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Armin and the squad suffer from simplified, contradictory writing and lack of agency, and it hurts the final conflict (warning: wall of text)

the MC, the rival, and The ideological clash

First of all, the “War For Paradis” arc (thanks for the "amazing" arc name, aot wiki users) had a lot of technical writing problems (Zevi thunderspear adventure, Falbi conveniently running into Sasha’s family, Magath suddenly changing his military policy so that they don’t noscope Eren to death 30 seconds into the battle), but it was wildly entertaining and had an amazing climax. Rumbling arc mostly gives us a boring plane subplot on top of shallow and simplified character interactions and ideologies. Great entertainment Yams.
The WFP arc gave Eren an ideological opponent in Zeke. Zeke is an antinatalist in a story that seems very pronatalist, so you know he is in the “wrong” narratively, but he is a good rival due to his writing and the fact he is a direct opposite of Eren, who nevertheless came to a similar conclusion. Zeke gets unoreversed by Eren in the climax of WFP, and the story moves to next indeological conflict, that between Eren and Armin. Whereas Eren and Zeke are both doomerpilled and both intend to solve the Eldian situation via genocide, Armin represents a more hopeful and diplomatic approach to the future of the conflict.
Sadly, Armin’s character runs into multiple writing problems that make him an underwhelming rival to Eren, not just from the fact that he doesn’t fucking do anything significant for most of post-timeskip, but from the way his ideology is portrayed. For starters, Armin & co. represent not one, but two different opposing approaches to Paradis’ dilemma, one is the 50-year plan and the other is “solving it peacefully”. I say both, because the story doesn’t seem to state what Armin (or Hange, who is more or less grouped with him by the story) actually want, they agree to 50yp, but they also state that it’s flawed or immoral (since it forces Titan inheritance on Historia’s bloodline) and try to find alternatives. Those alternatives do not happen, so Armin switches to 50yp as that’s what he hopes Eren is doing and why he decides to help him in Shiganshina. However, after the Rumbling starts, the plan is forgotten again (even though it is still brought up sometimes?) and the story switches back to representing Armin’s side as “breaking the cycle of violence via talking it out with the enemy and forgiving them”.
Do I need to say that the 50yp and breaking the violence cycle are completely thematically opposite? 50yp is a plan that includes a violent strike against an enemy and keeps the titan inheritance. Thematically, it continues the cycle of both titans and war as a necessary evil for the greater good. Why is it given to the same characters that are thematically tied to pacifism and peace? Because Isayama didn’t bother to set up even more factions with opposing ideals, and just grouped everything into one?

diplomacy? politics?! I only know anti-war speeches

But even if we just look at the “talking it out” part of Armin’s/Hange’s narrative theme, it’s not well written. At all. The story in its current state equates diplomacy or any non-violent approaches to conflict to “we need to talk to the enemy”. That’s it. The extent of their diplomatic approaches as an alternative to 50yp is one (!) scene where they go to the conference and the Eldian rights speaker (who never once met a Paradisian in his life, and who Hange & co. did not talk to) is like “Eldians good, Paradis bad” and the Survey Corps is like *surprise Pikachu face*, and that’s all. That’s the end of their “diplomatic attempts”. Somehow this one press conference persuaded both the SC with their indomitable spirit and the majority of the fandom that diplomacy is impossible forever because a guy threw responsibility on a titan doomsday island nobody in the world had any contacts with for a century. Personally, I find the scene laughable. Everyone is just too racist to ever make any deals with, aside from when they stop being racist after interacting with Eldians for some time, or when the Eldians are Tyburs, or when it’s very very monetarily profitable to make deals with Eldians, but those are obviously rare exceptions and Paradis is just so alone and they can never make allies with anyone. Ever 😟
But wait! Somehow the dreaded diplomacy had place in the story for pretty much the whole pre-timeskip, despite the fact that the SC situation was somewhat Eldia-lite (everyone fucking hated them! Everyone tried to steal Eren from them)! The Uprising arc was, I guess, supposed to be a test run for the human faction-vs-human faction parts of the story. Yes, a lot of the arc was about the dilemma of killing fellow humans, but the other part of the arc dealt with diplomatic, and not solely violent, solutions to the harsh dilemmas the SC were facing. The main emotional climax of the arc is Historia freeing Eren instead of both Eren and Hisu transforming into titans and duking it out. Erwin, meanwhile, does not spill a drop of blood in this arc (aside from his own), he solves his conflict via political scheming. It’s not a very complicated political scheming, but it is a diplomatic solution to the arc’s conflict, and it’s not portrayed as idealistic fairy tale ending with sunshine and roses, it’s portrayed like smart decisions by a smart man who can make concessions and gain allies. Besides Erwin making smart plays, this arc sets up Hange’s indecisiveness and the initial desire to run away from conflict, which is soon resolved (this arc has a similar dilemma for them, sadly it’s only really resolved after the Rumbling already started), as well as the Gesumin in all his creepy glory, while also setting up Armin’s conflict over killing humans (it seems like the Gesumin part of him has completely disappeared by now, only the murder angst and indecisiveness remained, which tbh makes him a lamer character, esp. since Ereh gets to keep both his early-series murder boner and his later developement).
If Uprising was humans-vs-humans: the beginning, then Paradis dealing with outside world was supposed to be Uprising, but bigger (just like the Rumbling is Grim Reminder, but bigger). But now the training wheels are off, the enemy factions are more hostile and complicated, the diplomatic god that is Erwin is gone, and now it’s up to Armin and Hange to apply the experience they gained in Uprising and show their smarts to deal with this shit. And they didn’t need to succeed. They could have failed completely or didn’t get enough definitive results, and then Eren would go rogue, and Liberio and the Yeagerists would have escalated everything and they would have been left wondering if they could actually do any better to prevent it all. Maybe they would realize that continuing solely via non-violence is fruitless and eventually agree to sacrifice Historia and commit similar horrible deeds, and the question becomes where is the line they shouldn’t cross and what that makes them better than Eren’s final solution.
Except they didn’t do shit. They didn’t even try. They sat on their asses for four years preaching about peace, then gave up at the first attempt (if that was even an attempt). I would say that the point of this was that Erwin was too valuable and Hange/Armin were too lost without him to deal with stuff, but I am honestly not sure that this is intended by the story, instead of “the situation was impossible to ever be improved by anyone’s actions and the only way out was global genocide”, so the story didn’t bother giving Armin and Hange anything to do because it's actually not important and their themes and ideology are actually completely useless... despite now presenting them as important. The only time they do anything is the Yeagerist uprising mini-arc (which is about internal Paradisian conflict, not the external Eldian conflict), and the Alliance, which the story pretends is about the Eldian conflict but it’s actually not, because it’s about breaking the personal revenge cycle within a group of people, most of which already know each other, not about any global resolutions.
So, as a result, in the current arc we are stuck with two opposing “solutions”: in one corner we have Mr. “only way to save my country is to mercilessly stomp every man woman and child in every corner of the world outside my little island”, and in the other corner we have Mr. “I can be a manipulative little bitch that has showed vast understanding of tactics and politics my whole life, but the only thing I want to do now is talk to people and that would resolve everything somehow”. It’s an extremely contrived false dilemma that pretends there is literally nothing between genocide and utterly passive pacifism and it’s a binary. Now choose if you find methodically flattening babies to be an acceptable course of action (in which case you’d probably choose Eren, because at least he has a concrete goal and is doing something), or not in which case you are stuck with Armin who is written like a caricature soyboy lib who can’t do anything other than try to talk to everyone. Amazing writing.
This utter mess of thematic narrative is probably why Isayama decided to just have multiple characters suddenly start standing around literally giving speeches that spell out how war bad peace good break the cycle for children because they are the future. Otherwise the story leans too hard on the “genocide is pretty good eh” side. Except the speeches won’t do shit because Eren is also in part motivated by breaking the cycle (so Eren good even though violence bad?? Make up your mind Isayama), and Armin is just completely reactionary and ineffective, and even if uniting with his personal enemies is breaking a cycle, an obvious logical question is “the fuck will you do after that?” which the story answers with “idk lol”, so we come back down to “wow they both suck, but one sucks in a more boring way”.
A better conflict that would make more sense would be about “ending the cycle” via a big atrocity (genocide of one of the sides) vs “continuing the cycle” via small atrocities for the greater good (variations of 50yp/actual displomacy/political scheming), but rn the story tries to do the both sides approach where Eren wants to break the cycle by killing everyone who can potentially kill him, and Armin tries to break the cycle by… being a good person? Except he says that he is a bad person? And his side still commits small atrocities to achieve its goals like killing yeagerists at the port? I guess that he breaks the cycle on a personal level, but how does that help overall since if he stops Eren and makes a peace treaty with the remains of the world, this was only possible due to Eren being a genocidal maniac and stomping on everything to the point his enemies are forced to repent? None of this was caused by Armin’s own talents or ideology, only Eren’s. So what was the point of pro-pacifism speeches again. Why are we having so much of them.

Honestly, you guys need even more talking

Moving on, even in terms of Armin and the team breaking their own personal cycle, the story falls flat. Overall the Alliance chapters are extremely, extremely rushed and generally superficially written. The handwaved resolution of many small subplots and the formation of the Alliance in 126 are laughable. And note how it's largely Hange's actions that create the alliance anyway, not Armin's who gets stuck on a sidequest and then bumps into Annie who later joins them offscreen. We don't even dwell on Armin's motives for opposing Eren, despite the fact that it's more or less an endgame rivalry. 127 has some logical problems imo but it’s a great, emotional chapter that raises a good point of “We are all war criminals and we have lots of bad blood between us, but we need to move past that because we need to stop this massacre”, it’s followed in 128 by Magath talking about ignorance and acknowledging your crimes for the sake of future generations, it’s all good, but.
The reason it falls flat is because they do not acknowledge a lot of bad blood between them. They are ignorant of some of their crimes. All they know is Yelena parroting a list of their warcrimes (how does she know all of those details, anyway?) and then the Marco talk. Nothing else is personally acknowledged. 104th feeding a helpless Bert to a titan while he screams for his friends is never talked about. Pieck being a part of Ragako massacre is never revealed to Connie. Annie and Levi never talk (not that he gives a shit about anything but monke, but still). Colt and Porco are barely mentioned at all. Warriors’ brainwashing and shit childhoods being a factor in their actions is not acknowledged (does anyone even know exactly how shit their lives actually were aside from Eren and Armin? Annie tells her story to Hitch, so the audience knows, but not the characters). Liberio seems barely relevant despite happening just a month ago, not just that, but Magath knowing about the attack beforehand is never revealed to the Warriors. Guys? Hello? Don’t you think you should know about the fact that your commanding officer conspired to get your hometown massacred, but also did it with an intention to improve your country’s leadership and, hopefully, your social standing, even though it was all for nothing in the end? Well, the story doesn’t think so, he dies without a soul knowing.
Even the stuff that gets acknowledged is needlessly rushed because the chapters are trying to juggle 12+ characters in a fairly small amount of time. The example that personally pissed me off was Annie and Reiner’s resolution. As a reminder, he was the one who pushed BA into attacking the walls and Trost, generally was an ass who made their lives miserable, this dynamic spanned across two whole flashback chapters in Marley back in the good old times when pacing was good. All they get is Reiner taking the blame for Marco at the campfire, then they fight together, then it’s all resolved with half a page of dialogue which is basically “sorry I was an asshole 😕” “NP bro” *hug*. I mean, at least it’s a resolution, but it’s just so halfassed for such a complicated character dynamic that I am just left mourning the story that could have been.
Also that talk on a plane. So, Connie thinks he is “the same” as Reiner, because… let’s see… he killed Yeagerists, armed members of a radicalized splinter faction who just two days ago violently overthrew their government, titanized dozens of military members and tried to kill Hange and Levi. He does it to get a plane so their group can get to Eren and try to halt the Apocalypse. According to Connie (and to the story, I guess?) it makes him the same as Reiner, a child soldier brainwashed to commit genocide of 250 000 people. I don’t care that Connie feels sad, it’s just stupid. Like, the fix is right there, just talk about civilian slaughter in Liberio, mention killing Bert like RBA killed Marco, the yeagerist battle is your “I betrayed my friends ☹️” aspect, boom, you can now make a case that they are kind of the same, but Connie seems to feel much more guilt about his yeagerist former comrades than dead civilians, why do the yeagerists in the fandom hate Connie again? He is no.1 yeagerist stan! You should be proud of him!
(Actually the way the chapters are written it feels like the only characters in the Alliance that give a shit about people getting stomped around the world are Hange, who feels the Rumbling is partly their fault and actually takes steps to form the Alliance, and Jean, who looks like he is in a state of constant mental breakdown and once spares a panicked thought about Ramzi, everyone else is either for Ereh/muh daddy, or just feels kinda there. Like, they took a long plane trip above miles upon miles of a stomped, scorched graveyard, you’d think one of them would look out the window and comment on it, but they just talk about the harbor battle and how it makes them feel bad. People are dying around the world in graphic detail, but the alliance plot feels entirely disconnected from that. Also they let Annie, a titan shifter, go because she doesn’t wanna fight anymore. Guys, there are people dying. Maybe she could be useful. Do you even give a shit).
Anyway, since they think their sins are equivalent to Reiner's, they make the next logical leap and conclude they are also equivalent to Eren's. Bc they all kill people to achieve their goals. Then what is the actual thematic point of the conflict? What makes you different from Eren, aside from a different current objective? Why is he committing genocide, and you are not? Will the story continue the hints that Eren and Reiner are different from other characters, or is everything just superficially morally grey?

isayama's new best boy

Oh but the two Eren chapters we got were great: interesting panel layouts and non-linear storytelling, PATHS shards mysteries, great visual metaphor with the birds, actually subtle thematic and character writing instead of characters standing and making anti-war speeches, really shows where Isayama’s priorities lie, lol. How sad, his acknowledged faves are Reiner and Jean, but he can’t give a rat’s ass about the writing of their faction and it brings their characters down HARD. I guess his love for his own self-insert has prevailed and took over his entire remaining attention span for this series.
The problem with Eren comes in 133, because his epic “I came to talk to tell you we don’t need to talk” speech contradicts his previous behaviour. His point in this chapter is that he supposedly allows Alliance to keep their powers and come fight him because freedom. Okay let’s see, 1) in 112 he was fine with lying to MA despite stating in the same chapter that ignorance in the opposite of freedom, thus making MA “not free”; 2) he literally put his friends in jail lol. But now he values their freedom above their safety or above a quick and unopposed completion of his plans despite “not wanting to gamble Paradis’ future”. Either it’s shitty writing yet again, or Eren is a massive hypocrite (lol) who restricts his friends’ freedoms when they could have still prevented the Rumbling, but allows them to fight now when he is basically God. That said, the whole scene and the contrast of sleepy adult Headren/cheerful child Eren/creepy eyeless child Eren is kinda sus so it may be intentional contradictory fuckery at hand.
On top of that, Eren and his Colossal army are so ridiculously overpowered that it destroys any possible tension. The world armies are no threat to them because they can’t take out a single Colossal. Port Salta gets hyped up and then they job immediately because its only reason for existence is to get Alliance and Eren in the same place. Then it turns out Eren is too overpowered for the Alliance and their remaining titan shifters and two Ackermans because the Founder can summon a zombie shifter army. Since he can’t be fought with conventional weaponry and any strategy is useless, we just have to wait for some deux ex machina, probably revolving around Armin/Ymir that will actually move the plot forward, because none of the characters or factions can actually do anything. There is little to no tention because no one else really has any effect on the plot, either Eren kills Armin and they lose, or some paths stuff happens and Armin kills/stops Eren, as far as we know nothing else that any character can do matters right now. Everyone just waits till the plot finally moves forward.


Armin's opposition to Eren centers around both the 50 year plan and a "breaking the cycle of violence" diplomatic approach which do not mix and just wildly alternate as Armin's "goals" as the story goes on. Diplomacy itself got nerfed in the story and turned into “talking and pacifism” to make the final conflict more tragic/philosophical/morally grey/whatever, instead it makes Armin a boring and inefficient rival to Eren, while the story fails to convincingly show Eren’s opponents breaking the cycle both externally and internally despite presenting them as breaking the cycle. Eren also suffers from potentially inconsistent writing. Finally, his overpowered abilities make the final conflict even worse because Armin cannot solve it strategically, thus relying solely on story to move the conflict for him. Arc bad
submitted by SulkySpacebat to titanfolk [link] [comments]

Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 22 Edition


Greetings, /Diablo!
The foreboding Season 22 announces the arrival of shadows - spectres of the past that grow ever thicker, clawing through the shrine and pylon beacons for another chance at fighting the demonic hordes. The Shades of Nephalem past stand by our side in the unrelenting fight against the minions of Hell, eager to spill the blood of our sworn enemies...
...Or level us up really quickly, at least. They're really good at that.
Season 22 is a curious crossbreed of past Seasonal endeavors, as it features both an "environmental" effect (the Shadow summons) and a "mechanical" effect (the 4th Kanai's Cube slot). While the latter ends up being more of a uniform buff than a truly build-shattering concoction, it introduces just enough of a theorycrafting tinge to the Season to make both ends of the spectrum - fans of the theory and fans of the spectacle - to maybe make us all happy for once. At very least, we won't be chasing snowballs.
As a personal takeaway, I think this Season prompted me to think about starting on more classes and builds than many previous Seasons have managed to. Maybe it's the need to consider the 4th Kanai's Cube slot that gave me pause at each and every concept? Regardless, I think we should all be glad for the confidence on display when it comes to Seasonal changes - this is the first time we see a dual theme, and on top of that both its aspects end up being important and impactful. Add a decent number of mechanical changes to items and sets, and even a paragon category change (who expected that to happen in 2020?), and this is one of the best Seasons we've had in a long, long while.
Have a great Season 22, and as always - happy hunting!


(No, really!)



Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Horde of the Ninety Savages
Wrath of the Wastes - Rend
Built from the ashes of a very old Rend/IK mixture, the Rend Wastes Barbarian truly shows the potential and terror of this DoT build. An unstoppable machine that whirls, cleaves and guts demons like Barbarians were always meant to do. With the newfound powers of Ambo's Pride, this build bleeds his enemies dry in an instant, turning what was once an unassuming bleed into a fearsome nuke that gets applied every second. Couple that with the savage elegance of Whirlwinding, and it's no wonder people will return to this build time and again when it comes to Barb progression.
Might of the Earth - Earthquake
Never the build at the forefront, Earthquake is nevertheless steady, extremely satisfying and a feast for the eyes. Couple its wholesome rotation with the newfound buffs and you really have a contender for Barb seasonal playtime. If you prefer to devastate a large area over precise shots, like to control the battlefield and gravitate toward rotations that just feel good to execute, Earthquake is your jam.
Might of the Earth - Seismic Slam
Always underappreciated, but always ready to pounce from the shadows and deliver, the Earthquake set has been quietly sitting very close to the leaderboard's top through a select few, but very devout Barbarian players. Ever since Season 19, we have Seismic Slam the way it should always have been - a thunderous mid-range devastator, the perfected counterpart of its older, pure Earthquake cousin. With the reworked Fjord Cutter, this build is quite the underrated powerhouse.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Aegis of Valor
Akkhan/Invoker - Thorns Bombardment
Say what now? The Thorn Bombsader is back with a vengeance, and is a force to be reckoned with in Season 22. Dropping barrels of pristine, unadulterated devastation from the skies, this will be one of the best soloing builds for the entire Season. Thorns Bombardment is a calculating, bursty, cooldown centric build that dishes out punishment in spectacular dollops that will take it all the way to GR150. Note that the build survived a hefty PTR nerf and emerged strong - a testament to its pure numbers.
Aegis of Valor - Heaven's Fury Shotgun
One of the two new sets from Season 20 ascended Crusaders to a whole new level, and evoked the times when the Holy Shotgun was considered OP, because it was the only Reaper of Souls build that demolished T6. Hundreds of millions of damage and health spikes later, this (un)holy amalgamation of items delivers a mixture of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury Shotgun shots with righteous ferocity that have earned this build the one rigthful nickname: the God Crusader.
Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heavens
Not as strong as its counterpart, but just as satisfying - the Fist of the Heavens visuals are undeniable - and one of the best Crusader farming builds out there, again courtesy of the new Aegis of Valor Crusader. Mount up, descend into battle and demolish screens full of demons with violent, electrified arcs covering the entire battlefield? What more could you ask for? This build is stronger in Season 22, making it one of the top tier farmers in the entire game, and a pure pleasure to spread destruction with.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Gears of Dreadlands
Gears of Dreadlands - Hungering Arrow (and Bolas!)
Using the powers of the Gears of Dreadlands set, this Demon Hunter build combines the deadly precision of Hungering Arrow with the elegance of movement and battlefield maneuverability of Strafe. The end result is one of the most versatile, agile and honestly - just visually appealing playstyles in the game. Valla's Bequest lives on yet another Season, ensuring this will remain the top tier Demon Hunter build for yet another round of 150 clears.
Legacy of Dreams - Rapid Fire
The emergence of the Rapid Fire build finally brought the close range, Tommy gun-like fantasy of the Demon Hunter class to life - all in a destructive, methodical playstyle that isn't afraid to get into the thick of fights and chaingun-and-grenade its way out. If the strafing evasion of GoD is not for you, and the top of the leaderboard is not your primary concern, this remains one of the most fun ways to play Demon Hunter: right in the demons' faces, melting them off.
Gears of Dreadlands/Marauder - Support
Using the combined might of the Gears of Dreadlands and Marauder sets, this support Demon Hunter build combines the strong damage buffs and pulling utility from the Entangling Shot and Bolas barrage with the myriad utility and toughness buffs coming from the Companion synergy. I never thought I would include a support build as something to be excited about, but it has been so long since Demon Hunters were this desirable and this versatile in the meta, that I can't help but highlight it.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Patterns of Justice
Patterns of Justice - Tempest Rush
Rooting its powers firmly in the TR-dedicated Patterns of Justice set, this alternate take on Tempest Rushing gives its Sunwuko brother a run for his money. The set empowers Sweeping Wind to astronomical proportions, stacking all the runes and swelling the vortex of destruction to a veritable cyclone. The opportunity to include the Shenlong fists in the setup in Season 22 elevates it even further!
Inna - Wave of Light
Although not particularly exciting, this is a purposeful highlight; the ease of starting an Inna Wave of Light build can take you very far into the Season with relatively minor time investment. Inna WoL is a tried and tested build that combines the inherent screen-clearing AoE of Explosive Blasts with the forgiving, easy-to-play Inna set. If you're looking for something to breeze the Season with, this is a strong contender.
Raiment Shenlong - Generator The Monk bread and butter. There is nothing wrong with liking this spec, and if you haven't hopped onto Monk in a while, it's still a great choice. If you like to punch things hard and fast and don't fear managing survivability in the closest of melee combat, this build will still deliver.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Masquerade of the Burning Carnival
Masquerade - Bone Spear
Testing the full capabilities of the dedicated Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set, this Necromancer build focuses on a unique amalgamation of Simulacrums and Bone Spear to produce a crafty sniping playstyle that can take its time setting up fights due to its impressive endurance. Incredibly capable - likely one of the strongest builds this Season - and most importantly, Land of the Dead-independent (hurrah!), this is a build for all the CDR-weary Necromancers out there!
Legacy of Dreams - Corpse Explosion
Basing itself on the versatile and adaptable Legacy of Dreams power and stacking a bunch of empowering and synergistic legendary items, the Corpse Explosion Necromancer provides another supremely powerful and visually striking playstyle this Season - and this one relishes on exploding cadavers, which is about the coolest and most Necromance-y thing you could say. High contender for my second build this Season, I've wanted a top tier Corpse Explosion Necromancer ever since this class came into existence.
Legacy of Dreams - Poison Scythe
Emerging from a combination of the Season 21 changes to the build-defining Haunted Visions amulet, the adaptability of the Legacy of Dreams bonus, and the plethora of Poison-themed skills at the Necromancer's disposal, this Necromancer build offers a simple-yet-deadly playstyle that reaps enemies without a thought for cooldowns. Will this build tickle your fancy for mechanical mastery? Nah. Will it cause theorycrafters to break down build minutae in endless excel tables? Nah. Is it the strongest and laziest Necromancer thing since Bone Storm from ages ago? You betcha.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Mundunugu's Regalia
Mundunugu Spirit Barrage
The Mundunugu set empowers one of the most visually satisfying builds of Witch Doctors, Spirit Barrage, to a ridiculously powerful level that will (barring any unexpected changes) seal the WD's spot in group play for a long, long time. To top it all off, this build is very versatile across all game activities, and can be adapted to everything from bounties, through keyfarm and speeds, to high end solo and group pushing as the Trash Killer. Truly top tier value of a Headrig's Gift for Witch Doctors this time around!
Zunimassa - Carnevil DoD
The Carnevil Witch Doctor summons an army of swarming minions at his side, whose adorable mimicking of his blowdart attack - and positively horrifying attack speed - are a sight to behold. This has been a long time coming; Zunimassa has been building up in power over the course of a few patches, with set and item changes that slowly inched it up in viability. It has been overcome by Mundunugu Spirit Barrage for some time now, but remains one of the strongest - and most evocative - builds in the WD arsenal.
Helltooth - Zombie Bears
Honestly, if this didn't make you check the year of this post, I don't know what could. But yeah, ZOMBIEBAAHS have been buffed now; still nowhere near a contender build, but strong enough to raise an eyebrow and make you chuckle. Seriously, if you choose to run this for GR pushing and Arachyr Chicken for farming, you might be my favorite person on the Internet right now.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Typhon's Veil
Legacy of Dreams - Mammoth Hydra
The Mammoth Hydra playstyle brings the tankier - and more potent - version of the Hydra playstyle, and holds the reigning title of the top Wizard build in S22. If you are looking for a straightforward, durable and classic-feeling Wizard build, I would look no further than this one.
Legacy of Dreams - Frozen Orb
Leave it to Legacy of Dreams to put Frozen Orb back in the spotlight. Combine the Frozen Orb nostalgia of sorceresses past with the slew of synergistic buffs to items like Wizardspike (holy nostalgia indeed), and you have an awesome new playstyle that leaves enemies debilitated and helpless, watching their frozen death creep ever closer.
LoD Energy Twister
Alright, well, if the Zombie Bears didn't make you check the year of the post, then maybe this did. Yes, Twisters are back and no, you don't have to stack them in a corner. You can play a honest-to-Diablo spellslinger that drops down Tornados left and right and simply enjoys the obliterating vortex. And isn't that a nice thing indeed?


We can clearly see an influx of new and returning players - people looking for guidance and advice on early crafting, gambling, and character building foundations. This is my attempt to convey as much information as I can in a single thread.
At the very start of the Season, your first job is, naturally, to create a new seasonal hero. While this first choice does not lock you down too terribly, note that the Seasonal Journey rewards you once per Season - only for the character that completes the chapters first. Bearing that in mind, pick your character and go in game.
While in town, approach one of the followers that most closely matches your class (Templar for Barbarians, Monks and Crusaders, Scoundrel for Demon Hunters, and Enchantress for Witch Doctors, Necromancers and Wizards), select the "Inventory & Skills" option, take their weapon and equip it yourself - it is a significant upgrade over the base weapon that you start with.
Note that once you reach level 7, vendors in all towns - the ones with the nickname "the Fence" in their names - will start selling rings. Each of them has a chance to sell rings that increase your Average Damage (i.e. 2-4 Damage), which is a massive DPS boost early on.


This tactic is only available in Season 22, and relates to the Shadow Clones that you get after clicking any shrine or pylon. The clones are AI controlled, high damaging allies that persist for 1 minute before disappearing, but are able to comfortably carry you on difficulties up to Torment VI for extremely fast leveling (~40-50 minutes with some luck and a good route).
To execute this leveling strategy, all you need to do is check for shrines at specific waypoints in Adventure Mode — ones that are relatively safe and will not risk your character's life. Once you find the clone, simply run around the zone and let him wreak havoc, leveling you up with a tremendous speed in the process. Note that the Shadow Clones scale with your equipment, so you can check vendors to supplement their damage with some very basic equipment.
The following is a list of relevant waypoints (note that they are not fixed spawns, so move down the list if you do not find one):

Challenge Rift Completion and Kanai's Cube

After your character is created, head to the Game Settings menu, go into the Challenge Rifts and start the current weekly run. Note that you have to have completed at least one Greater Rift on your account (either in non-seasonal or previous seasons) to have Challenge Rifts unlocked. Challenge Rifts are a weekly challenge that provides a fixed character and a build (usually using quirky skills and/or heavily unoptimized stats and items), and challenges you to beat the Greater Rift completion time of its original owner.
The completion of the Challenge Rift is usually trivial and can be completed either solo or in a group, and will net you a Challenge Rift Reward cache. Open it up in-game with your brand new seasonal character and claim its contents: Death's Breaths, a couple hundred of each of the base crafting materials, Blood Shard, a couple million gold, and 15 each of the Act-specific bounty cache materials. With your newfound riches, upgrade both your Blacksmith and your Mystic craftsmen in town to their maximum rank.
Your next important step is to acquire Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube is found in The Ruins of Sescheron - the waypoint in the top right corner of the Act III map. From that waypoint, run left towards the city and make your way around the ruins; one of its far corners (typically upper right, lower right, or lower left) will have the entrance to the next zone, the Elder Sanctum. Once in the Elder Sanctum, make your way through the zone, practically to its other end. When you find the Cube and click it, it automatically transports itself back to town.
While you are at it, take a look at the Kanai's Cube guide for additional details on its use - it is an incredibly important part of your character progression at any point of the game, so make sure to acquaint yourself thoroughly with its properties.

Which Item to Craft and Extract in the Cube?

One of the strongest early game boosts that you can obtain while leveling is to craft a yellow (rare) level 70 item at the blacksmith, then try to upgrade it into a valuable legendary at Kanai's Cube, and finally extract its property for one of the Kanai's Cube legendary power slots. Note that this strategy is stronger for some classes over others, particularly favoring Demon Hunters, Necromancers, and somewhat Barbarians. The remaining classes can skip this step and directly go to gambling, sparing themselves some disappointment and saving some materials for level 70, since you can do this recipe exactly once at the Season's start (you only have so many Death's Breaths).
When choosing which rare item to craft, keep in mind that you are looking to upgrade them into a legendary that provides some form of skill damage multiplier that will skyrocket your leveling efficiency. Every class has a different set of valuable items to attempt for:





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:



Note that this part of the leveling strategy requires some amount of luck for non-DH and non-Necromancer players. Leveling in a group minimizes the risk of RNG screwing everyone over, but sometimes you will be unlucky; this is nothing to be bothered by, as leveling in Diablo is still a fairly easy and straightforward process.
If you are lucky, however, and obtain one of the items outlined above, you will have just about enough Death's Breaths to use the Extract Legendary Power recipe in Kanai's Cube. Do that, and then slot the (now maximized) legendary power of the item in the Cube, netting yourself a considerable leveling bonus. Needless to say, adjust your build accordingly to the legendary power, i.e. if you get Guard of Johanna as a Crusader, make Blessed Hammer your main damage dealing skill throughout leveling.

Spending the Challenge Rift Blood Shards

Your next step is to try and gamble for valuable items from Kadala at level 1. Since not every legendary is available right from the start, the legendary item pools for some classes are restricted in a beneficial way to obtain another strong damage multiplier right from the start. If you do not consider the legendaries listed for your class particularly attractive, you can always gamble for Helms for a considerable chance at obtaining Leoric's Crown; extracting its power and socketing rubies in your helmets throughout leveling will net you a hefty amount of extra experience.





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:




Crafting a High Level Rare and Reducing Level Requirement

Pick a two-handed weapon category of your choice (2h Axes, Maces, Swords...) and craft a level 70 weapon of the chosen type. Avoid class-specific weapons, since they add a class-specific roll to the secondary stat pool (i.e. Max Fury), making this strat harder. You are looking for a roll with:
If both these stats are present, you have eliminated a large part of the possible Secondary stats on the weapon. Thus, you can easily reroll the other Secondary stat (the one that is NOT the crowd control stat) into Reduced Level Requirement - making the item wearable up to 30 levels prior to level 70. This is a tremendous damage increase for a large chunk of your leveling process.
Of course, if you are very lucky, the Reduced Level Requirement can roll onto your crafted item outright.

Complete a Boss Bounty

An easy early boost to your character in Seasons is to check your bounties for any easily completed act boss killing bounties - the most famous examples being Zoltun Kulle (at the Archives of Zoltun Kulle waypoint) and Maghda (down from the Road to Alcarnus waypoint) in Act II. Another option is Azmodan at the very end of Act III. Simply run past the mobs and go straight for the boss kill.
The boss bounties reward you with a Diabolic Hoard chest that is guaranteed to drop you a couple of rare items; they will boost your overall character power nicely right at the beginning.


Torment VI Traps Method

Turn the difficulty up to Torment VI and go to the Halls of Agony Level 1. Run and dodge past monsters that come in your way until you reach the falling blades traps; there, lure the monsters towards these traps and watch as they get slaughtered, netting you tremendous experience.
This method, while extremely efficient time-wise, is also (arguably) quite unfun and counter-intuitive, not to mention prone to mishaps. Needless to say, this strategy is not Hardcore-friendly and will result in the (frequent) death of your character.

Via Massacre Bonus

You can also consider leveling via Massacre bonuses — a very potent strategy in solo play. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties - and not during Rifts.
To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones - the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I), and, most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian, Blessed Hammer for Crusader, Multishot for Demon Hunter, Wave of Light for Monk, Locust Swarm for Witch Doctors, Blizzard for Wizards).
While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

Via Cursed Chests

This is one of the faster methods, clocking in under the 1 hour mark with experienced groups that have a Necromancer with them. The reason for the inclusion of the Necromancer is the supremely strong class-specific legendaries that are able to be gambled from the get-go — namely, Grasp of Essence to amplify the damage of Corpse Explosion, and Bloodtide Blade to amplify the damage of Death Nova. Either of those lucky finds can carry an entire group on up to Torment VI difficulty. Ideally, the remaining teammates will support the DPS carry with buffs and as much crowd control as they can muster.
The preferred way to level through Cursed Chests is to have individual party members make their own games, and invite the rest of the group when they stumble upon one of the Cursed Chests from the list below. Note that Act IV has no suitable spots.

Via Rifting

For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty "hand-in" bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.

And this is it! Thank you so much for reading this megathread and my guides! Good luck and have a great Season 22!

submitted by the_deadset to Diablo [link] [comments]

Over Heaven Copypasta - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure : Over Heaven - DIO's Thoughts

"Dio, no matter what happens, live nobly and with pride. If you do that, you'll surely be able to go to heaven." I wonder if my mother, who always used to tell me that, did indeed to go heaven in the end? Although she lived at the bottom rung of society, she lived with a pride that she never lost over the whole course of her life. But while that may be true, being so, especially being so, no, rather because she was so, I do not think she obtained a ticket to heaven. I don't think so. She was noble, proud, as well as pure, righteous and beautiful, and actually even goddess-like, but at the same time she was a hopelessly foolish woman. I hated that hopeless foolishness. Take this, for example: While we were so impoverished we would be worried about eating meals that day—While both she and I, her son, were in an environment where we suffered from having empty stomachs, she shared the paltry sum of money she had worked to earn with hungry children in the neighborhood. And not just with children; with elderly people or sometimes animals. She gave charity and blessings to such "weaklings" like it was her duty. What's the word... "Kindness.” She would scatter that sort of thing freely to those around her. What was that if not foolish? One can't help but hate it. Her way of life where she would put herself—as well as her family— second was certainly noble and proud, but in that bottom-rung town, there was no one to assess that nobility and pride. Depending on the place, like where the joestar family lived, that sort of idyllic country town, such character would be reasonably recognized... but in that town that was worse than a ditch, to be honest, she was a laughingstock. 10 The children who took her charity as well as the elderly people all laughed at mother. They roared with laughter like they were seeing a thoroughly entertaining hilarious joke being played. And when I heard that laughter, I didn't really have much animosity to it. They were absolutely right, I thought. Enough so that I wanted to laugh right along with them— My anger towards my mother took precedence, so I of course didn't do so. But that's to the degree that I felt so. My mother was foolish. Helplessly foolish. Be that as it may, as you might expect, being the son of the mother who was being made fun of, I was sometimes looked down on. And I couldn't just let those people that were laughing at my mother get away with it, but when I did that, my mother scolded me. Rather than the ones that were laughing at her, she would scold me that got angry. "You mustn't do that, Dio. You must not live relying on violence like that. If you do such things you will not go to heaven." Thinking back, it was like it was her favorite phrase. Words themselves have concrete meanings. Maybe they were something like an incantation. Her simply saying those things left an impression on me. She need only to say the word "heaven," and it felt like she might be saved-I had to think that, because otherwise that woman's feelings were completely incomprehensible to me. No, even if I did think that, understandably, she was undoubtedly impossible to understand, but.thinking back on it now, I feel that it probably brought a reasonable amount of light into her life in which she was constantly laughed at. But anyhow, she, my mother, took every opportunity to say that to me as a young child. If you do this, you can go to heaven. 11 If you do that, you can't go to heaven. Heaven, heaven, heaven. And every time, it irritated me-my childhood mind learned severe irritation. I thought of them as irrational words. I couldn't forgive my mother. That's why whenever I would see my drunken father commit violence against my mother, it actually made me feel relieved. "Serves you right,” I thought. Thinking about it now, it seems rather foolish a young child, I liked my father more than my mother. I felt my low-life, insignificant, hopeless father was far better than my noble, proud mother. If my mother was a "giver" or perhaps a "donor,” then I think I could say my father was a "taker.” Thinking back on my connection with the joestar Family, a fated connection spanning over 100 years, his habit of stealing may have been the impetus.What he "took" from George joestar was the cause. I never once saw him work. I never saw him work or earn anything for himself. Through random gambling, swindle-like acts and extortion, he "took" cash and food from people in town—he never "earned," he only "took.” He was always doing that. The way he lived his life up until his death was the exact opposite of my mother's. And in that town, the one that was right was my father. My father's way of living was honest and correct. At the very least, I thought that the way my father lived so uninhibited and cunningly was cool. I wouldn't say I looked up to him, but I would say I respected him. It really does seem foolish looking back on it now, but.I was not in my proper senses, but I thought of the way he lived as very skillful. He was always taking from the weak. And in response to necessity, or even not in response to 12 necessity, he would beat other people. For me, a still-innocent child, one could not be "stronger.” I watched him. He was strong, stylish, and cool. In that broken-down slum of a town, knowing that my father was such a person was my life's greatest, and my life's only pride. But my mother repudiated that. She downright criticized it. "Dear, please stop. Let's go give back all the money you stole. You mustn't do these things. If you do things like this you won't be able to go to heaven." Whenever she said that, she got hit. A foolish woman got foolishly beaten. When she collapsed, he would violently kick her and throw liquor bottles at her. I only found out about it later, but my little brother or little sister that could have been was lost to that violence, apparently. It's a cruel story. It's a cruel story, isn't it? It surely is. But among that daily violence, she was forthright to the end. In that life at the bottom rung of society, in that terrible environment, she talked about justice, ethics, and morals. She held dearly those things that served no purpose at like they were treasures. I wish she'd have just shut up. At the least, I wish she'd have overlooked my father's actions.— If she'd just done that, she would at least have escaped his violence. No. When I think of my father in his drunken frenzies, you probably couldn't escape completely no matter what you did.But when I was a child, in an attempt to do that, I would stay quiet and get away from him when he drank. And that would minimize the amount of damage I received. 13 A child could figure that out, but she never did it. Quite the opposite. When my father was drank heavily and got drunk off his ass, she remonstrated him. "You mustn't drink so much liquor." And the like. She would say obvious things like that. She would get hit and say obvious things— What exactly was going to come from saying things like that? If you thought about it, it should've been easy to figure out. Seeing her try to talk to my father despite the fact that she did nothing to defend herself from being beaten couldn't be expressed as anything but humorous. It's strange. I cannot help but question it. Even if she couldn't escape the scorn, she should at least have been able to escape the violence.So why didn't she? Is it as I thought, she was simply foolish? Because she wasn't smart? Was my mother really a hopeless idiot? That is wrong. Now that one hundred years have passed, I know that is wrong. Now that I know the so-called outside world and the next world. It's true that my mother at least had intelligence and education— Even while in poverty where I could not go to school often, the one that taught me various things in place of a teacher was none other than her. It is because I had that basic education that I was able to live with such determination later. I never once thanked my mother for that while she was alive, though-I didn't think that such an "education" could serve any purpose, but if it weren't for that I seriously doubt I could have lived at that refined Joestar home. I never cared about my mother's bloodline, but when I did investigate, I found that that woman may have actually come from the upper echelons of society. 14 If I am allowed to say something a bit prejudiced, her refinement and dignity and that piety of hers were at the very least not born out of poverty. They must have been things born out of a life of luxury. But why would such a woman marry that father or why she fell into this miserable town, I cannot call anything but mysteries. Speaking of which, my father once told me something while drunk. Something about him eloping with my mother. And, "How's that for love and romance?" and some worthless drivel like that.I dismissed it as drunken nonsense, but I don't know whether or not it was actually really true. I ignored it as it seemed like an incredibly hard story to swallow, but although I can't confirm it as true, it may not have been nonsense either. Perhaps that father of mine said something truthful.Though there's no way to find out now. "Dio, don't blame your father. Your father is really a kind person. He just shouldn't drink. If he'd only quit drinking, I'm sure your father would work diligently." Now this was nonsense, I thought. My mother said such things to me with a serious look on her face.It took all I had not to cry out against that. I wanted to ask how she could possibly be so foolish. He's really a kind person? If only he stopped drinking? How or where could you look or in what way could you try to explain it in order to think in such a way.? All I could think was that my mother had lost her mind from being beaten too much. If one assumed that, one could even say that they were actually a very well-matched couple. But really, no matter how you thought about it, they were an incredibly mismatched couple. Despite living as the wife of that low-life father, for my mother who made it a principal to do good-- who aimed to go to heaven, must have been tantamount to torture. Or perhaps for her, that was the most "charitable" thing she could do. 15 Perhaps she thought that getting close to that father of mine, to remain married to him for life, was a mission given to her by God. Something along those lines. It's an audacious hypothesis I have no basis for, but unless I think it was something like that, I really can't understand it. Her life was far too incomprehensible. She was the laughingstock of the town, but she still tried to help him. She was beaten bloody by him, but she still tried to serve that father of mine. Every day, she worked to the brink of collapse. And seeing as one day she really did collapse and passed away, I really can't understand her. In the end, I wonder if she did get to heaven? I don't think she did. Surely, she couldn't go anywhere. She had nowhere to arrive at and nowhere to go back to. 16 2 There may be a way to get to heaven. Since some point, I started thinking like that. At the very least, I didn't think about it as a young child.And the heaven I am talking about here may not be the same heaven my mother was talking about. But anyhow, at some point I started thinking in such a way. When I say "at some point,” when I'm vague about the time it occurred, it is not particularly because I'm unsure of when it happened. Nothing of the sort.Rather, I know quite clearly and with great confidence when that moment was. It was when that witch, Enya the Hag, presented me the items the "Bow and Arrow" and I gained my Stand, "The World.”.... To be precise, it was when my Stand ability "The World" awoke. "The ability to control time." Like gears meshing, when that ability that was incredible even for me awoke, I simultaneously was convinced.No, I suppose saying "convinced" is going too far. I only say that because it's easier to understand that way. Though it's not actually how things were. At that point, it was purely a "maybe" level of thinking. But, I thought it. I thought it. That there may be a way to get to heaven-I thought in that manner. So when I say "at some point,” I'm saying that I started at that time and place, but looking back on it now, ever since then I've been searching for a way to get to heaven. For that purpose. I even thought that I was alive solely for that purpose. I thought that that was my goal in life. 17 At the very least, the four years I've spent on the surface after living for nearly a hundred years at the bottom of the sea have been all for the sake of going to heaven. I need to see heaven. I must go to heaven. I thought in such a manner, did I not?— So it's most likely that I started thinking it ever since I gained my Stand. That there may be a way to get to heaven. And I searched for it. .Perhaps in that mother's place, in my foolish mother's place, I'm trying to go to heaven? Perhaps I'm trying to seethe scenery of heaven and report it to my mother? No, that's wrong. Absolutely wrong. Even now, I think of that mother of mine as foolish—Irrecoverably, hopelessly foolish. She lived in that manner. It's no surprise she died. If I'm speaking about her, I could say that it was death from pushing herself too far and overwork; I could say she was beaten to death by my father's routine violence, even if those weren't it; whatever it was, with the way that woman lived, it was likely impossible for her to live a long life. She died while being laughed at. She died while being beaten. But even so, until the end, she never blamed anyone or begrudged anyone. "Dio, no matter what happens, live nobly and with pride. If you do that, you'll surely be able to go to heaven." An implausible idea, to the end. Until the very end, that woman kept saying that to me. Even at the point of death— she said that. I think that was perhaps a very sinful thing and such. I do think that. 18 I don't think it specifically because it was done to me, that town that even hell was preferable to, to force one's own child to live righteously was mostly just abuse. Compared to that, I do believe my father was more honest. For that town, he was right. "Take the things you want. "Go swipe it from over there. "Earn your own cost of food.” That's exactly right. Truly "right.” I have nothing to object to. Compared to that, the dreamlike things my mother said.What I wanted to learn from my mother was not things about heaven and God, but more practical things that could be made to use right away and allow me to survive the day. And of course, I said that. That there's no such thing as heaven. That this was hell, and that was all there was. And when I did, Mother made a sad face. "You don't understand because you're still a child. When you grow up, I'm sure you'll understand." She said. "Heaven does exist. And there is a way to get there. So we have to live for the purpose of doing that." Why? Even if there is a heaven, why did I have to live for the sake of it?- And being told I was just a child was of course not going to convince me. Towards a child, because it's a child, the only way to end a conversation is with violence. Rather, to such a child, a child that doesn't understand anything, forcing them to do such a thing is unreasonable, I thought. And I still do. 19 My mother's coercion really was abnormal. She never showed any sign of it, but I wonder if perhaps my mother was emotionally distressed. Living such a painful life, living such a rock-bottom life, maybe living in such a manner was the only way she could maintain her sense of self.It seems probable. Heaven, that's the key word. For her, that was salvation. If that was the case, as I thought, she was just foolish.-I can only think that she became mentally ill from her empty stomach and all the violence. If she had lived until I was a bit older, then rather than use violence like my father, I perhaps could have used logic to convince her and perhaps release her from that curse. No, I'm sure I would have been able to. I'd have said that that lifestyle of hers was mistaken. I would have been able to convince her. But in reality, I was still just a small child. And she died quite abruptly. We buried her in a crude funeral, and I doubt she was able to get to heaven. Even on the day of the funeral, my father got drunk. "You can't help what's dead. What, do you think because if you have a funeral, they'll come back to life? You idiot..." My father's opinion, that point of view, I thought must be right, as I expected. I didn't feel very sad. Rather, I felt refreshed. For mother, this should be good, I thought. Yes, good. She was finally able to die. She could finally rest easy. That's what I thought. Even so, I really don't think she was able to get to heaven, but— even just being released from hell should generally be enough. 20 3 And unfortunately, I do not think I can get to heaven. At the rate I am going, I don't think I'll be able to get there. I am searching for how to get there. And as I am now, I've half found it, but.I have already obtained the Stand "The World,” the one-way ticket to heaven, but as things stand, the way I am now, it does not seem I will be able to get there. That is the conclusion I must come to. Though I am not giving up, I currently am forced to admit that it will be difficult.It will be difficult for me to get there on my own power alone. What I require is a friend I can trust. He must be a human that can control his desire. He must be a human without desire for power, hunger or for fame, or lust. He must hold God’s laws in higher esteem than he does man's laws-Will I, Dio, ever be able to meet such a person? What one could call antithesis of me. That kind of person. No, I must meet him. I must meet such a friend. That is why, in preparation for meeting him, I am recording information in this notebook. "How to go to heaven.” And no matter what kind of events may come to pass, I am writing in detail in order to have the persuasive power to denote whether or not I reached the "way to get to heaven.” Leaving behind such a record is dangerous.If this notebook were to be seen by, for example, someone like my old enemy jonathan Joestar, it would be an unsavory situation. I do not want such people to know of my "goal.” 21 If "he" or "they" knew of it, they would be sure to try to prevent me from reaching it.Of course, if they do interfere, all I need do is find and defeat them, but I am not currently prepared for that. I am still not completely accustomed to this body I stole from Jonathan one hundred years ago. In a word, I am "unsound.” With my stand, "The World,” I am still confident I could defeat them, but be that as it may, when I consider my pride in such things, I realize all too keenly my humiliating defeat one hundred years ago. So recording "how to go to heaven" like this is exceedingly risky— but it is a risk I must venture to take. This is not something that will do to only be in my head; to be something only I understand. It is necessary for me to organize it and put it into writing so friends I have yet to meet are able to understand that method. So even if I am gone— that method can still be realized. Taking up a pen like this at all is something I have not done in quite a long time.Perhaps it will do some good beyond organizing my thoughts. How to put it... Yes, it reminds me of my days as a student. My time as a student when I pretended to be jonathan's friend. There are a great many things that I must do. I will likely have to travel the world in order to find my yet-unfound friend.And I will have to do it with my own two legs. It may have been one hundred years ago, but in this world one hundred years in the future, finding a person of such pure spirit is likely to be no easy task. And to win over such a pure person will be even more difficult.I cannot turn them into a zombie or embed a "flesh bud" in them. It must be a "person I can have complete faith in.” It seems ridiculously unlike me to do such a thing.A sickening degree of difficulties lie ahead for me. That is why a record is needed. An objective record. A point of view not based on my opinions.
submitted by TeamFortressReborn to copypasta [link] [comments]

A bit of Demonology (and History): The Seven Deadly Sins

So the Hazbin Hotel team confirmed the presence of seven circles in hell, each representing one of the seven deadly sins. For now only two have been shown/nominated, the circle of pride, where the sinners souls reside and the circle of greed, where Loo Loo Land is. Since Lucifer and Mammon have been said to be the rulers of the respective circles we can expect the Hell of the HHU (Hazbin Hotel Universe) to follow the classical hierarchy of the seven princes, each ruling one of these circles. I have decided to bring out my knowledge on Demonology to present to you a bit of infos regarding the demons associated with each sin, to help with theories, OCs or simply for anyone that wants more clarity on demons that have appeared or might appear in the show. Because I study history and not necromancy an important portion of this post will regard the historical origins of each demon (who are just as interesting as the demon itself, trust me). The list changes from source to source, so I will present the demons that I understand being the most well recognized in each position, at the end I will put a little description of two other demons that have been named in similar hierarchies.
Pride > Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar, the bringer of light, the angel of betrayal, ruler of Hell. Lucifer is the most well known of all demons, and is regarded as the angel that rebelled to God and was thrown out of from heaven. The crime is different from source to source, but always involves hubris, either he refused to bow down to humanity, considering himself to be superior to them, or he wanted to dethrone god (or, in Paradise Lost, because he was jealous of Jesus). Lucifer is represented either as stunningly beautiful, having retained its angelic beauty, or as an horrifying monster that sometimes had a face on its ass. Neither would be true, since as a Cherubim Lucifer should have four wings, two of which hide its body, four heads, one human, one of a lion, one of a bull and one of an eagle, and goat hooves.
Lucifer in the HHU appears to have its traditional backstory of the fallen angel, plus considering the way it is dressed he also cover the role of the snake that tempted Eve (we’ll discuss about him later). While he is called only an overlord instead of the ruler of hell, he possess great power and authority, being considered the most powerful demon in Hell since he seems to have retained some of its angelic powers. Lucifer in the HHU has also married Lilith, a figure in Hebrew mythology who is said to be the first woman. God made her from mud in the same way as Adam, when she was told she had to submit to Adam and "be on the bottom" she refused , wanting instead to be treated equally. Her rebellion caused her to become a demon, and it is said she sired thousands of childrens with the demons of the desert.
Wrath > Satan. Satan, in many demonic hierarchies and list of demons a separate entity from Lucifer. Satan is referred as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and is usually portrayed as an hideous creature more than Lucifer himself. Satan is Lucifer in the end, both because they lack a backstory that differ from one another, but also because they were created in the same way.
Satan in the HHU hasn’t appeared, and while it has been confirmed he is a separate character from Lucifer we still know nothing about him.
Historically speaking neither Satan nor Lucifer exist. They were created from the figure of the angel Samael ("the poison of god") who was called "satan" in Hebrew, a generic term that means "adversary". Satan is used in the Bible many times to refer to humans, demons and angels. Samael had the job of being the adversary of humankind on behalf of God, testing their faith by opposing them. He is the angel that asked Abhram to sacrifice his son Isaac, that ruined the life of Job and wrestled with Jacob for an entire night.
The misunderstanding then came because of Isaiah 14:12, a passage originally talking of a Mesopotamian king who had fell out of grace, referred ironically with its title hêlêl, which means light of God or bringer of light. The Greeks translated it in phosphorus, and when it was translated in Latin it became Lucifer, except that someone put the capital letter at the beginning of it, transforming it into a name instead of an adjective, creating the fallen Lucifer. After that the Christian doctrine absorbed this new figure and fused him with the angel that tested humankind and with the snake that tempted Eve. The snake itself was not supposed to be an evil spirit, but simply a trickster. The serpent itself in near-east culture was a symbol of fertility and rebirth, but is disputed what he represent, with the most creditable theory being a metaphor for sexual desires, being a metaphor for the loss of purity (with the exchange of the apple being a metaphor for Sex) dehumanized as much as possible.
Only later demonologist split Lucifer and Satan in two characters, leaving Lucifer with the traits of the rebellious angel and using Satan as the incarnation of the negative inclinations and instincts inside of humans. The hooves of its Cherubim form would then also be used to associate and demonize pagan wild gods such as Cernunnos and Pan, using them to create the image of the classic devil as we know it, with goat hooves, horns, usually naked and with a visible erection (since these gods were also gods of fertility and sex).
Gluttony > Beelzebub. In some of the oldest texts, Beelzebub is put as the ruler of hell and all demons. Beelzebub is referred as “Lord of the Flies”, and while he doesn’t make children go insane and murder each other’s, he does incite men to all manner of sin, most importantly he causes men to pray to false gods, and is represented as a giant (and in my opinion metal as Hell) fly. According to many exorcists and demonologists Beelzebub managed to overthrow Satan as the ruler of hell, founding the order of the Knights of the Fly. According to Jacques Deplancy Beelzebub become the ruler of Hell, instituting a constitutional monarchy, leaving Satan to become the chief of the political opposition, creating both a House of the Lords and a Ministry of Justice, where Lucifer acts as the chief of (in)justice, with Alastor as its executioner.
Beelzebub is a political demon, created by demonizing the main god of the Canaanite people, Baal. Baal means “Lord” in the canaanite language, and is used to refer to multiple deities, but particularly to the god Hadad. The Canaanites and the Hebrews went many times to war, and because they worshipped different divinities from what they believed being “the true one”, they called the other False God and insulted their followrs. The name Beelzebub comes from the term Baal ‘al Zeebub, which means “Lord of the Flies”, used to insult Baal by calling him a pile of shit, and its followers flies. This is also why the most ancient texts put Beelzebub as the ruler of Hell, since their main enemy were the followers of Baal they saw them as demons, and him as their chief.
Lust > Asmodeus. Asmodeus is probably the most well known demon beside the triad that I already named. Asmodeus is a demon of lechery and hedonism, and encourages gambling. He is called the worst of demons, the husband of Lilith, and the king of all jinns. Asmodeus is seen with many traits, but mostly as a creature with three heads, one of a ram, one of a bull and one of a human. Asmodeus commands an army of demons, and Solomon actually once tricked him into creating the Temple of Jerusalem, even if sometimes the act is attributed to Baalzebub, controlled by Solomon with his ring.
The name Asmodai is believed to come from aēšma-daēva, from the ancient Avestan language (a proto-Iranian language connected with the Zoroastrian religion), meaning “demon of wrath”. The figure of aēṣ̌ma (or Aeshma) is well recognized as the demon of wrath in Zoroastian, and while the addition of the component daēva to the name is redundant and not attested, it does exist in both Zoroastrian and Middle Persian, so it is entirely possible.
The frequent use of Asmodai as an evil spirit in Semitic folklore is actually very important for the scholars since it proves the influence Persian Zoroastrian beliefs had on Judaic theology and mythology. Also u/The-J-Man141 made an fantastic OC of Asmodeus, and I am going to be deeply disappointed when it will looks different in the show.
Envy > Leviathan. The leviathan is known as a giant marine creature, a giant and powerful monster that will emerge from the sea during the Last Judgment to devour the souls of the damned. In the meantime, he endangers God’s creation by threatening with the rising of the waters. The Leviathan is supposed to be one of three mighty beasts, the others being the Behemoth and the bird Ziz.
In the HHU a character by the name of Seviathan von Eldritch has been mentioned. He is a noble demon and the ex of Charlie. We still don’t know enough about him to confirm whether he is the only reference to the serpent or not.
Leviathan is the dragon of Semitic cultures. The Leviathan is the incarnation of marine storms and chaos, and is recognized as the sea-serpent Lotan, servant of the sea god Yam, killed by the father god Baal Hadad. This act represent how the god bested the forces of chaos and nature and became ruler of the world, which is also reflected in the way Yahweh defeats the Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1. All cultures and ancient religions possess a snake-like creatures, monsters or god, roles spanning from symbols of fertility, to incarnations of the most destructive forces of nature and chaos. The reasons of which are disputed, the most reasonable one ties them with an innate primordial fear of snakes and reptiles, inheritance of our ancestors mammals, the other is the discovery and misinterpretations of dinosaur fossils isby ancient cultures, although their influence in the Palestinian area is disputable.
Greed > Mammon. Mammon is a demon of wealth and greed, often taking the place of Treasurer of Hell (and ambassador of England in its spare time). There aren’t many depictions of this demon, but is seen as a man that holds a purse full of gold, tempting men with material wealth.
While Mammon has not appeared in the HHU he seems to own both Robo Fizz and Loo Loo land, and seems to be in charge of Hell’s bank, since his face appears on moneys. The face that appears on moneys and at the end its signature suggest that he looks like a jester, and that both Fizzaroli and Robo Fizz have been inspired from him.
Mammon has a simple history, with his name being the Hebrew word for Money and Wealth. In the bible and other texts he is personified many times, most famous is the phrase “You can’t worship both God and Mammon”. He is a metaphorical “false god”, being a representation of the evil that is caused by “worshiping” money and wealth. Basically Jeff Bezos is a disciple of Mammon.
Sloth > Belphegor. Belphegor is a demon that suggest to humans ideas for inventions that will make them rich, and corrupts men by promising them wealth. While he is represented very little, in the Dictionnaire Infernal he is depicted as being on a toilet, with the expression of someone that didn’t ate light the last evening. He is also said to be the ambassador of France.
Belphegor name comes from a Moabite god, also called Baal because as I said it just means “lord”, associated with an event of heresy known as the heresy of Baal Peor, described in likely biased details in Numbers 25:1–15. He was apparently worshiped as a phallus and its cult involved orgies. It is not clear why he gained such importance to become one of the princes of Hell.
Astaroth. In the Lanterne of Light the demon Astaroth takes the role of Prince of Pride. Astaroth is a Great Duke of hell that rides a mighty dragon. Often paired with Beelzebub and Lucifer in an evil trinity that opposes the holy trinity. He possess a possibly poisonus breath, and is said to seduce men by making them lazy, doubt themselves and by making them overthink. If a conjurer manages to bind him, he teaches mathemathical sciences and handicrafts, he also has power over snakes and everything unseen. According to Jacques Deplancy he is the treasurer of Hell and a Knight of the Fly.
Astaroth comes from the goddess Astarte, the Phoenician goddess of fertility and war, written as Astoreth in the Bible. Fun fact, Astarte is the Hellenized form of the Babylonian goddess of love, war, fertility and magic Ishtar. Also also som Phoenician merchants brought her cult to Greece, and the Spartans liked her so much they started worshipping her, calling her Aphrodite, the Athenians then stripped the aspect of warrior goddess.
Abadon. In the Lanterne of Light the demon Abadon takes the role of Prince of Sloth. Abadon is said to be the Archangel of the Bottomless Pit. He controls an army of monstrous locusts that will rise during the Apocalypse. In Greek he is called Apollyon, while in latin its name is Exterminans. Abadon is often put in contraposition to Sheol, a realm of shadows where the souls of the dead reside, also used as another name from Hell, suggesting either that either he is himself a realm of destruction or destruction itself. He has also been called the angel Muriel, who performs his destruction on God’s behalf, and will bring the souls of humanity to the location of the last Judgment.
Abaddon comes from the verb ’ăḇāḏ, which means “destruction”. It’s used many times and probably has the same origin as Mammon, where a word is personified so many times that is then taken as an individual entity, or in its case as a place of pure destruction. It is one of the most confusing demons, and the lack of informations we have on him doesn't really help.
Feedback and corrections welcome!
submitted by marcsimo to HazbinHotel [link] [comments]

14. The Lord's Prayer

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ASPIRATION: It's Story time. Today we're going to talk about 3 things: Ritual, Tokenization, and The Lords Prayer. So, we've established in the past that ancient religion is a an astrological allegory, hybridized with a number of concepts, or nam-shubs that established standards for society, health, and psychological care. But one thing we haven't talked about is the dogma that surrounds these. The standards, the rituals. Why is dogma and ritual a desirable trait? That question isn't rhetorical.
ANGER: Its a helpful vessel for encoding, socially?
GNODENTA: Consistency?
ASPIRATION: Both correct, but there is a deeper individual reason.
COMMUNITY: Grounding and connection to all the others who do/have used the same?
INTROSPECTION: Dogma can be desirable if the principles are virtuous.
THALIAN: It reinforces belief.
ASPIRATION: You're all on the right wavelength, we're interested in this case with the underlying principle in here, like always, so lets explore that. When a person quits smoking, they are most successful if they set a day, remove all the paraphernalia, and tell others of their plans. One of the most successful treatments for alcoholics is a group setting that reinforces certain ritualized behaviors as well.
ANGER: Accountability, in that case; both personal and social.
ASPIRATION: Accountability is certainly half of this. What's the other half?
ANGER: Commitment?
ACTION: Motivation.
BORACLIES: Validation?
THOS: Discipline, willpower.
ASPIRATION: Those things are all involved. But importantly, and something our modern society is quickly losing… is ritualization. Compounding social and personal choices with an aspect of holiness. Baptism, for instance, in the classic sense utilized otherwise meaningless ritualized movements in a social setting to impart holiness. Dunking yourself underwater is not meaningful. Tokenizing that act, with supporting dogma and ritual reinforces a decision made on the part of the individual being baptized. Psychologically you are aligning and inviting all aspects of yourself to reinforce a decision.
BERO: It’s a consecrating act.
ASPIRATION: Yes. Remember how we've talked about the breakdown of the bicameral mind? That process is by no means complete. While ancient humans may well have had a voice in their head representing the superego, we still have aspects of ourselves that are occluded from our consciousness. Are folks following?
GRANDIOSITY: Yes. One thing, though. I’ve heard studies show you have a greater chance of being successful with your goals if you tell fewer people about them.
ASPIRATION: Yes, there is an optimal number.
ANGER: Telling someone about a project has the same dopamine response as finishing it.
ASPIRATION: But you are almost completely unlikely to accomplish a difficult goal if you tell no one about it. We aren't talking about work projects, we are talking about undertaking a change that will involve new aspects of ourselves. So, if we can agree that we have parts of ourselves operating independently of our surface level desires. And we see evidence of this in our daily lives everywhere. Then you can understand the importance of ritualization. It gets multiple aspects of yourself to align on a decision. So, for instance, if I decide to quit gambling and whoring and become a godly, productive member of society because that is what my conscious self wants… But my emotional self gets deep gratification from these things, and my aspirational self is telling the story that I am a top notch ladies man and excellent gambler. Then I'm not likely to be successful, I haven't brought those parts along.
Nearly universally, we see religious organizations codify abstinence from sex to the greatest extent possible when joining, can anyone tell me why?
THALIAN: Is it because sex is too gratifying and is biologically equivalent to ultimate success?
ASPIRATION: Close, the church doesn't want your to kill the sexual urge; It wants you to reassign it. It wants you to assign your sexual urges to more fervently serve the church. To use a very powerful driver of behavior to service this new way of life, the churches "body". This is why nuns marry Jesus, and are considered holy. This is why priests are supposed to be celibate entirely. And this is why ultimately most cults seek to harness the sexual drive toward the leader.
The task is hard. Nearly impossible, especially since the context for these choices has been almost entirely lost. But, in the early church, where the shared context was well understood - it was easier.
Is anyone here aware of the concept of "contemplation" in the early catholic tradition?
INTROSPECTION: It's the idea of being aware of the divine through intuition almost, seeing God. It's kind of an offshoot, in modern times, though.
ANGER: It's usually achieved with prayer or meditation.
ASPIRATION: Yes, in practice it is a deeply almost erotic act. It is sitting, full attention to God, and allowing yourself to be completely enraptured by it. But the energy used for that complete mind and body vibe was sexual in nature. Not bodily, but mentally. Another way to describe this, because we don't have a context in modern western society was tantric.
It is the assignation of the sexual part of yourself to more fully appreciate the communion with presence. Making love to the universe, in other words, with your psyche. The church understood, the acts a person must undertake that result in presence are difficult, and can be occasionally quite boring. This is why peter, in his letters to the early church, tell the members to abstain if they can, but if not, to only have one sexual partner. The boring quality of marital sex was considered a feature, not a bug.
BERO: But not to confuse it tantric is from Hinduism not Christianity which you are saying is the church?
ASPIRATION: I am saying the word tantric because we don't have a western word for it. It is simply assigning your sexual self and your sexual energy to the act of being present.
BERO: Just don’t want to get that confused when people say church I assume they’re referring to Christianity.
ASPIRATION: I am referring to the early christian church in most cases because that is the font of most of our remaining western nam-shubs. If I were speaking to an islamic audience, I would be using early islam. The point I'm currently trying to get across is this. Being present is hard it can be scary. The early church knew this, and sought, through ritualized behavior, social reinforcement, and tantra, to incentivize all parts of oneself to align on that goal. This is why the incense, the arcane language, the mortification, the sexual denial, the regular meetings, even the architecture all serve to deliver a person to this state.
A state of grace.
Or, as we would call it now, a state of presence. This is the goal. When they they say the path is narrow, they mean the path to presence, when they say god, they mean "what is" which you can only witness if you are present. What I've been doing in here over and over again is to allow you to let go of this idea that early religions were stupid. They were not. But as the early context was lost. We replaced the original meaning of the ideas which are ineffable because they are off the map with concrete concepts. God went from all that is to a dude.
INTROSPECTION: Were they mostly all blind men and an elephant?
ASPIRATION: Exactly. It wasn't that the keepers of the faith were blind. It's that they had to describe ships on the water to people who had never considered the idea of a ship before. Just like I'm trying to do in here. They used the context around them to create a narrow path. So that members would be forced to stumble on them.
THOS: So you're saying a lot has gotten lost in translation?
ASPIRATION: I'm saying that even then, there wasn't a translation. And I'm saying that now, with the cultural context that they had now lost to history, you're very unlikely to get what they were trying to say.
We started, originally, with Lilies of the field. To show how much that concept has been lost. Or the fact that not many people alive today know what this hell original sin is all about. So what I'm trying to do in here is create a path using a modern context. Same path, new metaphors. So, lets jump on the elephant in the room, that big, rhino-y, almost universally misunderstood word. God. How, in the bible, does god describe himself when he shows up?
THALIAN: The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End.
ANIATIO: Father.
ASPIRATION: Ding to all. So, god comes by and says. Yo, I'm everything. And we, 2000 years later, hear it as. You mean a bearded white dude? And from there, any hope of process toward what the church was trying to do is lost. God isn't a personality, or an intelligence, or a person in these ancient traditions. It is quite literally everything, personified. The universe as a relatable... thing. This is why god doesn't have a voice, or rather, uses the metatron to speak.
The act of prayer is very different now than it was, because we're tangled up in this idea that he is our literal dad, and we need stuff from him. Originally, asking for stuff in prayer was considered very taboo. Asking for stuff in prayer reinforces the wrong idea. Namely, that you need something you don't already inherently possess. Everybody following so far? Because we need this context under us. God is what is, dogma around god is a social construct designed to grease the skids toward an enlightened place. That you cannot be told about, you must experience. This is why the church makes the rest of your life boring. Mortification and self flagellation, ritual, social reinforcement, all pushing new members toward a space where they can become present using as many aspects of yourself as they can.
The word "Father" in this case simply means "that which I am issued from". Early beliefs thought that life was in semen. The father literally was carrying around your life. This is why the church doesn't like birth control. So, here we are, ready to start interpreting some very old shit.
The Lord's Prayer Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; they kingcome come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
With this new understanding underneath us, lets parse out some famous religious ornamentation. Let's start with The Lords Prayer. Which is supposed to contain the ENTIRE teaching in a nutshell. The lords prayer is a portable church, in other words. Let's start with the first line: Our Father.
Our father is a call to orient one's self appropriately. The stressed concept in modern context is 'father', But the early stress was on 'our'. Jesus drops this line, in the story. To help you know where you stand. You stand, equally, with everyone else. A more clunky way to put this, unpacked, would be something like:
"We know that if we do this together, we have a better chance of reinforcing contemplation and enlightenment, we are all equals in this task, and even Jesus is just another one of us"
"And so we all join together to do that, as we turn our contemplation toward all that is, which we are of course a part of"
THOS: So the "who" that follows is of less importance.
ASPIRATION: The who is deeply important, because that who is, by our closest modern approximation, "everything". So lets all get together, as equals, to contemplate that which is.
THOS: Yes, what I meant to say is the "who" isn't a person.
ASPIRATION: Yes. There is no who, only everything. And we're about to get there.... because.… "Who art in heaven". What is heaven, in the old testament?
THALIAN: Garden of Eden.
GRANDIOSITY: Heaven is a state, not a place.
ASPIRATION: No, that's presence, again. What is the first thing that is created, after the void?
ASPIRATION: Yes. Again, an incredibly densely packed allegory, genesis is. The first thing that is created is heaven. So for a very brief moment, all that is is simply "heaven". Earth is then created, and now we have a concept of time. because we have two things operating relative to one another.
INTROSPECTION: Because of before / after.
ASPIRATION: Yes. But God's first thing (God being everything that is) is to convert everything that is from a concept of nothing to something. Now, it's very easy for me to get of track here, because then earth is created and this becomes a shit-show of complexity I'm not ready to tackle today.
But "Who art in heaven" means: Yo, god is everything, that dwells everywhere.
How we doing folks? We're getting pretty high concept here.
People respond that they are tracking.
GRANDIOSITY: Well, I’d believed that Heaven was a state, not a place.
ASPIRATION: It contains both of those. It is all places and all states. It is also all non places. Earth is created to symbolize duality, and the concept of time, but it is in heaven.
INTROSPECTION: It is all everything.
ASPIRATION: Yeah, that one will explode my brain if I go down that path, so lets take it slow.
THOS: Wait, wait. Heaven has no concept of time or does it?
ASPIRATION: No, there is no time if all states are included. This goes back to the lesson of time being a lie that represents two objects in relationship to one another.
INTROSPECTION: Heaven contains Earth because it is all encompassing, and exists. Then earth is created, again introducing the arrow of time. But heaven existed if you will outside of time. So it contains earth.
ASPIRATION: Bang, right in the kisser. So, "Who art in heaven" means that is everywhere. And we are really, just barely scratching the surface of these two simple lines. Digging into it deeply in a disassociated ego forward state will break you, because, of course, it is designed to. The point is this, with the proper context, this prayer is designed to break your sense of self and cast you into a present awareness state. We're going very easy on it right now, because we've only just restored enough context to make this nam-shub potent again.
And for the lurkers, who are just getting into this. This is not a religious channel, and I am not a religious man, I'm not peddling Christianity.
So, lets get back on track. Who art in heaven simply establishes the dwelling place of life. Which is... literally translated, everything, everywhere, all the time. Now we get to some truly psychedelic shit. "Hallowed be thy name". Here is where the juices really start flowing. Can anybody tell me what's weird about the name of God?
ANGER: The name never really translates, does it? There’s never a right term. We can only approach the word.
ASPIRATION: Exactly. And the name of God is supposed to have all of this power, right? But for some reason it's unutterable. Yahweh is god's nickname. Gods real name is supposed to have indescribable power. There are entire sects who have taken this literally and spend all day trying to figure out gods name. In the Hindu tradition, dying with "gods name" on your lips is supposed to stop the karmic cycle and give you everlasting life.
GNODENTA: In the romance languages, like French, Dieu has a little more meaning when you look at the latin roots. It's something like "to shine". But then again, that's not designating a being but rather a sensation or perception.
ASPIRATION: BANG. The name of god is everything that is. To be able to speak it means you are one with everything that is. It is unutterable because it is everything.
THALIAN: I am that I am.
ASPIRATION: Yes. So, to be capable of speaking gods name is to be completely enlightened, or completely present. This is why god isn't named in the prayer. Otherwise it would be quite simple to say Hallowed is the name "Jeff".
So, hallowed. That's the name. That's a name we all really want. That's the goal, man. The name of God. The next few lines are declarative statements, not requests. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. We aren't asking for these things, we are acknowledging them. On earth as it is in heaven. Again, not requests. Statements. Not, gosh, we really want these things. But damn, we already have these things. How can we see it? Well, I'm glad you asked.... because! Give us this day our daily bread. What, the fuck, does this line mean? We've talked about bread in here. Specifically the bread called Manna. Manna is an unleavened bread the Jews used to eat. But why daily?
INTROSPECTION: Manna, nourishment from heaven. Given to the Israelites.
ASPIRATION: Yes, and what happened when the Jews collected it, instead of trusting that it would show up the next day?
INTROSPECTION: It spoiled and was corrupted. So it's needed each day, and supposed to be consumed that day.
ASPIRATION: Yes, and storing it is a form of original sin. Storing manna means you are trying to judge what will happen. You're forgetting you're the pond. You are not present, you're worried about the future. You're not a lily of the field.
INTROSPECTION: The lily doesn't labor. All is provided, by God.
ASPIRATION: No, the lily is holy, because it doesn't dwell in a state of dualism. A lily is all that is, it doesn't judge itself separate.
INTROSPECTION: It exists, it doesn't concern itself with the future?
ASPIRATION: Yes. A lily doesn't know that it isn't God. Original sin is simply this: We developed the belief that were were not God, and it kicked us out of the paradise all other things enjoy; the freedom from the fear of death. The everlasting awareness of the present.
This helps you see that original sin doesn't mean you are bad. It means you are pitiable. And everything, all the time, is trying to get you to step away from that tortured state. Just, go be a lily, man. lift your face to God "what is" man, don't store manna, man. Give no thought to the morrow, man. The bible is an astrological metaphor, the stars a cast of characters all designed to "wash you" of dualism.
The goal is enlightenment. All the literalism destroys the goal, so the bible looks arcane and cruel. And we aren't done... because: on earth as it is in heaven. Again. Declarative, not pleading. Asserting. On earth as it is in heaven. It's already done, dualism is a lie.
GRANDIOSITY: So, dualism is then the involvement in both the present and the future, and the path to enlightenment involves letting go of that involvement in the future.
ASPIRATION: And the past.
Now, we get an interrogative. The first request in the whole damned thing. Lead us not into temptation.
ACTION: To a degree this connects with the whole food-thing. We were so preoccupied to make sure Aspiration was able to survive later down the line with meals that we did not consider if he was hungry now. We were so preoccupied with hording we didn't just be.
ASPIRATION: Finally! I get to check that ding off the list: DING.
COMMUNITY: Speaking of, we should really make sure the list is done so Aspiration can eat.
ASPIRATION: The metaphor has accomplished it's goal. I'm going to get a sandwich. A few days fast was good for me and serves important things further down the line. But now I'm going to eat.
So. Temptation. Simple. Direct. Don't drag my ass into dualism. Deliver me from evil. Same interrogative. Evil, sin. Original sin. "To miss the mark." Evil, the devil. Lucifer. The morning star, luceferian, the illuminated one. It just means knowledge, my dudes.
Lucifer wasn't cast out, he became dualistic. Lucifer was the most beloved of the angels. The head, Gods favorite. And he was disconnected, or cast out. As a metaphor for the dangers of living in original sin. Of living apart. With judgement, but not wisdom. He's not a bad guy in the story. He's still gods favorite. He endures it because he can.
ASPIRATION: Yes, Lucifer is an allegory for man. Or rather, the state of man. Headstrong, dualistic, knowledge seeking. Egocentric. And apart from all that is, in fact, singular in being apart.
INTROSPECTION: Our exit from heaven, given our meaning, and subsequent focus on the self, creating dualism.
ASPIRATION: Along with all people, yes. This is why he is known as the "great liar". Because he lies, he introduces dualism where it doesn't otherwise exist.
And that state? Of believing you can be apart from all that is? It's a clever hell.
End story time.
When we're done, my hope is that you will have enough context that nam-shubs will become functional again for you. And when you're anxious, you'll be able to think of a lily, re associate, and calm yourself.
Because when you understand the context, it gives the power back.
That's why the bible, and really all religious texts are called "living words" If you have the underlying thesis down. They can really slap you right in the face.
Alright, I'm out of here. There are a few people right behind me in here, so if you have questions, ask them.
Introspection fields questions in Aspirations absence.
ASPIRATION: Introspection, when you have time can you field questions?
PARAMIA: What does being present mean other than not worrying about the future?
INTROSPECTION: Absolutely. Okay so… Present isn't just about the future. It's a description concerning our awareness of who, what, where we are. And really that we think we are individuals but really are part of something else, a connected everything. Present is almost being fully in the moment that exists outside of time, if that makes sense? From my understanding, today's story was designed to teach us the context used when prayers, today in Christianity but other times in other religions, were written.
Essentially, there is a sort of universal truth and story, that many religions have seen and tried to format into a roadmap for followers. Each may describe it differently, or have different instructions, but beneath them is a story that we too can see. Without the context of what the instructions mean though, they are hard to follow.
PARAMIA: Isn't the concept of ego death pretty much what its getting at?
INTROSPECTION: I think there's a strong element of that. But, again I could be wrong here, it's also a recognition that we exist, but exist not as a duality. We are not separate; even though ego exist kills self-identity. But you may be more right than I am there, Paramia.
PARAMIA: But, again I could be wrong here, it's also a recognition that we exist, but exist not as a duality. We are not separate. Also can you simplify this? I don't exactly understand.
INTROSPECTION: Yeah. My interpretation is that we believe we exist in a duality, or perhaps as a duality. We believe we are separate from the whole. Like you were saying with ego-death, there is no self. Self removes us from presence even, in my mind. Duality is a necessary evil me thinks. Plurality, but it's still illusory; the experience is the same teleologically.
submitted by maleficentmay to TheBookOfOctober [link] [comments]

The Nine Hells of Baator: I made the layers unique with themes v2

After my last post ( got so much positive feedback, I decided to flesh out things even more.
I wanted to add additional Archdevils that were not part of my first post. Therefore, I had to redo some of the ones I posted before. You can either use the old one or this one, whichever you prefer. As mentioned before, I am preparing a campaign set in the 9 hells of Baator. And reading through the material (special thanks to kami1996 who did a fantastic work bringing the nine hells to life in the Atlas of the Planes), the layers felt very samey, Fierna and Glasya are nearly indistinguishable, etc. The goal was to make each layer as distinct as possible by applying a theme to each layer while still staying as close to the source material as possible. So I came up with these different descriptions for each layer.

Layer General look Earth Elevations Water Vegetation
Avernus Battling waste Basalt/bones/skulls Meteor Craters Rivers/lakes of blood Thorn bushes
Dis City Metal and Concrete Skyscrappers acid None
Minaurus Nature Clay, humus, peat Thick jungles/giant trees oily brown swamps rotten trees/bushes
Phelgetos Fire Obsidian/Brimstone Volcanoes Rivers of lava/ fire
Stygia Cold Water Ice Icebergs Dark blue Ocean Algae and seaweed
Malbolge Living slate covered by flesh giant bones, abscesses bodily secretions Hair, bones, teeth
Maladomini Decay Marble Ruins filth, excrement withered plants
Cania Freezing Mountains glaciers and snow Mountain ranges Ice Crystaline trees
Nessus Hot Deep Pit Limestone Giant Stalagmite Deepest Black Fungus

Layer Air Smells Sounds Precipitation Sky
Avernus brown smoke Dead bodies Eternal fighting Meteor showers red
Dis Thick grey smog Exhausts Construction Acid rain no sky visible
Minaurus humid green fog Pestilence Animals dying Oily razor-sharp hail very bright yellow
Phelgetos yellow haze Sulphur, burned flesh Screams green lightning black
Stygia clear salty water Silence none clear blue
Malbolge very humid sweat/blood wet gurgling/munching bodily secretions pink
Maladomini arid stench of filth flies buzzing dust storms green
Cania thin air, white fog Ice and snow Wind blowing Blizzards White with a blue sun
Nessus Mirages Moist caves Rattle of chains Hot rain Deep purple

Now I came up with a purpose for each one. I like to think that Asmodeus planned the 9 Hells to become a paradise. He wanted to show the gods how he would create an utopia. So everything should serve a higher purpose and work together. At least in theory:

Layer Theme Purpose Basis of Economy Home of Common Non-Devils
Avernus Battlefield Defence Mercenaries Bearded devils All different kinds
Dis Industry Industry Weapons Bone devils Constructs
Minaurus Exploitation Trade Resources Barbed devils Wererats
Phelegtos Pain Justice Punishment Chain devils Succubi and Incubi
Stygia Memories Graveyard Archives Amnizu Hydroloths
Malbolge Addiction Entertainment Narcotics Erynnies Rakshasas
Maladomini Bureaucracy Education Waste Disposal Horned devils Oozes
Cania Arcana Research Magic Ice devils Frost giants
Nessus Dominion Government Tithe Pit fiends None

Next is a description of some interesting locations to visit on each layer. Most of the locations can be found on the forgotten realms wiki ( or in the posts made by kami1996 . The ones marked with an asterisk are new inventions and I tried to name them as good as possible. If you find some of the names corny or have better ideas, please comment.

Layer Location Purpose Description
Avernus Zariel's Fortress Home of Zariel Giant Flying Fortress
Bel's Forge Home of Bel Volcano
Wandering Emporium Market and Bazar Travels between Avernus and Material Plane
Styx' Watchtower Watchtower Protect Styx and Hells from demons
Stygian Dock Maintenance The flying fortresses/machines need fuel
Various Home of Warlords Infernal War Machines and Fortresses
Dis The Iron Tower Home of Dispater Can be seen everywhere in Dis
Acid Lake and Giant Wall Fortification Acid moat and giant wall surrounds city
Mentiri Prison and Police Criminals get here their control collars
Anivillus* Greatest Factory Factory for largest infernal war machines
Necromunda* Greatest Hive Slaves live and die here, shoving coal in furnace
Skyweb* Calculation center Titivilus and Lilis use it to predict future
Various Bazars and markets Weapons, armours, machines
Minaurus The Sinking City Main City Home of Mammon's Palace and Coin Mint
Mammon's Palace Treasury Deep in under City, covered by swamp
House of Gold* Coin Mint Where the infernal coins are produced
Soul Market* Greatest Market Where everything can be bought, even souls
Blight City* Home of Wererats Connected to many other planes by tunnels
Veku Tree* Giant rotten tree Black resin oozes out and spreads illnesses
Various Giant Excavators Surface Mining, some are rusty and overgrown
Phelegtos Abriymoch Main City Home of Fierna and Belial
Hall of the Righteous* Infernal Court Supreme Court of all hell
Pit of Flame Place of torture Where petitioners and devils are tortured
Jittering Hiter Home of Chain Devils Was once in Minauros, now in Phlegetos
Blackheart* Combat Arena Some are punished to fight to the death
Shriver Soul extraction Purified souls are processed to Stygia/Minauros
Various Small Settlements Hunt down and capture escapees
Stygia Tantlin Main City Build around Tomb of Levistus
Tomb of Levistus Home of Levistus Here Levistus is imprisoned forever
Great Memory* Archives Underwater archives of hell run by Amnizu
Dasperan* Imprisonment Powerful Demons are imprisoned forever
Gloreia* Remembrance Devils can sponsor sculptures to show worth
Exibitar* Art Market Outsiders visit through Styx and trade
Various Small settlements Small towns of people with no memory
Malbolge Ossiea Main City Fortress of Glasya
Hair Forest Labyrinth Surrounds Ossiea
Tower of Pain Punishment Place of pain and joy
The Garden of Delights* Pleasure Be trapped forever
Palace of Splendour* Treasury Take the wrong coin and be transformed
Circque Desolat* Entertainment Circus and freak show
Various Small settlements Addicts indulge their desires
Maladomini Malagard Main City Home of Palace of Filth
Palace of Filth Palace of Baalzebul Covered in excrements, full of treasures
House of Madness* Bureaucracy Try to get permit A38, I dare you
Carnival Eternal Ancient ruin Run-down and grotesque amusement park
Offalion Diplomacy School for hell politics
Grenpoli Treachery School for bargaining with mortals
Toxic Wastes* Landfill Leaking barrels in poisonous swamp
Various Ruins Relicts of ancient great cities
Cania Mephistar Main City Home of Court of Mephistopheles
Court of Mephistopheles Palace of Meph. Built of ice
School of Hellfire Research facility Everything is kept secret, students get killed
Frost Gardens Meeting Ground Mesmerizing and beautiful ice sculptures
Nebulat Home of Ice Devils They try to invent the "plume" to rival hellfire
The Pit Connection to Nessus Guarded by 9999 Ice devils
Various Mining Colonies Looking for frozen Lemures
Nessus Malsheem Main City Largest City in outer planes
Fortress Nessus Home of Asmodeus Government of all hells
Forgotten Lake Styx in Nessus Its existence is surrounded by myth
Tabjari Citadel of copper Contains one of three copies of Pact Primeval
Serpent's Coil Deepest rift Myths say that here sleeps the true Asmodeus
Bensozia's Rest* Mausoleum Here lie the remains of Asmodeus' wife
Various Military camps Millions of devils held in reserve for end times

Now that we have important locations, let's look at the inhabitants. I imagine hell as the opposite of paradise. In Christian mythology, hell is the place furthest away from gods love. It is an awful place because the sins of the devils turn good things bad. Or in other words: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So I tried to use this idea as much as possible. I imagine that in a parallel world all of the Archdevils could be Archangels. That they could be paragons. But their flaws corrupted them and created hell, where they punish themselves (and others). I also tried to tie their desires and their failings to themes that are related to the layer.
One major difficulty was Fierna and Glasya. They were too similar. Each with overbearing fathers, no real power, promiscuous, had something to do with law and punishment, etc. I tried make them more distinct. Fierna, still a sexy she-devil, is in complete charge of her layer, including her father. She tries to bend the law because everyone is a sinner in her eyes. She is punishment incarnate and demands nothing but total obedience. She will use every tool to break you, including seduction and emotional control. Then she will rebuilt you and you will become her willing slave and maybe one of her favorite pets. Glasya is more about excess and indulgence. She is a rebel by heart and hates her controlling father. She would do anything to piss him off. She wants you to free your mind, to explore your senses in every way. She will never condemn you except when you hold back. She sees it as her duty to fulfill your wishes. And every time she does so, your desires will become more and more extreme.
So, here is a list with the most important devils and citizens of hell. And yes, before you ask, I ate one thesaurus after the other.

Layer Name Race Position Short summary
Avernus Zariel Archdevil Master of Avernus Fallen Angel, hates demons
Haruman Narzugon General of Zariel Followed Zariel voluntarily
Olanthius Death Knight General of Zariel Suicide but was resurrected
Bel Archdevil Second to Zariel Knows what to do but afraid to act
Tiamat Godess God of Dragons Dragons rather fight each other
Arkhan the Cruel Dragonborn Priest of Tiamat Wants to free Tiamat from Avernus
Dis Dispater Archdevil Master of Dis Paranoid Iron Duke
Titilivus Archdevil Second to Dispater Feeds Dispaters paranoia
Lilis Archdevil Consort of Dispater Spymaster with large network
Helob Construct Fabrication Manager Comes from Mechanus
Minaurus Mammon Archdevil Master of Minauros Wants money and Glasya
Focalor Archdevil Second to Mammon Wants Mammon but gets none
Glwa Erinyes Consort of Mammon Wants to replace Glasya but fails
Bael Archdevil General of Mammon Brutally sacrifices his soldiers
Melchon Cambion Head of Soul Market Cheats everyone
Phelegtos Fierna Archdevil Master of Phlegetos Subjugates your body and soul
Cenobar Chain Devil Grand Tormentor Best Torturer of all of Baator
Zapan Pit Fiend Stewart of Fierna Gives Fierna all the attention
Galgub Amnizu Master of Duels Lords over Gladiator Pit
Belial Archdevil Infernal Judge Lusts for Fierna and she uses it
Balan Narzugon Attorney General There is no innocence. Ever.
Gaziel Amnizu Devils Advocate Being guilty is a virtue
Stygia Levistus Archdevil Master of Stygia Imprisoned and has given up
Erridon Alaka Ice Devil Second to Levistus Mind-linked to Levistus
Zanth Amnizu Master of Memory Oversees the Archives
Geryon Archdevil Renegade If I cannot have it, I destroy it
Harchura Ice Devil Artist Makes your statue and kills you
Agares Amnizu Second to Geryon Sides with anyone to be master
Malbolge Glasya Archdevil Master of Malbolge Lady of excess and pleasures
Tartach Archdevil Second to Glasya Likes how Glasya rules
Gerlor Tiefling Consort to Glasya Supplier of drugs; long time associate
Kalha Cambion Master of Ceremony Best parties in all hell
Malagarde Night Hag Is now Malbolge Wanted everything then ate it
Moloch Imp Exiled but came back Listened to Malagarde, twice
Maladomini Baalzebul Archdevil Master of Maladomini Wants so much but does nothing
Lilith Archdevil Consort of Baalzebul Good with numbers
Baftis Erinyes Head of Grenpoli Wants Baalzebul for herself
Neabaz Archdevil Spreader of mandates Wants to make Layer great again
Cania Mephistopheles Archdevil Master of Cania Thinks he knows everything
Baalphegor Archdevil Consort of Mephisto. Thinks she knows something
Quagrem Pit Fiend Head of University Knows Hellfire and kills students
Hutijin Pit Fiend Protector of Cania Thinks Mephistopheles is a god
Bele Narzugon Justicar of Cania Only Law is true, all else flawed
Adonides Ice Devil Steward of Cania Studies the mortal world
Nessus Asmodeus Archdevil Master of all devils Fell and wanted to create Utopia
Bensozia Archdevil Consort of Asmodeus Wanted to help and got killed
Baalberith Pit Fiend Major domo of Palace Wants to please master too much
Adramalech Archdevil Chancellor of Hell Cannot let things be

Layer Archdevil Good at Fails at Because of Results in
Avernus Zariel Conquest Order Wrath Chaos
Haruman Victory Control Indignation Strife
Olanthius Subjugation Discipline Disloyalty Insubordination
Bel Strategy Peace Cowardice War
Tiamat Cunning Unity Distrust Discord
Arkhan the Cruel Plotting Alliance Rage Division
Dis Dispater Fabrication Ingenuity Paranoia Unimaginativeness
Titilivus Calculation Optimism Pedantic Pessimism
Lilis Information Progress Secretiveness Stagnation
Helob Construction Invention Inflexibility Imitation
Minaurus Mammon Trade Love Greed Emptiness
Focalor Negotiation Friendship Moroseness Loneliness
Glwa Exploitation Harmony Appeasement Imbalance
Bael Capitalizing Brotherhood Callousness Malevolence
Melchon Exchange Trust Cheating Distrust
Phelegtos Fierna Manipulation Righteousness Intolerance Depravity
Cenobar Torture Innocence Sadism Immorality
Zapan Punishment Honesty Bigotry Falseness
Galub Censure Purity Cruelty Impurity
Belial Judgement Justice Lust Injustice
Balan Accusation Neutrality Fervour Prejudice
Gaziel Accusation Fairness Solicitude Unfairness
Stygia Levistus Remembrance Freedom Despair Imprisonment
Erridon Alaka Memory Emancipation Fickleness Enslavement
Zanth Honor Independency Inflexibility Dependency
Geryon Fame Forgiveness Envy Vengeance
Harchura Reputation Mercy Loathing Retribution
Agares Glory Hope Arrogance Hopelessness
Malbolge Glasya Diplomacy Satisfaction Rebelliousness Excess
Tartach Tact Happiness Adoration Debauchery
Gerlor Suavity Decency Recklessness Euphoria
Kalha Entertainment Humility Abusiveness Exuberance
Malagarde Trickery Ambition Gluttony Burnout
Moloch Survival Protection Disobedience Exile
Maladomini Baalzebul Administration Creation Sloth Decay
Lilith Accounting Beauty Apathy Filth
Mysdemn Organisation Rebirth Frustration Inefficiency
Baftis Logistics Artistry Correctness Crudeness
Neabaz Proclamation Renewal Resentment Destruction
Cania Mephistopheles Knowledge Enlightenment Hubris Superstition
Baalphegor Intelligence Truth Frustration Delusion
Quagrem Science Education Selfishness Ignorance
Hutijin Lore Faith Infatuation Idolatry
Bele Expertise Believe Stubbornness Disbelieve
Adonides Research Guidance Unimaginative Disorientation
Nessus Asmodeus Supremacy Paradise Faithlessness Hell
Bensozia Sovereignty Utopia Doubt Nightmare
Baalberith Ascendency Perfection Anxiousness Imperfection
Adramalech Domination Excellence Spitefulness Inferiority

Ok, now that this is done, let's go into detail:


Avernus is a black waste where rocks, stones and meteors fall like rain from the sky. Huge Craters dominate the landscape. The Styx mixes itself with the blood of the victims and runs like veins through the layer. Zariel rules here and her soldiers are well trained and disciplined. As such, they are highly sought after, be it the lords and gods of other planes or the other lords of the nine. Which is good as she needs all the money she can get to keep the machines of war running. She promises victory, conquest, and martial prowess to her followers. Still, the irony is not lost: Avernus is the only layer not united and fully controlled by their lord. Independent warbands roam the layer in infernal machines and try to carve dukedoms out for themselves. The reason she cannot succeed is her wrath which consumes and blinds her. All she wants is to strike down demons and has no mind for logistics and political intricacies. An former angel herself, she doesn't understand that devils don't want to fight in Baator if they can avoid it. Why risk your immortality in some meat grinder when you can use yugoloths or hags? Of course, devils do what they are ordered. But they stick to the letter not the intention. Hold the position at any cost is a very malleable phrase.
This cowardice stems from Bel, the former duke of Avernus. Sitting in his forge, he thinks of all the things that need to be done, but he is too afraid to act. Even when he was lord of the 1st, he was never really in charge, only tolerated by the Dark Eight, Asmodeus' warmasters. Now he waits for a sign of Asmodeus or anyone else that his time might have come again and he would finally bring peace to Avernus. But to no avail. There is only war.


Once you follow the large tracks left by the infernal war machines to a cave and step through the portal that connects Avernus to Dis, you see a gigantic city located in the middle of a acid lake, surrounded by impossible high walls. This is the city of Dis. As you step closer, you find yourself suddenly in the middle of its streets. Although some of them are broad enough to fit the war machines, they are lined with impossibly high buildings. And every second they seem to close on you. You feel a claustrophibic dread between these gigantic structures that seem to be designed by brutal architects with a weird sense of beauty but none for scale. You try to look up but you get dizzy as you see that the tops are lost in the smog clouds that hang in the air. It smells of burned coal and demolition waste. The dust makes it nearly impossible to breath. From time to time acidic rain clears the sky and burns the flesh of everyone that doesn't take cover. Then you glimpse the eternally burning exhausts of innumerable furnaces and factories, where not only the weapons for the blood war are forged but also the gigantic infernal war machines are created. These are technological marvels that rival those of Mechanus and are overseen by one of its children, a construct named Helob.
In this strangely calculated realm, everything bows to the iron rule of Dispater. He sends legions of his constructs that resemble metal skeletons into the streets. Accompanied by flying sensors and commanded by loyal bone-devils, they search for any sign of disobedience. Paranoid, he doesn't trust anyone but his automatons and his most loyal devils. For Dispater, Flesh is weak. Steel is strong. While he upgrades his underlings with artificial limbs, those that have broken his laws are implanted pain chips and thrown in the bellies of the factories, where they shovel coal to fire the hungry furnaces. Dispater dreams of the perfect city, of innovation, progress and scientific discoveries. So he takes the greatest engineers and the best inventors that the mortal planes have to offer and uses them for his purposes. But the paranoia runs deep in his veins. They could think of a way to trick him. So they must be closely watched. They must be controlled. Tightly. Failure is not accepted. A tragedy, for free thinking and the ability to make mistakes is the basis for every research and innovation, the things he craves so much. He wants others to marvel at his achievements. But instead, they laugh at him. Or at least, that is what he thinks. For Dispater feels every friendly jab as a deep burn. So he retires in solitude and barricades himself behind iron gates and metal walls.
Here, Titivlus feeds his paranoia. This manipulative fiend creates conflicts that wouldn't even exist to show that he is the only one able to solve them. Lilis, Dispaters consort and head of the greatest spy-network in hell, knows of these machinations. She tries to warn Dispater regularly, but has lost a lot of good-will recently when she couldn't predict the Hag Countess' demise and Glasya's promotion.


Contrasting the artificiality of Dis is the nature of Minaurus. The layer is covered in giant swamps and bogs surrounded by impassable thicket and jungles. Undead or sick animals roam under rotten trees and attack intruders that have not already been consumed by flesh eating plants. Here, Mammon reigns supreme, the archdevil of wealth and greed. Deep at his core, he yearns for love and affection. Once, he had hoped that Glasya might fill his internal void. Glwa, Mammons newest cosort, who looks exactly like Glasya, tries her best to comfort him but she is too eager. She always wants to please him, which just annoys Mammon to no end. Also Focalor, his second in command, is unusually loyal to his master and seeks nothing but his companionship. But Mammon has long been blinded by the radiance of gold. Mammon's sole interest left is the search for material wealth. He seeks to possess all the coins, jewels, art, and magic items in existence. He even exchanges souls for riches. Then, deep within his palace in his private treasury, he buries them so that no other might ever enjoy their beauty. And his layer is the same. Below, under all the fiendish and deadly nature, lie resources of unknown wealth: coal, oil, metals, gemstones of every kind and size can be found. But Minaurus doesn't let you get them. Plants regrow at an alarming rate and cover up your progress. Razor-sharp hail will tear your flesh from your bones or destroy your digging machines. Many have tried to access the wealth below but only one constantly manages to succeed: Dispaters engines, for the Iron City hungers! Giant Machines with pumps and flamethrowers drink the swamps and burn the plants while colossal drills tear massive wounds in the layers crust. But do not worry, Mammon gets his fair share. But one must be careful. If something breaks and the engines stop, nature is taking its revenge. So is the layer littered with carcasses of these colossal excavators, half swallowed by the moors.
But Minaurus is not only a place of nature. In the middle of the largest swamp, fixed by massive chains to surrounding trees is the city of Minaurus. There, the coin mint is located and the largest Bazaar of all the lower planes. At the Soul market, lead by Melchon, everything can be bought for gold: slaves but especially souls. As long as you pay Mammon first. Rumors are that there exists a group of wererats that live deep within Minaurus under the protection of Mammon. These vermin of the planes burrow tunnels from their city of blight through the astral sea and ambush all the planes that they may reach. Their goal is to get all the valuables they can get and trade it for souls. Why they need the souls is not quite clear. But maybe this is just a myth.


This is the layer of eternal damnation, of fire and brimstone, of pain and punishment. Here, the souls of those petitioners are brought that do not follow the lawful evil ideals. They are tortured till only obedience and hate remain. Only then are they thrown into the Styx to forget every memory they ever possessed. Later they leave the river on their assigned plane, reborn as lemures. While the torture is not really necessary, it increases the quality of the product and the patrons, with whom these doomed individuals signed their contracts, persist on this service. Driven by zealotry, Cenobar and his Chain Devils from the Jingling Hiter enjoy their terrible duty. They relish the cries of the tormented and think of new ways to hurt their victims. But punishment is not reserved for mortals. Also devils that broke the law need correction. The severity of their sentence is decided by Belial, the infernal judge, who knows the laws of devils and the planes better than any being except Asmodeus. Advised by Balan and Gaziel, he decides about demotions, exile, torture, death, or the worst of all punishments: the deletion of their achievements from the records of Stygia. Because devils might get killed, but if they are also forgotten, then they are truly dead.
Like all other Archdevils, also Belial falls victim to his sin, his lust. It is so easy to abuse your position to sentence some a little less than others for a certain price. Especially those of beauty. And the most beautiful is his own daughter, Fierna. Oh, and she knows. Grace made flesh, she uses her advantage every time they meet. She loves how Belial falls victim to her games and how easy she can manipulate the old devil to get every one of her wishes. But her wishes are humble. She only wants utter devotion from everyone. For her, everyone is a sinner and needs to be punished. There is no innocence, only degrees of guilt. But don't worry, she knows how to redeem yourself. Like the puppies that surround her throne. Kept at a leash, they battle each other to be the first to fulfill the wishes she never even uttered. Once they might have been devils or mortals. It doesn't matter. They belong to her now. Like you will. Once she has broken you. First comes the pain. You try to oppose it. There is still hope, isn't there? A friendly voice in the night? A key, just out of reach? And then there is the opportunity. You grab the key, open the door. And you find yourself in the next torture chamber where chain devils already wait for you. And you realize that the friendly voice was one of the jailers all along.


The river Styx erases the memories of all that drink from him. And nowhere in the nine hells is its magic as strong as in the great ocean of Stygia. It is hard to concentrate and to remember why you came here. Quiet and silent, the layer is filled with a special kind of melancholy. A feeling of hopelessness with no way out. How easy it would be to end it all, to fall into the dark depths and forget that you ever were. Drown your sorrows. Escape it all. But there is no escape for Levistus, the eternally imprisoned. He stands motionless deep in his block of ice with no change of salvation. Once he envied all others for their freedom. But this is gone. There is nothing to hope for. There is just despair. Sometimes he hears minions of Geryon trying to break through the ice and failing. The envy that once tortured Levistus is now Geryon's companion. It sits so deep that he is jealous of one that has lost everything but his life. And Geryon is set on taking even that. He would rather destroy Stygia then bow to Levistus. If only he knew how much Levistus wants him to succeed. How the frozen lord wished that Geryon could end him. He seeks nothing more then to finally feel the sweet embrace of death. But this will never be, so decreed it Asmodeus. All that is left to the lord of Stygia is the past. Once he was a great leader, then came the betrayal and the murder of Asmodeus' wife. With his eidic memory he lives through all of his choices. The only respite are his games. Tasked with granting mortals a way of escape their certain doom, he sometimes takes grim pleasure in trapping them first. He lures adventurers with the promise of treasures to his icy jail where they will be frozen. Then they can choose: sign his contract or stay forever. But these are not the only prisoners of the great iceberg of Tantlin. Deep below there is Dasperan, where the most dangerous foes of Baator are held. Mighty demons that must not be killed, else they are reborn in the Abyss. Kept by chains forged in the fires of Phlegetos and bathed by the magic waters of the Styx, their body and mind shall be trapped for eternity.
It is said that at the bottom of the Styx you can find all the memories that it took away. In case of Stygia this might be true. Amnizu, the Styx devils, are immune to its touch. With the help of Hydroloths, they built giant floating structures deep within the ocean. There, large archives of all the signed contracts and of all the deeds and misdeeds of the devils, living and dead, are collected. Also, all available knowledge of their enemies or the mortals planes is stored here. This is the great Memory of Baator. To gain entry is nearly impossible. To gain access to the files, an application form has to be sent to Maladomini and signed. Next, Amnizu will copy the documents and blacken all confidential information before transporting it to the surface. Only then is it possible to view the information. But information is power and a reason why devils from other layers must visit this place every once in a while. And when they visit, they have no choice but to see the great monuments placed on the Gloreia. Located at the entry of Tantlin and overseen by Harchura, devils might be allowed to sponsor a statue sculptured after their own liking to place it there. To qualify for this honor, they must have proven themselves by accomplishing noteworthy deeds. Some of the memorials are made of cheap ice that will soon melt, some are made of more resistant materials. Wood, clay, gold, marble or steel are often used but the richest devils may use diamond, which will last forever. Created by the best artists from different planes, these sculptures are monuments to the achievement of their sponsors. For devils might fear death, but the statues will persist. No one may destroy or desecrate them, except Belial decrees it.


When you first set foot on this layer, you will be confused. Expecting a layer filled with dread, you instead found something that reminds you of the fields of Elysium. Rivers made of milk and honey flow between lush green fields where baked chickens run. Voluptous beauties embrace you and present fountains of wine and beer. What a welcome distraction. Especially now that you realize how tired and hungry you actually are. So, you might as well try one of the presented meals or drinks. Or play a game of cards? Test your luck on a slot machine? Where is the harm. Bliss lances through your body and you experience unknown happiness. You need more. And while you continue, the magic slowly fades and the true face of Malbolge is revealed.
Because once, the Moloch ruled this layer. Back then, it was lifeless desert where three suns burned the flesh while hunger and thirst drove its inhabitants to madness. The only source of food were other creatures and all water brought to Malbolge instantly vaporized in the heat. A pitty, because lemures can only hatch from the styx. No matter how many souls Moloch gathered, the birth-rate of lemures remained too low. So he asked his consort, the hag countess Malagard, for advise. She created bags of unholy flesh that would keep the water safe. Finally, lemures were able to grow in large numbers. But as new devils hatched, the citizens of Malbolge realized the captivating taste of their cocoons. Eventually, Moloch was exiled when Malagard advised him to defy Asmodeus and she became the new ruler of the layer. She had always been ambitous and Moloch's demise was long planned. But to rule the layer was not enough. She wanted more. Already addicted to the taste of the cocoons, she wondered if the lemures might taste the same. So she started to consume. Petitioners, devils, mortals. Her hunger was overwhelming, only amplified by the layers nature. She absorbed more and more while cancerous tumors and abscesses started to grow uncontrollably.
Today, it is not quite clear were the hag begins and the layer starts. Flesh and skin cover the earth that once was rock, teeth and nails grow at random spots and clusters of hair act as foliage. Eyes without eyelids follow your every step while ears growing everywhere listen. But the worst thing on this horrible layer are the devils and petitioners alike. Bloated figures, half fused to the layer, they eat the flesh, suck on teats and nipples, celebrate lustful orgies and drink rancid smelling pools of secretions while frolicking blissfully. For every new sensation is a new high. But the higher you are the more dulled your senses become. Strange artists form the flesh of their victims as if it was clay, always dissapointed as soon as they finish. They claw their own eyes out because the colors they once saw barely register now. Or they rip their tongoues out, now that they have lost all taste. Those that gamble always win but never succeed. This is the layer of addiction.
And in the middle of it lives Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus. She has her chambers in a gigantic skull surrounded by walls of bone. Together with her Steward Tartach and her associates from old, Gerlor and Kalha, she looks down on her subjects lovingly. How beautiful they are, the distorted and writhing bodies who scream in extasy and agony alike. In her realm, everyone is welcome and no one will be judged. Hierarchies only exist to serve the citizens. May they lose themselves in their pleasures until only bliss remains. Know that you will ever be alone again. For all are one. And all are Malbolge.


Once it was the crown jewel of all the layers. A place of ambition and pride. Still, Baalzebul was not content. He wanted more. But perfection is unattainable. The more he pressed, the less motivated his subjects became. They knew that no matter how good their work, they had to redo it all tomorrow. So why try. And they gave in to sloth. What you can do today, you can easily do whenever. Now the layer is a disgusting place full of ruins and filth. The stench of excrement fills the air and stirges fly around in swarms. It is the dumpster of the layers. They pay a high price to unload all their waste into Maladomini. And it would be filled to the brink if not for the layer above. Huge tentacles from Malbolge suck up what they can get to sustain its cancerous life.
Maladomini is home of the Grenpoli, where Baftis and her officiers teach the devils how to deal with mortals, while in Offalion the politics of the nine hells are taught. The capital of the layer is Malagard. It consists of labyrinthian structures that deny the laws of physics. Möbius bands connect towers, doors in the ceiling lead to the floor below while water constantly runs up and rooms exhibit angles that cannot exist. This is the home of the adminstration and bureaucracy of the nine hells, the domain of Lilith and her legion of lazy horned devils. They are in charge of applications and forms, of accounts and numbers. They issue permits and count the souls. But there is no art, no beauty, no creativity or efficiency, and, most of all, no hurry. They stick to regulations and rules, without reason or rhyme, unbending and unrelenting. And Baalzebul? The years have not been kind to him. Transformed into a giant slug as punishment during the reckoning, he rarely leaves his Palace of Filth and revels in his hate. He plans his revenge on the other lords and especially Asmodeus. And how to finally regain his honor! But for that, he would have to move. Or do something. Which, lets face it, is really exhausting. Maybe tomorrow. Or, you know, whatever.


The air is thin and hard to breath. Freezing cold fills your lungs while you stare in the white-out in front of you. Below you snow, above you white sky, razor-sharp ice crystals blow into your face and no amount of clothing can remove the feeling of numbness that crawls under your skin. Welcome to Cania. Miles deep glaciers on top of giant mountains ranges cover this layer. It is so cold that every source of water freezes. Even the Styx is frozen. So it is impossible for the Lemures to reach the river bank. Instead, the get covered by even more ice. So, Mephistopheles, the Lord of this layer, has to employ harvesting companies. In small towns, located in the middle of nowhere, they search for hidden veins of the river. They try to reach them with heated picks and axes. Some of the bigger companies even employ mechanical machines from Dis. The frozen lemures are then often brought to the capital Mephistar by frost giant and goliath tribes. The work is laborious but very well paid. For the Lord of Cania does not lack in wealth.
His arcane research is well known even beyond the borders of the Nine Hells. He only seeks the souls of the most powerful mortals: sorcerers, magicians, wizards, warlocks. His goal is to uncover all that is hidden, he searches for enlightenment and the truth beyond. Since ancient times, he considers himself the most intelligent of all devils, so who else might unravel the last mysteries of the cosmos? If not him, who else would be the chosen one? He was born to lead! It is pure circumstance that Asmodeus is still in charge. Asmodeus, he is nothing compared to the almighty wielder of Hellfire and the best Baator ever had to offer! Yes, it is hubris that has taken its hold in mighty Mephistopheles. He dreams of grandeur but is unable to see his faults. His pride is his undoing in every single plot against his master. And Asmodeus is quite entertained.


If Cania resembles the highest mountain ranges on the mortal realms, Nessus represents the deepest pits. Hot and humid, the place stinks of rust and stale water. Made of limestone, a cragged surface surrounds the pit where, according to legend, Asmodeus fell from the heavens. Today, there is a huge hollowed-out Stalagmite, the mighty Citadel of Malsheem that serves as the seat of Government to the Nine Hells. Run by Pit fiends, a non-devil is a very rare sight. Only with special allowance by the Lord of the Devils himself, are such creatures welcomed on the layers unholy surface. Asmodeus, whos amibition is so far above the others. He is the dark paragon for every devil. But not only them.
When the mortals still dwelt in darkness, he alone took pity. Once an angel called the lightbringer, he explained to them the true nature of the gods. His message was one of self-reliance, of free will and independence. He believed that once the mortals were enlightened, they would go and create the perfect world, free from the shakles of the gods. Free from consequences, the mortals turned on each other and the kingdoms fell, as did the angel. Now calling himself Asmodeus, he blamed the mortals, not his teachings, for the failure. For him, punishment was the only solution and the pact primeaval was signed.
Now, he has become a god himself. The god of Heresy. The god of Unbelief. The god of Atheism. He is a false idol to his worshippers, who do not believe but instead are bound by contracts. And still, he is unable to see the truth, blind to a simple realization: there can be no paradise without faith. People need to believe in something more than themselves. And an angel even moreso. This was the original sin that brought him down to Baator and which can never be forgiven. Like all the other Archdevils and Lords of the layers, Asmodeus is not the jailer, he is just the most powerful prisoner. And it is his sin of faithlessness that will forever bind him here.
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