cut. but both were older than me I was 4 they were about 11 around that age. the witch than made them do almost the same thing I had done with Barry and Hillary they both made wishes the thin one wanted to read peoples minds , marry one of my wives, and asked for King David , I swiped him. I remember that King David had left me but he came back as soon as the witch walked that kid outside, as they crossed my front window. I heard King David say" I'm back, I didn't go. I going to hide". I noticed that his voice had changed. That concerns me. I feel so much sadness remembering these days. the next one, the fat kid I remember I didn't have any more residue on my fingers but the witch still tried to make him wish for something . I barely remember what he asked for, it had something to do with my wife. that's about it . I also swiped him . With what ever was left from the residue. God please forgive me for what I have done. I feel so sad right now. all they wanted to do was take from me. and its because I'm not white. Barry is half white. The witch made it known to me that it was because I wasn't white is why she took them from me..... Fuck that Bitch.

Later that night it was Dave Wilcox turn to betray me. while me and my family were sleeping. Dave was able to wake me, from my room. he was standing outside and signaled for me to go outside and meet him. he took me towards a white limousine that was parked a short distance away. he took my hand and again Dave put the chicken foot on my hand right before we got into the white limousine. inside was Donald Trump. he had a lawyer sitting to his right, Dave took a seat towards the left side of the limousine, I stood in front of him, Donald already had a line drawn under his eye, he talked to me about having troubles in the locker room of his club, he was having urges towards men. he may have been feeling gay. and that i could fix that for him. again we did the same fucking ritual, he hugged me and asked for the spirit of Poseidon. now I distinctly remember that because he asked the lawyer and Dave " that's the guy who controls the oceans.. right?" they agreed. he told me to swipe him under his eye. I did. he than sat down and than arrogantly proclaimed that he was going to take my inevitable rights...Fuck that Puto. He than gave Dave a briefcase full of money that was supposed to be for me, but i never saw any of it, and since Dave Wilcox is part of the Sinaloa Cartel and Donald Trump did business with him well .. lets just say that shortly after it was The Sinaloa Cartel who harassed my father for the money. he was going to invest it and let it grow in a bank account but Dave and Joaquin Guzman Loera, went to the casinos because they were sure they could make more money gambling. They took the money away from my dad, because they were going to kill us. you know how they threaten people those that are poor even they're own kind will betray for money.
Through the years it kept on going like that, But this time it was mostly Dave who came around to manipulate and harass me into swiping people I did not know, including himself. Dave Wilcox is a very dark 2 faced individual. he used me to gain influence with people . I swiped Leo C. Tom C. Anthony H. and others, I don't remember to well. I don't have any ill will towards the entertainers except for Tom C. and L Ron Hubbard's Bullshit Religion. I remember Tom C telling me you're going to receive a very powerful Thetan one day I think he called him Bill, Thetan Bill or something like that. I remember Dave Miscavich also that big piece of human shit can go fuck himself, I actually saw Dave Wilcox kneel to Dave Miscavich shortly after I swiped him. I know I'm skipping a lot and I would like to say more, but I want to tell you about the politicians first because of the power they wield. My main concern is that they may be the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.

this one will have meaning to Marco, he got caught.
The last politician is Marco Rubio his was one of the most recent swipes that I gave. Dave Wilcox again showed up but this time it's 2000 ish I'm not really sure the exact year but I do remember this. I am in my mid 20's at this time. I'm in my bed and I'm still living at home with my parents. my room faces the street outside. I live in a quiet neighborhood, a suburb. at night usually everyone is asleep during the really late hours like lets say 2 to 3 in the morning. any ways, That asshole Dave Wilcox woke me up he could see me through my window, I woke up and he said " hey There's some one out here who wants to meet you. get dressed and come outside". I don't know why but I felt compelled to do what he had told me to do. So I put on some pants, a shirt and went outside I don't even think I wore shoes I was barefoot. Dave immediately started to direct me on what to do it was mostly just to stand there., I look out and see that the street in front of my house had a bunch of people, some in cars some just standing there just watching. So I think first he introduces me to a girl she might have been Christina A, It seemed brief I don't remember much it was nice, than Dave Wilcox approaches holding the hand of a young white kid. he looks like Justin B. Dave and Justin are facing me, mind you Justin is only like 8 or 9 really young. they look at me and than Justin says i see a rainbow above him. and I'm not sure he may have hugged me and than walked away. than Dave told me that this guy wanted to make a hit record and had proclaimed earlier before I woke up that he had more knowledge about Satan than I did. That guy was Kanye W. he was given a controller, a small device, and was asked to walk south on my street far enough were I couldn't hear his voice or see him. than I was able to hear him but this time he was directing me on what to do " stand on one leg" he would say and i would do it. " jump, walk forward" stuff like that....Fuck that Puto also. any ways. Someone upstairs got pissed and told me to run after him and I believe beat him up or something because they did not like him. I was barefoot and I know it was Mohamed who told me that he was gonna protect my feet so they wouldn't hurt and go after him. so I did and I booked it at full speed towards Kanye. I grabbed him by his jacket, and he began to chuckle almost like he didn't understand that I was going to try to beat him up or something like that, by than Dave Wilcox and A White guy who is the leader of the Illuminati. later but not now I will explain more about him. so next I try to swing at Kanye and by that point he got the hint that I wasn't an admirer. Dave and The Illuminati guy who I will call Wilbur from now on, just because I don't remember his name. Any ways Dave and Wilbur told Kanye to take a hike so he did. he took off in his car, I'm speculating towards the Marina. So than Dave walks me towards the rest of the people who were on my street. I remember being kindly greeted by I think it was Bruno M. he was very kind and was crying a little bit he said I was special to him. Gwen S. I think she just stood and stared at me a little, I don't remember much of our interaction. Kim K and Kris K her mom were there also this time Kim K wanted a spirit from me and guess who she asked for? she asked for Eve another one wants Eve well they do the same fucking ritual. I'm not even sure if they put a chicken claw on my hand this time but they probably did. so again Kim ask for Eve but instead they gave her " the whore of Babylon". and she recognized that. she than told her mom that "they gave me the whore of Babylon?" almost like not sure why. Than her mom told her well we did choose vanity. her mom didn't seem upset. Kris than said something about finding her daughter and if I found her something could happen but since she's with Kanye now and they have a bunch of kids I am defiantly not interested. ugh. she has Kanye stank on her, also their was Wildur V. I heard a woman say that they needed a TV star there. also Wildur V, began to mock me and started to prance around me and said that he was an angel or acting like one, but it looked to me like he was making fun of me in a way. any ways he was taken away by them, I think they got the hint he was beginning to insult me. Ok so now they took me to man wearing a red ball cap he was dressed in a shirt and tie and definitely looked like he did not belong with the rest of the people I was meeting. it was Marco Rubio. A total square amongst the entertainers. he stuck out like a sore thumb he was on his knees all ready like a good little boy. all neat and proper. just like a sneaky low down coconut. I'm going to admit something to you. before they all came to me I was able to see all of them first some of them were in an apartment or hotel there meeting with each other and gathering up, Marco is not among them they come down to a couple of vans that were gonna take them to me, some drove theme selves in there own vehicles. anyways Marco met up with them down in the vans. they thought he was some kind of entertainment executive. and he acted like a square. on the way to me I saw The moon splitting in 2 and than a voice began to admonish Marco, telling him he wasn't going to get away with this, he acted like he didn't care... so than there we are, he is kneeling In front of me wearing a red ball cap and again we do the same fucking ritual. I swipe him and he receives the "General" I'm not sure who it was but I remember the voice that had told me that Kim was given the whore, Marco was given the General. Hopefully it was General Custer. and that's it. finally after all that shit was done I was ready to go to my room, Dave asked me if I wanted anything and I said No. I went to bed and after I went to lay down Dave again ask me to come outside they were going to give me something, I know what happened, I know who it was and I want to tell you that they did not let me feel anything I was completely numb and did not see who it was. and I will never say what happened. but I know god knows what happened.
Now there is a large gap in between my fourth year of life and my 20's but i do believe that the 4 horsemen are Barry, Hillary, Donald, and Marco. 2 democrats and 2 republicans a political pincer movement Democrips and Rebloodicans , 2 from the left 2 from the right. The antichrist is the black guy so that everyone will love him for overcoming so much, and becoming the first black president but the white power movement will use that for there own despicable needs. Even though they support an evil piece of shit like Donald, greedy, lying, dumb, arrogant Donald. that's the Devils plan. both sides are corrupted. evil whites will eat that shit up and have a reason to hate on Barry even more. the antichrist was going to let the Gays gat married, and he was going to be born in Hawaii. and that sucks because I voted for Barry twice... before I remembered everything. I am sad that it was Barry. the first black president should not have been the antichrist. us that are poor black and brown thought he was great. we loved him. and I feel betrayed. but he is who he is and I am ashamed that I took part in these rituals. I have a lot more that I remember, regarding Chapo Guzman, the freemasons, Ronald Reagan ,and the C freeman El Chart. but I'm going to save that for later because I'm tired and upset.

part 2

submitted by loodawg76 to illuminati [link] [comments]

How "playing to see what happens" gave me an amazing Christmas Special session.

I just finished the Christmas Myster I had prepared for my hunters, and we had an absolute blast. On top of being a lot of fun, I feel like the way the session went demonstrates how just going with the flow and reaction to your players (rather than planing ahead) makes for awesome experiences, so I decided to share it here (it turned out really long even though I left out some parts, also sorry for grammaspelling mistakes, english is not my first language) :
The basic premise was that one of Santas Elfes, the toy inventor Kravitz, was making magical toys that where way to powerful for regular children. So Santa had degraded him to be the head of the post office in Santa Claus, Indiana (where all the Santa Letters from American kids are collected by elfes and sent to the northpole. But the megalomaniacal Kravitz continued to build his toys there in test them on the local kids, planning to go to the north pole to defeat Santa with his toy army, and then deliver his toys all over the world.
Basically all I had prepared was this premise, a describtion of Kravitz and for elf employees of his, a countdown, a description of Santa Clause, Indiana, and describtions of about 25 magical toys (which really weren't needed in hindsight, I used two from the list, all the others were made up on the spot).

The hunters where first alarmed by Claire, an NPC which they saved from an evil magical ventriloquist in a previous mystery. Claire has a blog on weird phenomena and was sent a video of a living, talking doll. She also joined the hunt. When the hunter picked Claire up the Spooky played a christmas-themed traiding card game with Claire and the monstrous Dschinn. (YES!!! that was perfect material for my weird toy theme of the mystery). When they arrived at the house with the living doll, they were invited by a very enthusiastic family to join them listening to the doll, which was telling really cringy dad jokes and puns. The Spooky figured out that the dolls magic made it so you find every joke told by it funnier than the last one. So the first one is really bad, but after listenig to the doll for a while you don't want to do anything but listen. Meanwhile the Professional notices that his Van started to drive away on it's own. He realizes that a kid is controlling his van with a remote controller for a toy car. When he talks to the kid, he finds out the kid got the toy from a tree in Santas village. He asks the kid to trade the controller and his van for the living doll, but the kid just transforms the van into a transformer and goes off to steal the doll himself.
After some shenanigans including the Spooky summoning a monster as a distraction and the monstrous transforming into a bird, they manage to snatch the remote controll, destroy the doll, and head of to Santas village. Also they get rid of some metalheads magically summoned by a kid with an electric guitar.
In Santas village, they searched for presents and the Spooky discovers an invisible christmas elf delivering presents with her true sight, and managed to capture it. The Professional convinces the elf the hunters were "elves, but for adults", by gifting a present to a random adult working nearby. So the elf lead them to his boss, Kravitz, in his workshop underneat the post office.
Kravitz welcomes them in his office, I played him like a bond villain parody. He traps them in his office and boasts that his plan would come to fruition in a few hours (without telling his plan), and that the hunters are invited to play some of his boardgames untill then.
And here is where the trading card game introduced by the Spooky came in, as they challenged Kravitz to a duell. If they won, Kravitz would allow them to watch his plan come to fruition in person. I expected this mystery to go to some really weird and wacky places, but "Christmas Themed Yugioh parody" wasn't one of them. But here we go. The hunters have to deliver presents past monsters summoned by the elfes, and in turn devise a good enough strategy (which I made a sharp-roll) to summon monsters that would stop the elves.
First they defeat some snow huskeys, but the elves won their round as well. Then they decide to switch strategies. In the earlier game between the hunters they established that Rudolph and the other reindeer where this games version of Exodia from Yugioh, assemble them all and you win. They want to win that way, so I have Claire read the rules manual for the magical version of the game, and she finds out that rather than drawing the cards from the deck, they could also find them inside the battle arena. One of the elfes transforms the arena into an icy casino run by penguins. There the hunters split the group to assemble the cards one by one, fighting wacky christmas characters or beating them in sports competitions. (these were really fun, but the story is long enough so I will leave it here). It was basically like a christmas/winter level from a rareware collectaton game. So they won the game by Rudolph obleterating the elves in an "Exodia, obliterate"-scene.
The classy villain he is, Kravitz holds his promise. So he tells them about his plan to fly to the north pole to overthrow Santa, and invites them to join him on his sleigh to watch.
On the flight, the monstrous Djinn tricks Kravitz into monologing about his end goal: sitting in an office at the northpole on a throne with some hot chocolate and watching the toys being delivered on Santas big holographic map. He then says this is what he wishes the most. The Djinn grants this wish, but as Kravitz technically didn't state he wishes to take Santas place, only that he is sitting in luxury in an office that looks like Santa's, the Djinn teleports him to a cell in an elf prison on north pole which looks like Santa's office.
So Kravitz is gone, but with no one to drive the sleigh, it is loosing height. But the Spooky figures out how to use the remote controll they stole from the kid, and call their van/transformer. It picks them up and lands them savely.
But the magical toys are still creating chaos in the town. So they head back to Kravitz workshop. The Spooky and the Professional beat some kids in a fight with paper swords in a small pirate world made out of origami in the workshop (as some kids sneaked in their after Kravitz left and found a book on pirate themed papercraft). They nearly get their asses kicked by an papercraft kraken, but Claire manages to get hold of the book and starts blasting loud, vulgar punkrock from her phone while making papercraft from the book. This causes the book to shut down, as someone engaged in "naughty"-behavoir while playing, so the kraken dissapears.
Meanwhile the Monstrous Djinn beats a teddybear made of soap bubbles in a schoolyard jumping game and manages to deactivate the toys using Kravitz computer.
So the toys are diactivated, the town and christmas is saved and the hunters celebrate christmas together in the town of Santa Claus, Indiana. They even got presents from Santa as thanks.

It was one of the greatest seasons I had so far, and a big part of that was how much what happened surprised even me as the keeper. For examample the only magical toys I had planned beforehands were the dad-joke doll and the remote controller. I shared this story not only because it was absolutely wild and hilarious, but also because it showed me once again how the basic principle of playing to see what happens can lead to awesome gaming sessions.

TLDR: I leaned hardcore into playing to see what happens and reacting to player contributions to the story, and ended up having a fantastic Christmas session (containing a christmas-themed Yugioh parody, a villain defeated by his own villain monologue coming true, the hunters being saved by their vehicle turned transformer and papercraft pirate swordfights).
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